
Political Institutionalisation and Governance of the German Metropolitan Regions: A Comparative Study

In Germany, some cities and districts try to react to the challenges of global location competition by the constitution of metropolitan regions. Thus new forms of intermunicipal co-operation on a regional scale emerge. Within the context of a national policy for spatial development eleven such metropolitan regions have been defined in Germany, and local activities supporting their constitution were encouraged. In spite of differing results and success in the eleven regions this process of political institutionalisation has led to partially similar institutional forms. This study compares the institutionalisaton process in the German metropolitan regions with the help of an idealtype model of institutionalisation steps. In addition, the design of the comparative study also allows testing potential effects of intervening factors as the regions’ monocentricity / polycentricity and the existence of Laender borders in a region on cooperative success. The study comes to the result that so far only few metropolitan regions have reached the stage of advanced institutionalisation and co-operation. The diversity of the institutionalisation paths prevents a „best practice“ recommendation at the present state of knowledge. As the constitution process in the regions still proceeds in a highly dynamic way, this study should be repeated within a five years’ period.

23. November 2011

Authors Peter Franz

Also in this issue


Aktuelle Trends: Ostdeutsche Industrie: Auswärtige Investoren stärker von der Krise betroffen als einheimische Eigenständler

Brigitte Loose Udo Ludwig

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2011


Die ostdeutsche Wirtschaft ist von der Krise in den Jahren 2008/2009 weniger erschüttert worden als die westdeutsche. Das bestätigen jetzt auch erste Untersuchungen auf der Betriebsebene. In Ostdeutschland hatte demnach die Industrie die Hauptlast außerhalb des Finanzsektors zu tragen. Knapp die Hälfte der Industriebetriebe verspürte negative Auswirkungen; in der Gesamtwirtschaft war es nur ein Drittel aller Betriebe.

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East Germany: Number of Employees Subject to Social Insurance Will Continue to Increase

Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2011


In 2011 the employment situation in East Germany has again improved. Approximately half of the employment growth is attributable to the industry (incl. construction). Registered unemployment declined considerably. Labor supply decreased like in recent years. In forecasting horizon the number of employees subject to social insurance will still increase despite of lower economic growth. The unemployment rate will amount to 11.0% in 2011 and to 10.9% in 2012.

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Martin T. W. Rosenfeld

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2011


Vor vierzig Jahren wurde vom Bundestag das Städtebauförderungsgesetz verabschiedet. Dieses Jubiläum stand im Zentrum des diesjährigen 5. Bundeskongresses Nationale Stadtentwicklungspolitik in Kassel. Den Anlass für die Einführung der Städtebauförderung bildeten die zunehmende Verödung der Innenstädte, die Verslumung von Altbaubeständen sowie fehlende Mittel der Städte für ihre Infrastruktur. „Rettet unsere Städte jetzt!“, so lautete 1971 das Motto der Hauptversammlung des Deutschen Städtetags. In den Jahren zuvor waren bereits eine Gemeindefinanzreform, die die Dominanz der Gewerbesteuer für die kommunalen Haushalte brechen sollte, sowie die Gemeinschaftsaufgabe zur Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur (GRW), in deren Rahmen der Bund die kommunale Infrastruktur in strukturschwachen Regionen fördern kann, auf den Weg gebracht worden.

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Germany on the Way to Energy Efficiency in the Housing Sector: Subsidy Programs by the Federal Government and the Länder Level

Martin T. W. Rosenfeld

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2011


In addition to the increasing rigidity of minimum requirements in regulative law, the federal government and the Länder provide a broad range of subsidy programs to force the refurbishment of those parts of a building, that determine the building’s energetic quality-level. In regard of energetic refurbishment quality, the federal government boosts investments, which exceed the minimum requirements of regulative law. Whereas the federal government – with exeption of different financing conditions of investors - applies equal funding requirements to all investors and building-types older than 15 years, the Länder focus their programs on specific regional housing market conditions. A further analysis concerning the influence of the subsidy environment on regional refurbishment output level should be topic of further research.

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IWH-Bauumfrage im Oktober 2011: Gute Baukonjunktur setzt sich fort

Brigitte Loose

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2011


Nach der neuesten Umfrage des IWH vom Oktober 2011 hält sich das Geschäftsklima am ostdeutschen Bau auf einem außerordentlich hohen Niveau. Die Geschäftslage der 300 vom IWH befragten Bauunternehmen hat sich gegenüber der vorangegangenen Befragung im August sowie gegenüber dem Vorjahr verbessert. Mit knapp neun Zehnteln guter bzw. eher guter Urteile erreicht die derzeitige Konjunkturlage den höchsten Saldenwert seit Beginn der Umfrage im Jahr 1993 (bei allerdings niedrigeren Baukapazitäten als in den 1990er Boomjahren). Ihre Geschäftsaussichten bewerten die Unternehmen hingegen nicht mehr so gut wie im Sommer; im Vergleich zum Vorjahr stellt sich dieser Indikator jedoch ebenfalls besser dar.

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The Changing Process of the Quality of Work – 8th Joint Workshop of the IWH and IAB on Labor Market Policy

Herbert S. Buscher

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2011


During October 20th and 21st the 8th workshop on Labor Market Policy in Halle (Saale) took place. The major theme was related to changes in the quality of work. One reason for selecting this topic points out that there is a declining number of unemployed people in the German labor market for now a couple of months. This development is often interpreted as the result of a successful labor market policy. But focusing only on quantitative aspects of labor market developments ignores the important aspect of the quality of work. Over the last years there was also a contemporary debate about changes in the working world. And within this discussion the focus was not only on aspects like income, certainty of employment, and career opportunities. In addition to these issues and with considerable emphasis on the new aspects, the discussion extended to topics such as sense and meaning of activities, work-life balances, self-realization, autonomy, and job satisfaction. It is the aim of the 8th workshop to present and to discuss the current state of the quality of work-debate in the labor market research to a broad audience of scientists as well as practical women and men, and to shed light on possible further research topics in this area. Besides of the opening lecture given by Dr. Ulrich Walwei (IAB), eleven additional papers have been presented during the two-day’s conference.

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