Currency Crises and the Stock Market: Empirical Evidence for Another Type of Twin Crisis
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
Applied Economics,
No. 29,
We explore the dependency between currency crises and the stock market in emerging economies. Our focus is two-fold. First, the risk of a currency crisis rises as the foreign stake in the domestic stock market increases. Successful economies with high capital flows into their booming stock markets especially are prone to stock market-induced currency crises. Second, we apply the dividend growth model to show that stock markets crash in the run-up to a currency crisis. This new type of twin crisis is empirically tested by employing a logit framework using quarterly data for 33 emerging economies for 1994Q1–2007Q4.
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Bank Credit Standards, Demand, Pro-cyclicality and the Business Cycle: A Comment
Á. Maddaloni, J. L. Peydró Alcalde, J. Suárez, Reint E. Gropp
Moneda y crédito,
No. 230,
We analyze the determinants fo standards and demand for loans to firms and house-holds over the last business cycle using the comprehensive and confidential Bank Lending Survery from the Euro area. There is significant variation of standards and demand over the cycle. Standards for business loans vary more during the business cycle than the lending standards for households, whereas credit demand from households varies more than demand from firms. Lending standards vary mainly due to charges in perception of borrower risk, bank balance sheet positions and competitive pressures. In particular, we find that higher GDP growth softens lending standards for all loans, i. e. lending standards are pro-cyclical. However, we also find pro-cyclicality in credit demand.
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Systematic Mispricing in European Equity Prices?
Marian Berneburg
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 6,
One empirical argument that has been around for some time and that clearly contra- dicts equity market efficiency is that market prices seem too volatile to be optimal estimates of the present value of future discounted cash flows. Based on this, it is deduced that systematic pricing errors occur in equity markets which hence can not be efficient in the Effcient Market Hypothesis sense. The paper tries to show that this so-called excess volatility is to a large extend the result of the underlying assumptions, which are being employed to estimate the present value of cash flows. Using monthly data for three investment style indices from an integrated European Equity market, all usual assumptions are dropped. This is achieved by employing the Gordon Growth Model and using an estimation process for the dividend growth rate that was suggested by Barsky and De Long. In extension to Barsky and De Long, the discount rate is not assumed at some arbitrary level, but it is estimated from the data. In this manner, the empirical results do not rely on the prerequisites of sta- tionary dividends, constant dividend growth rates as well as non-variable discount rates. It is shown that indeed volatility declines considerably, but is not eliminated. Furthermore, it can be seen that the resulting discount factors for the three in- vestment style indices can not be considered equal, which, on a risk-adjusted basis, indicates performance differences in the investment strategies and hence stands in contradiction to an efficient market. Finally, the estimated discount rates under- went a plausibility check, by comparing their general movement to a market based interest rate. Besides the most recent data, the estimated discount rates match the movements of market interest rates fairly well.
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Higher external economic risks for growth price stability in Poland
Martina Kämpfe
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Im vergangenen Jahr setzte sich das hohe Wirtschaftswachstum in Polen fort: Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt stieg um 7 vH. Gleichzeitig konnte die Inflationsrate auf das anvisierte Niveau von etwa 15 vH reduziert werden. Dem hohen Wachstum und den Fortschritten bei der Preisstabilisierung stand allerdings eine erhebliche Verschlechterung in der Zahlungsbilanz gegenüber: Das Leistungsbilanzdefizit verdreifachte sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, vor allem durch den weiteren Anstieg der Investitions- und Konsumgüterimporte, zugleich nahmen die spekulativen Kapitalzuflüsse zu.Die Geld- und Wechselkurspolitik konnte sowohl die starke Expansion der Importnachfrage als auch die gestiegenen Devisenzuflüsse nicht wirksam eindämmen. Im Ergebnis setzte sich die reale Aufwertung des Zloty gegenüber den Währungen
der Haupthandelspartner fort. 1998 werden die notwendig gewordenen Stabilisierungsbemühungen der Fiskal- und der Wechselkurspolitik das Wirtschaftswachstum etwas abschwächen. Die außenwirtschaftlichen Risiken bleiben bestehen, sofern
die Wirksamkeit der Geld- und Wechselkurspolitik auch 1998 beschränkt bleibt.
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