Zentrum für Firmen- und Produktivitätsdynamik (IWH-CBPD)
Zentrum für Firmen- und Produktivitätsdynamik (IWH-CBPD) Das „Zentrum für Firmen- und Produktivitätsdynamik“ (Englisch "Centre for Business and Productivity Dynamics", kurz: CBPD)…
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People Doctoral Students PhD Representatives Alumni Supervisors Lecturers Coordinators Doctoral Students Afroza Alam (Supervisor: Reint Gropp ) Julian Andres Diaz Acosta…
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Medienecho-Archiv 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Dezember 2021 IWH: Ausblick auf Wirtschaftsjahr 2022 in Sachsen mit Bezug auf IWH-Prognose zu Ostdeutschland: "Warum Sachsens…
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IWH-FDI-Mikrodatenbank Die IWH-FDI-Mikrodatenbank (FDI = Foreign Direct Investment) umfasst eine in der Projektlaufzeit ständig aktualisierte Grundgesamtheit von…
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IWH-Subventionsdatenbank Die Mikrodatenbank umfasst zurzeit neun Datensätze zu Programmen direkter Unternehmenssubventionen in Deutschland. Die von den Projektträgern und den…
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Searching where Ideas Are Harder to Find – The Productivity Slowdown as a Result of Firms Hindering Disruptive Innovation
Richard Bräuer
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 22,
This paper proposes to explain the productivity growth slowdown with the poaching of disruptive inventors by firms these inventors threaten with their research. I build an endogenous growth model with incremental and disruptive innovation and an inventor labor market where this defensive poaching takes place. Incremental firms poach more as they grow, which lowers the probability of disruption and makes large incremental firms even more prevalent. I perform an event study around disruptive innovations to confirm the main features of the model: Disruptions increase future research productivity, hurt incumbent inventors and raise the probability of future disruption. Without disruption, technology classes slowly trend even further towards incrementalism. I calibrate the model to the global patent landscape in 1990 and show that the model predicts 52% of the decline of disruptive innovation until 2010.
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