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IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics
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Business Cycle Characteristics of Mediterranean Economies: a Secular Trend and Cycle Dynamics Perspective
Anna Solms, Bernd Süssmuth
International Economics and Economic Policy,
This study analyzes business cycle characteristics for all 20 major contemporaneous economies bordering the Mediterranean Sea based on annual real gross domestic product series for the period from 1960 to 2019. The region we investigate corresponds to the Mare Internum region of the Imperial Roman Empire during the Nerva-Antonine and early Severan dynasty, i.e., at the time of the maximum extent of the Roman Empire around 100 to 200 CE. The covered area encircles the Mediterranean, including economies now belonging to the European Union as well as acceding countries, Turkey, and the Middle East and North African economies. Using a components-deviation-cycle approach, we assess level trends and relative volatility of output. We also quantify the contribution of various factors to the business cycle variability within a region. We find cyclic commonalities and idiosyncrasies are related to ancient and colonial history and to contemporaneous trade relationships. Caliphate and Ottoman Empire membership as well as colonial rule in the twentieth century and contemporary Muslim share of population are the most promising predictors of business cycle commonalities in the region.
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Micro-mechanisms behind Declining Labor Shares: Rising Market Power and Changing Modes of Production
Matthias Mertens
International Journal of Industrial Organization,
I derive a micro-founded framework showing how rising firm market power on product and labor markets and falling aggregate labor output elasticities provide three competing explanations for falling labor shares. I apply my framework to 20 years of German manufacturing sector micro data containing firm-specific price information to study these three distinct drivers of declining labor shares. I document a severe increase in firms’ labor market power, whereas firms’ product market power stayed comparably low. Changes in firm market power and a falling aggregate labor output elasticity each account for one half of the decline in labor's share.
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The Impact of Active Aggregate Demand on Utilisation-adjusted TFP
Konstantin Gantert
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 9,
Non-clearing goods markets are an important driver of capacity utilisation and total factor productivity (TFP). The trade-off between goods prices and household search effort is central to goods market matching and therefore drives TFP over the business cycle. In this paper, I develop a New-Keynesian DSGE model with capital utilisation, worker effort, and expand it with goods market search-and-matching (SaM) to model non-clearing goods markets. I conduct a horse-race between the different capacity utilisation channels using Bayesian estimation and capacity utilisation survey data. Models that include goods market SaM improve the data fit, while the capital utilisation and worker effort channels are rendered less important compared to the literature. It follows that TFP fluctuations increase for demand and goods market mismatch shocks, while they decrease for technology shocks. This pattern increases as goods market frictions increase and as prices become stickier. The paper shows the importance of non-clearing goods markets in explaining the difference between technology and TFP over the business cycle.
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Individualism, Human Capital Formation, and Labor Market Success
Katharina Hartinger, Sven Resnjanskij, Jens Ruhose, Simon Wiederhold
CESifo Working Paper,
Nr. 9391,
There is an ongoing debate about the economic effects of individualism. We establish that individualism leads to better educational and labor market outcomes. Using data from the largest international adult skill assessment, we identify the effects of individualism by exploiting variation between migrants at the origin country, origin language, and person level. Migrants from more individualistic cultures have higher cognitive skills and larger skill gains over time. They also invest more in their skills over the life-cycle, as they acquire more years of schooling and are more likely to participate in adult education activities. In fact, individualism is more important in explaining adult skill formation than any other cultural trait that has been emphasized in previous literature. In the labor market, more individualistic migrants earn higher wages and are less often unemployed. We show that our results cannot be explained by selective migration or omitted origin-country variables.
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Involuntary Unemployment and the Business Cycle
Lawrence J. Christiano, Mathias Trabandt, Karl Walentin
Review of Economic Dynamics,
Can a model with limited labor market insurance explain standard macro and labor market data jointly? We construct a monetary model in which: i) the unemployed are worse off than the employed, i.e. unemployment is involuntary and ii) the labor force participation rate varies with the business cycle. To illustrate key features of our model, we start with the simplest possible framework. We then integrate the model into a medium-sized DSGE model and show that the resulting model does as well as existing models at accounting for the response of standard macroeconomic variables to monetary policy shocks and two technology shocks. In addition, the model does well at accounting for the response of the labor force and unemployment rate to these three shocks.
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Der Produktivitätsrückstand der ostdeutschen Industrie: Nur eine Frage der Preise?
Steffen Müller
Beitrag in IWH-Sammelwerk,
Festschrift für Gerhard Heimpold, IWH
Die volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung zeigt auch knapp drei Jahrzehnte nach der Deutschen Einheit, dass die Arbeitsproduktivität in Ostdeutschlands Industrie mehr als 20% unter dem westdeutschen Niveau verharrt. In dieser Arbeit gehe ich der Frage nach, ob dieser Rückstand die Folge einer geringeren physischen Produktivität oder niedrigerer Preise für ostdeutsche Erzeugnisse ist. Dazu werden Mikrodaten auf Firmenebene benutzt, die Informationen zu produzierten Gütermengen und erzielten Preisen enthalten. Der Rückstand in der Erlösproduktivität wird auch mit diesen Daten bestätigt. Die Hauptergebnisse sind, dass i) ostdeutsche Industrieunternehmen tatsächlich deutlich geringere Marktpreise erlösen und ii) der physische Output bei gleichen Inputmengen im Osten höher liegt als im Westen. Eine naheliegende Erklärung für beide Befunde ist, dass ostdeutsche Produkte weniger Kundennutzen generieren und gleichzeitig in weniger aufwändigen Produktionsverfahren hergestellt werden können. Weitere Tests zeigen, dass iii) die Hypothese verlängerter Werkbänke keine Erklärung für den ostdeutschen Produktivitätsrückstand ist und iv) ostdeutsche Betriebe im Vergleich zur westdeutschen Konkurrenz eine geringere physische Produktivität aufweisen, wenn sie Güter zu westdeutschen Preisen herstellen.
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Africa’s Skill Tragedy
Jan Bietenbeck, Marc Piopiunik, Simon Wiederhold
Journal of Human Resources,
Nr. 3,
We study the importance of teacher subject knowledge for student performance in Sub-Saharan Africa using unique international assessment data for sixth-grade students and their teachers. To circumvent bias due to unobserved student heterogeneity, we exploit variation within students across math and reading. Teacher subject knowledge has a modest impact on student performance. Exploiting vast cross-country differences in economic development, we find that teacher knowledge is effective only in more developed African countries. Results are robust to adding teacher fixed effects and accounting for potential sorting based on subject-specific factors.
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Flooded Through the Back Door: Firm-level Effects of Banks‘ Lending Shifts
Oliver Rehbein
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 4,
I show that natural disasters transmit to firms in non-disaster areas via their banks. This spillover of non-financial shocks through the banking system is stronger for banks with less regulatory capital. Firms connected to a disaster-exposed bank with below median capital reduce their employment by 11% and their fixed assets by 20% compared to firms in the same region without such a bank during the 2013 flooding in Germany. Relationship banking and higher firm capital also mitigate the effects of such negative cross-regional spillovers.
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