Data Science in Financial Economics
We focus on developing and applying novel data science and machine learning methods in the field of financial economics. These methods are used to generate economic indicators from unstructured data, such as textual and imagery data, or web scraping. These indicators are then utilized in econometric analysis to address pertinent questions in financial economics.
Workpackage 1: Information frictions in financial markets
The asymmetric distribution of information is considered a key friction in economics. Different mechanisms aim to transfer information from the better informed to the less informed agent, where a question and answer (Q&A) setting is the most targeted form of information exchange. Employing a large language model approach, we seek to identify a lack of information content in answers to examine: How do markets react when they do not receive the expected quantity of information? Newly developed methods are free of firm or financial specific context, and hence, applicable to Q&A outside the contextual domain of financial earnings conference calls. An example of another setting are projects in this work package in which we study the role of financial analysts as information intermediaries. Applying these generally methods reveals significant valuation effects, when obstructing the flow of information, either in calls or reports analysed by novel large language models.
Workpackage 2: Real estate market liquidity and macroprudential risk-shifting
Real estate markets are crucial as they are major repositories of household wealth and serve as collateral for mortgage loans, making their stability essential to financial systems. Our research leverages a novel data set - the European Real Estate Index (EREI) - to monitor liquidity and early indicators of price changes across European markets. While Eurozone markets are influenced by a uniform monetary policy, they differ regionally in terms of their macroprudential policy regimes and economic factors. We explore how variations in national loan-to-value (LTV) policies affect bank lending, hypothesizing that simplistic LTV constraints may lead to suboptimal lending in less liquid markets. Employing a difference-in-difference analysis, we assess the impacts of shifts in macroprudential policies on the quality of loan collateral, while also considering external factors such as geopolitical tensions and environmental challenges. Our aim is to enhance the understanding of the effects of macroprudential policies on lending practices and to integrate considerations of real estate market liquidity into broader financial stability considerations.
Workpackage 3: Adoption to climate change and limits thereof
We aim to understand how companies adapt to climate change and the inherent limitations of these adaptations. Utilizing Austrian ski regions as a laboratory, our study examines how ski areas implement climate change mitigation measures, such as artificial snow infrastructure. We identify these measures using satellite imagery and combine this with detailed firm level data. Our research explores how affected regions, and the economic agents therein, collaborate to modify their local environments. We assess the impact of these modifications on employment and firm performance, and investigate how firm behaviour evolves when the limits of climate change adaptation are reached due to geographical constraints.
IWH Data Project: European Real Estate Index (EREI)
The IWH European Real Estate Database is a new dataset that illustrates the developments in the real estate market across Europe. The database includes monthly information, such as asking prices and listing details for sales and rentals, for 18 European countries between 2018 and 2024. A particular focus and novelty of the dataset is the possibility to assess real estate market liquidity, hence, the readiness with which assets can be sold within NUTS3 regions across major European economies.
Research Cluster
Financial Resilience and RegulationYour contact
Refereed Publications
Correlation Scenarios and Correlation Stress Testing
in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, January 2023
We develop a general approach for stress testing correlations of financial asset portfolios. The correlation matrix of asset returns is specified in a parametric form, where correlations are represented as a function of risk factors, such as country and industry factors. A sparse factor structure linking assets and risk factors is built using Bayesian variable selection methods. Regular calibration yields a joint distribution of economically meaningful stress scenarios of the factors. As such, the method also lends itself as a reverse stress testing framework: using the Mahalanobis distance or Highest Density Regions (HDR) on the joint risk factor distribution allows to infer worst-case correlation scenarios. We give examples of stress tests on a large portfolio of European and North American stocks.
Cryptocurrency Volatility Markets
in: Digital Finance, No. 3, 2021
By computing a volatility index (CVX) from cryptocurrency option prices, we analyze this market’s expectation of future volatility. Our method addresses the challenging liquidity environment of this young asset class and allows us to extract stable market implied volatilities. Two alternative methods are considered to compute volatilities from granular intra-day cryptocurrency options data, which spans over the COVID-19 pandemic period. CVX data therefore capture ‘normal’ market dynamics as well as distress and recovery periods. The methods yield two cointegrated index series, where the corresponding error correction model can be used as an indicator for market implied tail-risk. Comparing our CVX to existing volatility benchmarks for traditional asset classes, such as VIX (equity) or GVX (gold), confirms that cryptocurrency volatility dynamics are often disconnected from traditional markets, yet, share common shocks.
A Factor-model Approach for Correlation Scenarios and Correlation Stress Testing
in: Journal of Banking and Finance, April 2019
In 2012, JPMorgan accumulated a USD 6.2 billion loss on a credit derivatives portfolio, the so-called “London Whale”, partly as a consequence of de-correlations of non-perfectly correlated positions that were supposed to hedge each other. Motivated by this case, we devise a factor model for correlations that allows for scenario-based stress testing of correlations. We derive a number of analytical results related to a portfolio of homogeneous assets. Using the concept of Mahalanobis distance, we show how to identify adverse scenarios of correlation risk. In addition, we demonstrate how correlation and volatility stress tests can be combined. As an example, we apply the factor-model approach to the “London Whale” portfolio and determine the value-at-risk impact from correlation changes. Since our findings are particularly relevant for large portfolios, where even small correlation changes can have a large impact, a further application would be to stress test portfolios of central counterparties, which are of systemically relevant size.
Tail-risk Protection Trading Strategies
in: Quantitative Finance, No. 5, 2017
Starting from well-known empirical stylized facts of financial time series, we develop dynamic portfolio protection trading strategies based on econometric methods. As a criterion for riskiness, we consider the evolution of the value-at-risk spread from a GARCH model with normal innovations relative to a GARCH model with generalized innovations. These generalized innovations may for example follow a Student t, a generalized hyperbolic, an alpha-stable or a Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). Our results indicate that the GPD distribution provides the strongest signals for avoiding tail risks. This is not surprising as the GPD distribution arises as a limit of tail behaviour in extreme value theory and therefore is especially suited to deal with tail risks. Out-of-sample backtests on 11 years of DAX futures data, indicate that the dynamic tail-risk protection strategy effectively reduces the tail risk while outperforming traditional portfolio protection strategies. The results are further validated by calculating the statistical significance of the results obtained using bootstrap methods. A number of robustness tests including application to other assets further underline the effectiveness of the strategy. Finally, by empirically testing for second-order stochastic dominance, we find that risk averse investors would be willing to pay a positive premium to move from a static buy-and-hold investment in the DAX future to the tail-risk protection strategy.
Understanding CSR Champions: A Machine Learning Approach
in: Annals of Operations Research, 2099
In this paper, we study champions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance among the U.S. publicly traded firms and their common characteristics by utilizing machine learning algorithms to identify predictors of firms’ CSR activity. We contribute to the CSR and leadership determinants literature by introducing the first comprehensive framework for analyzing the factors associated with corporate engagement with socially responsible behaviors by grouping all relevant predictors into four broad categories: corporate governance, managerial incentives, leadership, and firm characteristics. We find that strong corporate governance characteristics, as manifested in board member heterogeneity and managerial incentives, are the top predictors of CSR performance. Our results suggest policy implications for providing incentives and fostering characteristics conducive to firms “doing good.”
Working Papers
How to Talk Down Your Stock Performance
in: SSRN Discussion Papers, 2020
We process the natural language of verbal firm disclosures in order to study the use of context specific language or jargon and its impact on financial performance. We observe that, within the Q&A of earnings conference calls, managers use less jargon in responses to tougher questions, and after a quarter of bad economic success. Moreover, markets interpret the lack of precise information as a bad signal: we find lower cumulative abnormal returns and a higher implied volatility following earnings calls where managers use less jargon. These results support the argument that context specific language or jargon helps to efficiently and precisely transfer information.