Mortgage Companies and Regulatory Arbitrage
Yuliya Demyanyk, Elena Loutskina
Journal of Financial Economics,
Nr. 2,
Mortgage companies (MCs) do not fall under the strict regulatory regime of depository institutions. We empirically show that this gap resulted in regulatory arbitrage and allowed bank holding companies (BHCs) to circumvent consumer compliance regulations, mitigate capital requirements, and reduce exposure to loan-related losses. Compared to bank subsidiaries, MC subsidiaries of BHCs originated riskier mortgages to borrowers with lower credit scores, lower incomes, higher loan-to-income ratios, and higher default rates. Our results imply that precrisis regulations had the capacity to mitigate the deterioration of lending standards if consistently applied and enforced for all types of intermediaries.
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Taxing Banks: An Evaluation of the German Bank Levy
Claudia M. Buch, Björn Hilberg, Lena Tonzer
Journal of Banking and Finance,
Bank distress can have severe negative consequences for the stability of the financial system. Regimes for the restructuring and resolution of banks, financed by bank levies, aim at reducing these costs. This paper evaluates the German bank levy, which has been implemented since 2011. Our analysis offers three main insights. First, revenues raised through the levy were lower than expected. Second, the bulk of the payments were contributed by large commercial banks and by the central institutions of savings banks and credit unions. Third, for those banks, which were affected by the levy, we find evidence for a reduction in lending and higher deposit rates.
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Kommentar: Wen die Götter bestrafen wollen, dessen Gebete erhören sie
Reint E. Gropp
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 4,
Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) hat in ihrer Ratssitzung am 8. September dieses Jahres entschieden, die Zinsen auf absehbare Zeit auf dem gegenwärtigen niedrigen Niveau zu halten, und hält sich offen, das Anleihekaufprogramm über den März 2017 hinaus zu verlängern. Sie kauft weiterhin monatlich Staatsanleihen und andere Wertpapiere im Wert von 80 Milliarden Euro, ist aber auch noch zu weiterem Handeln bereit – alles andere wäre auch ein falsches Signal gewesen. Eine Verlängerung des Ankaufprogramms nicht in Aussicht zu stellen – und damit implizit auch ein Ende der Niedrigzinsphase in Betracht zu ziehen –, dies hätten die Märkte als Signal zum Ausstieg aus der aktuellen Geldpolitik gedeutet. Das wiederum hätte sich umgehend auf Zinsen und Vermögenswerte ausgewirkt und wäre zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt hochproblematisch. Denn noch immer liegt die Inflationsrate deutlich unter dem Zielwert der EZB von 2%.
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29.09.2016 • 40/2016
Gemeinschaftsdiagnose im Herbst 2016: Deutsche Wirtschaft gut ausgelastet – Wirtschaftspolitik neu ausrichten
Die deutsche Wirtschaft befindet sich in einem moderaten Aufschwung, der von einem stabilen Arbeitsmarkt und kräftigen Konsum gestützt wird. Davon gehen die an der Gemeinschaftsdiagnose beteiligten Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute aus. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt wird demnach im nächsten Jahr um 1,4 Prozent und im Jahr 2018 um 1,6 Prozent wachsen. Für das laufende Jahr wird ein Wachstum von 1,9 Prozent erwartet, so die von der Bundesregierung in Auftrag gegebene Gemeinschaftsdiagnose. Im Frühjahr gingen die Institute noch von einem Wachstum von 1,6 Prozent für dieses und 1,5 Prozent für nächstes Jahr aus.
Lend Global, Fund Local? Price and Funding Cost Margins in Multinational Banking
Rients Galema, Michael Koetter, C. Liesegang
Review of Finance,
Nr. 5,
In a proposed model of a multinational bank, interest margins determine local lending by foreign affiliates and the internal funding by parent banks. We exploit detailed parent-affiliate-level data of all German banks to empirically test our theoretical predictions in pre-crisis times. Local lending by affiliates depends negatively on price margins, the difference between lending and deposit rates in foreign markets. The effect of funding cost margins, the gap between local deposit rates faced by affiliates abroad and the funding costs of their parents, on internal capital market funding is positive but statistically weak. Interest margins are central to explain the interaction between internal capital markets and foreign affiliates lending.
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Consumer Bankruptcy, Bank Mergers and Information
Jason Allen, H. Evren Damar, David Martinez-Miera
Review of Finance,
Nr. 4,
This article analyzes the relationship between consumer bankruptcy patterns and the destruction of soft information caused by mergers. Using a major Canadian bank merger as a source of exogenous variation in local banking conditions, we show that local markets affected by the merger exhibit an increase in consumer bankruptcy rates post-merger. The evidence is consistent with the most plausible mechanism being the disruption of consumer–bank relationships. Markets affected by the merger show a decrease in the merging institutions’ branch presence and market share, including those stemming from higher switching rates. We rule out alternative mechanisms such as changes in quantity of credit, loan rates, or observable borrower characteristics.
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Regional Banking Instability and FOMC Voting
Stefan Eichler, Tom Lähner, Felix Noth
This study analyzes if regionally affiliated Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) members take their districts’ regional banking sector instability into account when they vote. Considering the period from 1978 to 2010, we find that a deterioration in a district’s bank health increases the probability that this district’s representative in the FOMC votes to ease interest rates. According to member-specific characteristics, the effect of regional banking sector instability on FOMC voting behavior is most pronounced for Bank presidents (as opposed to governors) and FOMC members who have career backgrounds in the financial industry or who represent a district with a large banking sector.
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Did TARP Distort Competition Among Sound Unsupported Banks?
Michael Koetter, Felix Noth
Economic Inquiry,
Nr. 2,
This study investigates if the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) distorted price competition in U.S. banking. Political indicators reveal bailout expectations after 2009, manifested as beliefs about the predicted probability of receiving equity support relative to failing during the TARP disbursement period. In addition, the TARP affected the competitive conduct of unsupported banks after the program stopped in the fourth quarter of 2009. Loan rates were higher, and the risk premium required by depositors was lower for banks with higher bailout expectations. The interest margins of unsupported banks increased in the immediate aftermath of the TARP disbursement but not after 2010. No effects emerged for loan or deposit growth, which suggests that protected banks did not increase their market shares at the expense of less protected banks.
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16.03.2016 • 10/2016
Konjunktur aktuell: Stabile Konjunktur in Deutschland trotz krisenhaften Umfelds
Die deutsche Konjunktur ist trotz internationaler Risiken und politischer Verwerfungen kraftvoll in das Jahr 2016 gestartet. Beschäftigung und Einkommen nehmen zu, und die Binnennachfrage steigt deutlich, auch weil der Staat zusätzliche Ausgaben im Zusammenhang mit der Flüchtlingsmigration tätigt. Allerdings dürfte es nach Einschätzung des IWH im Frühjahr zu einer vorübergehenden Verlangsamung der Dynamik kommen, darauf deuten Stimmungsindikatoren hin. Mit Fortschritten bei der Bewältigung der aktuellen politischen Probleme in Europa dürfte die Zuversicht wieder zunehmen und die deutsche Konjunktur insgesamt stabil bleiben, sodass das Bruttoinlandsprodukt im Jahr 2016 wohl mit einer Rate von 1,5% expandieren wird.
Oliver Holtemöller
Do Federal Reserve Bank Presidents’ Interest Rate Votes in the FOMC Follow an Electoral Cycle?
Stefan Eichler, Tom Lähner
Applied Economics Letters,
Nr. 9,
We find that Federal Reserve Bank presidents’ regional bias in their dissenting interest rate votes in the Federal Open Market Committee follows an electoral cycle. Presidents put more weight on their district’s economic environment during the year prior to their (re-)election relative to nonelection years.
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