Suppliers as Liquidity Insurers
Reint E. Gropp, Daniel Corsten, Panos Markou
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 8,
We examine how financial constraints in portfolios of suppliers affect cash holdings at the level of the customer. Utilizing a data set of private and public French companies and their suppliers, we show that customers rely on their financially unconstrained suppliers to provide them with backup liquidity, and that they stockpile approximately 10% less cash than customers with constrained suppliers. This effect persisted during the global financial crisis, highlighting that suppliers may be viable insurers of liquidity even when financing from banks and other external channels is unavailable. We further show that customers with unconstrained suppliers also simultaneously receive more trade credit; that the reduction in cash holdings is greater for firms with stronger ties to their unconstrained suppliers; and that customers reduce their cash holdings following a significant relaxation in their suppliers’ financial constraints through an IPO. Taken together, the results provide important nuance regarding the implications of supplier portfolios and financial constraints on firm liquidity management.
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Uncertainty, Financial Crises, and Subjective Well-being
Lena Tonzer
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 2,
This paper focuses on the effect of uncertainty as reflected by financial market variables on subjective well-being. The analysis is based on Eurobarometer surveys, covering 20 countries over the period from 2000 to 2013. Individuals report lower levels of life satisfaction in times of higher uncertainty approximated by stock market volatility. This effect is heterogeneous across respondents: The probability of being unsatisfied is higher for respondents who are older, less educated, and live in one of the GIIPS countries of the euro area. Furthermore, higher uncertainty in combination with a financial crisis increases the probability of reporting low values of life satisfaction.
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Finanzmarktwissen bei Selbstständigen besonders ausgeprägt
Aida Ćumurović, Walter Hyll
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 3,
Unternehmerische Aktivität ist ein dynamischer Treiber wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung. Finanzmarktwissen befähigt Individuen zu einer besseren Abwägung von Chancen und Risiken. In diesem Beitrag wird geprüft, ob ein höheres Maß an Finanzmarktwissen auch einen Einfluss auf die Entscheidung hat, sich selbstständig zu machen. Dieser Zusammenhang wird auf der Basis von Umfragedaten für Deutschland empirisch bestätigt.
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Financial Literacy and Self-employment
Aida Ćumurović, Walter Hyll
In this paper, we study the relationship between financial literacy and self-employment. We use established financial knowledge-based questions to measure financial literacy levels. The analysis shows a highly significant correlation between selfemployment and financial literacy scores. To investigate the impact of financial literacy on being self-employed, we apply instrumental variable techniques based on information on economic education before entering the labour market and education of parents. Our results reveal that financial literacy positively affects the probability of being self-employed. As financial literacy is acquirable, findings suggest that entrepreneurial activities may be raised via enhancing financial knowledge.
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22.02.2016 • 7/2016
Brauchen wir Verstärkung? Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Zuwanderung und demografischer Wandel in Deutschland
Kann Zuwanderung den demografischen Wandel in Regionen abmildern, in denen die Einwohnerzahl sinkt und das Durchschnittsalter steigt? Oder werden hohe Einwandererzahlen zu einer gesellschaftspolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Überforderung führen? Diese hochaktuelle Debatte greifen die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina und das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) in der Podiumsdiskussion auf.
Die Analyse kausaler Effekte wirtschaftspolitischer Maßnahmen – Das Zentrum für evidenzbasierte Politikberatung am IWH (IWH-CEP)
Matthias Brachert, Eva Dettmann, Mirko Titze
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 5,
In Deutschland besteht ein enormer Bedarf an evidenzbasierter Politikberatung. Viele wirtschaftspolitische Interventionen werden bislang nicht umfassend evaluiert, und falls doch, wenden die wenigsten Untersuchungen geeignete Verfahren der Kausalanalyse an, um einen ursächlichen Zusammenhang zwischen der Intervention und dem Erreichen von wirtschaftspolitischen Zielen zu identifizieren. Das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle hat für diese Aufgabe das Zentrum für evidenzbasierte Politikberatung (IWH-CEP) eingerichtet. Eine Pilotstudie zu den Wirkungen der betrieblichen Investitionsförderung ist bereits angelaufen.
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Lessons from Schumpeterian Growth Theory
Philippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit, Peter Howitt
American Economic Review,
Nr. 5,
By operationalizing the notion of creative destruction, Schumpeterian growth theory generates distinctive predictions on important microeconomic aspects of the growth process (competition, firm dynamics, firm size distribution, cross-firm and cross-sector reallocation) which can be confronted using rich micro data. In this process the theory helps reconcile growth with industrial organization and development economics.
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Payment Defaults and Interfirm Liquidity Provision
F. Boissay, Reint E. Gropp
Review of Finance,
Nr. 6,
Using a unique data set on French firms, we show that credit constrained firms that face liquidity shocks are more likely to default on their payments to suppliers. Credit constrained firms pass on a sizeable fraction of such shocks to their suppliers. This is consistent with the idea that firms provide liquidity insurance to each other and that this mechanism is able to alleviate credit constraints. We show that the chain of defaults stops when it reaches unconstrained firms. Liquidity appears to be allocated from firms with access to outside finance to credit constrained firms along supply chains.
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Can Korea Learn from German Unification?
Ulrich Blum
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 3,
We first analyze pre-unification similarities and differences between the two Germanys and the two Koreas in terms of demographic, social, political and economic status. An important issue is the degree of international openness. “Stone-age” type communism of North Korea and the seclusion of the population prevented inner-Korean contacts and contacts with rest of the world. This may create enormous adjustment costs if institutions, especially informal institutions, change. We go on by showing how transition and integration interact in a potential unification process based on the World Bank Revised Minimum Standard Model (RMSM) and on the Salter-Swan-Meade model. In doing so, we relate the macro and external impacts on an open economy to its macro-sectoral structural dynamics. The findings suggest that it is of utmost importance to relate microeconomic policies to the macroeconomic ties and side conditions for both parts of the country. Evidence from Germany suggests that the biggest general error in unification was neglecting these limits, especially limitations to policy instruments. Econometric analysis supports these findings. In the empirical part, we consider unification as an “investment” and track down the (by-and-large immediate to medium-term) costs and the (by-and-large long-term) benefits of retooling a retarded communist economy. We conclude that, from a South-Korean
perspective, the Korean unification will become relatively much more expensive than the German unification and, thus, not only economic, but to a much larger degree political considerations must include the tying of neighboring countries into the convergence process. We finally provide, 62 years after Germany’s division and 20 years after unification, an outlook on the strength of economic inertia in order to show that it may take much more than a generation to compensate the damage inflicted by the communist system.
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