The Contribution of Employer Changes to Aggregate Wage Mobility
Nils Torben Hollandt, Steffen Müller
Oxford Economic Papers,
Wage mobility reduces the persistence of wage inequality. We develop a framework to quantify the contribution of employer-to-employer movers to aggregate wage mobility. Using three decades of German social security data, we find that inequality increased while aggregate wage mobility decreased. Employer-to-employer movers exhibit higher wage mobility, mainly due to changes in employer wage premia at job change. The massive structural changes following German unification temporarily led to a high number of movers, which in turn boosted aggregate wage mobility. Wage mobility is much lower at the bottom of the wage distribution, and the decline in aggregate wage mobility since the 1980s is concentrated there. The overall decline can be mostly attributed to a reduction in wage mobility per mover, which is due to a compositional shift toward lower-wage movers.
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Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2024: Deutsche Wirtschaft im Umbruch
Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, Oliver Holtemöller, Stefan Kooths, Torsten Schmidt, Timo Wollmershäuser
No. 10,
The German economy has stagnated for over two years, with a slow recovery anticipated in the coming quarters. However, growth is unlikely to reach pre-COVID-19 levels anytime soon. Decarbonisation, digitisation, demographic changes, and heightened competition from China are dampening growth prospects. GDP is projected to decline by 0.1 % in 2024, with increases of 0.8 % and 1.3 % in the subsequent years. Rising private consumption and improving foreign trade are expected to contribute positively to the economic upturn in Germany. Economic policy should prioritise reducing productivity barriers, facilitating structural changes, and lowering political uncertainty to support recovery.
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26.09.2024 • 26/2024
Joint Economic Forecast 2/2024: German economy in transition ‒ weak momentum, low potential growth
The Joint Economic Forecast Project Group forecasts a 0.1% decline in Germany's gross domestic product in 2024. Looking further ahead, the institutes expect a weak recovery with growth of 0.8% (2025) and 1.3% (2026). Compared to the spring forecast, this represents a down-ward revision of 0.2 (2024) and 0.6 (2025) percentage points. “In addition to the economic downturn, the German economy is also being weighed down by structural change,” says Dr Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, head of Forecasting and Economic Policy at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). “Decarbonisation, digitalisation, and demographic change – alongside stronger competition with companies from China – have triggered structural adjustment processes that are dampening the long-term growth prospects of the German economy.”
Oliver Holtemöller
Deutsche Wirtschaft im Umbruch – Konjunktur und Wachstum schwach
Dienstleistungsauftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz,
No. 2,
Die deutsche Wirtschaft tritt seit über zwei Jahren auf der Stelle. In den kommenden Quartalen dürfte eine langsame Erholung einsetzen. Aber an den Trend von vor der COVID-19-Pandemie wird das Wirtschaftswachstum auf absehbare Zeit nicht mehr anknüpfen können. Die Dekarbonisierung, die Digitalisierung, der demografische Wandel und wohl auch der stärkere Wettbewerb mit Unternehmen aus China haben strukturelle Anpassungsprozesse in Deutschland ausgelöst, die die Wachstumsaussichten für die deutsche Wirtschaft dämpfen.
Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte im Jahr 2024 um 0,1% sinken und in den kommenden beiden Jahren um 0,8% bzw. 1,3% zunehmen. Damit revidieren die Institute ihre Prognose vom Frühjahr 2024 leicht nach unten. Getragen wird die schmalspurige Erholung vom steigenden privaten Verbrauch, der von kräftigen Zuwächsen der real verfügbaren Einkommen angeregt wird. Das Anziehen der Konjunktur in wichtigen Absatzmärkten, wie den europäischen Nachbarländern, wird den deutschen Außenhandel stützen. Zusammen mit günstigeren Finanzierungsbedingungen kommt dies den Anlageinvestitionen zugute. Die Wirtschaftspolitik sollte Produktivitätshemmnisse abbauen, den Strukturwandel zulassen und die politische Unsicherheit verringern.
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The Contribution of Employer Changes to Aggregate Wage Mobility
Nils Torben Hollandt, Steffen Müller
Wage mobility reduces the persistence of wage inequality. We develop a framework to quantify the contribution of employer-to-employer movers to aggregate wage mobility. Using three decades of German social security data, we find that inequality increased while aggregate wage mobility decreased. Employer-to-employer movers exhibit higher wage mobility, mainly due to changes in employer wage premia at job change. The massive structural changes following German unification temporarily led to a high number of movers, which in turn boosted aggregate wage mobility. Wage mobility is much lower at the bottom of the wage distribution, and the decline in aggregate wage mobility since the 1980s is concentrated there. The overall decline can be mostly attributed to a reduction in wage mobility per mover, which is due to a compositional shift toward lower-wage movers.
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Sechs Punkte für eine effiziente grüne Transformation
Reint E. Gropp, Oliver Holtemöller
IWH Policy Notes,
No. 2,
Die grüne Transformation, verstanden als ein Prozess, Energie zunehmend treibhausgasneutral zu erzeugen, kann mit marktwirtschaftlichen Instrumenten und dafür erforderlichen Rahmenbedingungen kostengünstiger umgesetzt werden als mit staatlicher Steuerung des Energieverbrauchs und der Energieerzeugung. Kosteneffizienz ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Bereitschaft und Fähigkeit der Bevölkerung, die Lasten der Transformation zu tragen, und für eine gerechte Verteilung der Lasten.
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Konjunktur aktuell: Deutschland in der Stagnation festgefahren – privater Konsum weiter unter dem Niveau
von vor der Pandemie
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 1,
Zu Beginn des Jahres 2024 zeigen Stimmungsindikatoren etwas aufgehellte Aussichten für die internationale Konjunktur. In Europa dürfte die Dynamik allerdings recht schwach bleiben. Deutschland befindet sich in einer lang anhaltenden Stagnation, die sich bis zum Sommer fortsetzen wird. Für die Zeit danach ist mit einem leichten Anziehen der Konjunktur zu rechnen. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte im Jahr 2024 um lediglich 0,2% expandieren, für 2025 prognostiziert das IWH einen Zuwachs um 1,5%.
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Macroeconomic Effects from Sovereign Risk vs. Knightian Uncertainty
Ruben Staffa
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 27,
This paper compares macroeconomic effects of Knightian uncertainty and risk using policy shocks for the case of Italy. Drawing on the ambiguity literature, I use changes in the bid-ask spread and mid-price of government bonds as distinct measures for uncertainty and risk. The identification exploits the quasi-pessimistic behavior under ambiguity-aversion and the dealer market structure of government bond markets, where dealers must quote both sides of the market. If uncertainty increases, ambiguity-averse dealers will quasi-pessimistically quote higher ask and lower bid prices – increasing the bid-ask spread. In contrast, a pure change in risk shifts the risk-compensating discount factor which is well approximated by the change in bond mid-prices. I evaluate economic effects of the two measures within an instrumental variable local projection framework. The main findings are threefold. First, the resulting shock time series for uncertainty and risk are uncorrelated with each other at the intraday level, however, upon aggregation to monthly level the measures become correlated. Second, uncertainty is an important driver of economic aggregates. Third, macroeconomic effects of risk and uncertainty are similar, except for the response of prices. While sovereign risk raises inflation, uncertainty suppresses price growth – a result which is in line with increased price rigidity under ambiguity.
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Media Response
Media Response December 2024 IWH: Die einzige Molkerei eines Bundeslandes ist insolvent - Steuern von 80.000 Euro treiben Betrieb in den Ruin in:, 12.12.2024 Seffen…
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IWH-DPE Call for Applications – Fall 2025 Intake
IWH-DPE Call for Applications About the IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics The IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics (IWH-DPE) is a rigorous structured four-year PhD programme with…
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