A Fresh Look at the Labor Market Height Premium in Germany
Frieder Kropfhäußer
Economics Bulletin,
Nr. 3,
I use data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) to analyze the relationship between height and wages in a sample of young German workers. My results show that the crude height wage premium documented in the literature is explained by unobserved heterogeneity on the sibling level. This contradicts the findings of a labor market height premium in Germany using OLS and Hausman-Taylor estimators as well as the Swedish finding of a height effect remaining after controlling for sibling fixed effects.
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What Do We Learn from Schumpeterian Growth Theory?
Philippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit, Peter Howitt
P. Aghion, S. N. Durlauf (Hrsg.), Handbook of Economic Growth, Band 2B, Amsterdam: North Holland,
Schumpeterian growth theory has operationalized Schumpeter’s notion of creative destruction by developing models based on this concept. These models shed light on several aspects of the growth process that could not be properly addressed by alternative theories. In this survey, we focus on four important aspects, namely: (i) the role of competition and market structure; (ii) firm dynamics; (iii) the relationship between growth and development with the notion of appropriate growth institutions; and (iv) the emergence and impact of long-term technological waves. In each case, Schumpeterian growth theory delivers predictions that distinguish it from other growth models and which can be tested using micro data.
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Islamic Finance in Europe
Pierluigi Caristi, Stéphane Couderc, Angela di Maria, Filippo di Mauro, Beljeet Kaur Grewal, Lauren Ho, Sergio Masciantonio, Steven Ongena, Sajjad Zaher
ECB Occasional Paper,
Nr. 146,
Islamic finance is based on ethical principles in line with Islamic religious law. Despite its low share of the global financial market, Islamic finance has been one of this sector's fastest growing components over the last decades and has gained further momentum in the wake of the financial crisis. The paper examines the development of and possible prospects for Islamic finance, with a special focus on Europe. It compares Islamic and conventional finance, particularly as concerns risks associated with the operations of respective institutions, as well as corporate governance. The paper also analyses empirical evidence comparing Islamic and conventional financial institutions with regard to their: (i) efficiency and profitability; and (ii) stability and resilience. Finally, the paper considers the conduct of monetary policy in an Islamic banking context. This is not uncomplicated given the fact that interest rates - normally a cornerstone of monetary policy - are prohibited under Islamic finance. Liquidity management issues are thus discussed here, with particular reference to the euro area.
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Limited Investor Attention and the Mispricing of American Depositary Receipts
Stefan Eichler
Economics Letters,
Nr. 3,
I test whether more investor attention leads to a better exploitation of arbitrage opportunities and, in turn, to less mispricing of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs). Using data on 536 stocks I find that more investor attention significantly reduces ADR mispricing.
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The Impact of Banking and Sovereign Debt Crisis Risk in the Eurozone on the Euro/US Dollar Exchange Rate
Stefan Eichler
Applied Financial Economics,
Nr. 15,
I study the impact of financial crisis risk in the eurozone on the euro/US dollar exchange rate. Using daily data from 3 July 2006 to 30 September 2010, I find that the euro depreciates against the US dollar when banking or sovereign debt crisis risk increases in the eurozone. While the external value of the euro is more sensitive to changes in sovereign debt crisis risk in vulnerable member countries than in stable member countries, the impact of banking crisis risk is similar for both country blocs. Moreover, rising default risk of medium and large eurozone banks leads to a depreciation of the euro while small banks’ default risk has no significant impact, showing the relevance of systemically important banks with regards to the exchange rate.
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Im Fokus: Altersarmut und soziales Befinden in Ost- und Westdeutschland, 1995 und 2009
L. J. Zhu, Anja Weißenborn, Herbert S. Buscher
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 7,
Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt, getrennt für West- und Ostdeutschland sowie für Deutschland insgesamt, Indikatoren zur Armutsmessung für die beiden Jahre 1995 und 2009 vor. Untersucht werden Rentnerhaushalte in beiden Teilen Deutschlands, wobei zwischen Frauen und Männern unterschieden wird. Neben Kennzahlen zur Einkommensarmut (Einkommensperzentile u. a.) werden die unterschiedlichen Einkommensquellen im Alter dargestellt; soziale Indikatoren geben darüber hinaus Auskunft über die aktuelle und zukünftig erwartete Lebenszufriedenheit.
Der Vergleich beider Jahre zeigt eine Zunahme der Altersarmut sowohl in West- als auch in Ostdeutschland. Betroffen hiervon sind Männer stärker als Frauen – bei den ostdeutschen Frauen hat sich die Altersarmut sogar leicht verringert. Neben der Sicht auf das Einkommen zeigen die sozialen Indikatoren, dass bei den armutsgefährdeten Personen in Ostdeutschland die Lebenszufriedenheit zwischen 1995 und 2009 abgenommen hat, bis zum Jahr 2014 jedoch auch mit einer leicht geringeren Unzufriedenheit gerechnet wird.
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Corporate Social Responsibility and Profit Shifting
Iftekhar Hasan, Panagiotis I. Karavitis, Pantelis Kazakis, Woon Sau Leung
European Accounting Review,
This paper examines the relation between corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and tax–motivated income shifting. Using a profit–shifting measure estimated from multinational enterprises (MNEs) data, we find that parent firms with higher CSR scores shift significantly more profits to their low-tax foreign subsidiaries. Overall, our evidence suggests that MNEs engaging in CSR activities acquire legitimacy and moral capital that temper negative responses by stakeholders and thus have greater scope and chance to engage in unethical profit-shifting activities, consistent with the legitimacy theory.
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