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Economic Transition in Unified Germany and Implications for Korea
Hyung-Gon Jeong, Gerhard Heimpold
H.-G. Jeong and G. Heimpold (eds.): Economic Transition in Unified Germany and Implications for Korea. Policy References 17-13. Sejong: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy,
The reunification of Germany, which marked the end of the Cold War in the 20th century, is regarded as one of the most exemplary cases of social integration in human history. Nearly three decades after the German reunification, the economic and social shocks that occurred at the beginning of the reunification process have largely been resolved. Moreover, the unified Germany has grown into one of the most advanced economies in the world.
The unification process that Germany underwent may not necessarily be the way that the Republic of Korea would choose. However, the economic and social exchanges between East and West Germany prior to unification, and the cooperation in a myriad of policies based on these exchanges, served as the crucial foundation for unification. The case of Germany will surely help us find a better way for the re-unification of the Korean Peninsula.
In this context, this is the first edition of a joint research which provides diverse insights on social and economic issues during the process of unification. It consists of nine chapters whose main topics include policies on macroeconomic stabilization, the privatization of state-owned enterprises in East Germany, labor policies and the migration of labor, integration of the social safety nets of the North and South, and securing finances for reunification. To start with, the first part covers macroeconomic stabilization measures, which include policies implemented by the federal government of Germany to overcome macroeconomic shocks directly after the reunification. There was a temporary setback in the economy at the initial phase of reunification as the investment per GDP went down and the level of fiscal debt escalated, reverting to its original trend prior to the reunification. While it appears the momentum for growth was compromised by reunification from the perspective of growth rate of real GDP, this state did not last long and benefits have outpaced the costs since 2000.
In the section which examines the privatization of state-owned enterprises in East Germany, an analysis was conducted on the modernization of industrial infrastructure of East German firms. There was a surge in investment in East German area at the beginning stages but this was focused on a specific group of firms. Most of the firms were privatized through unofficial channels, with a third of these conducted in a management buy-out (MBO) process that was highly effective. Further analysis of a firm called Jenoptik, which was successfully bailed out, is incorporated as to draw implications of its accomplishments.
In the section on migration, we examine how the gap between the unemployment rates in the West and East have narrowed as the population flow shifted from the West to East. Consequently, there was no significant deviation in terms of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) per capita in each state of East Germany. However, as the labor market stabilized in East Germany and population flows have weakened, the deviation will become larger. Meanwhile, if we make a prediction about the movement of population between the North and the South, which show a remarkable difference in their economic circumstances, a radical reunification process such as Germany’s case would force 7% of the population of the North to move towards the South. Upon reunification, the estimated unemployment rate in North Korea would remain at least 30% for the time being. In order to reduce the initial unemployment rate, it is crucial to design a program that trains the unemployed and to build a system that predicts changes in labor demand.
It seems nearly impossible to apply the social safety nets of the South to the North, as there is a systemic difference in ideologies. Taking steps toward integration would be the most suitable option in the case of the Koreas. We propose to build a sound groundwork for stabilizing the interest rates and exchange rates, maintain stable fiscal policies, raise momentum for economic growth and make sure people understand the means required to financially support the North in order to reduce the gap between the two.
This book was jointly organized and edited by Dr. Hyung-gon Jeong of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and Dr. Gerhard Heimpold of the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH). We believe that this report, which examines numerous social and economic agendas that emerged during the reunification of Germany, will provide truly important reference for both Koreas. It is also our view that it will serve as a stepping-stone to establish policies in regard to South-North exchanges across numerous sectors prior to discussions of reunification. KIEP will continue to work with IWH and contribute its expertise to the establishment of grounds for unification policies.
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24.04.2017 • 22/2017
Höhere Kapitalforderungen: Am Ende leiden die Unternehmen
61 europäische Banken sollten bis 2012 ihre Kapitaldecke erhöhen, um ausreichend Puffer für zukünftige Krisen aufzubauen. Wie die Studie der Forschergruppe um Reint E. Gropp vom Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) zeigt, setzten die Banken diese Forderung auch in die Tat um – allerdings nicht, indem sie sich frisches Kapital beschafften, sondern indem sie ihr Kreditangebot verringerten. Die Folge: geringeres Bilanz-, Investitions- und Umsatzwachstum von Unternehmen, die größere Kredite von diesen Banken hielten.
Reint E. Gropp
Evidence for the Existence of Downward Real-Activity Earnings Management
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Lingxiang Li
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance,
Nr. 2,
Prior studies of real-activity earnings management (REM) focus on earnings-inflating abnormal activities. We seek to establish the existence of downward REM by investigating several corporate events in which managers have incentives to temporarily deflate market valuations. Specifically, we focus on, and find downward REM before, share repurchases, management buyouts (MBOs), and CEO option awards. Large-sample evidence of downward REM is also found in our general analysis of earnings smoothing. Downward REM becomes much smaller or nonexistent when there is a lack of managerial incentives in those events, such as non-carry-through repurchases, incomplete MBOs, and unexpected option awards. Following the research design of Zang, we find that various REM and accrual-based earnings management (AEM) cost factors consistently influence the magnitude of downward REM and AEM around the three corporate events.
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Effects of Urban Renewal on Non-subsidised Property Owners: Evidence from East Germany
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld, Dominik Weiß
Town Planning Review,
Nr. 3,
Programme zur Stadtsanierung greifen in lokale Wohnungsmärkte u.a. über zwei Kategorien von Subventionen ein: Subventionen zur Verbesserung des lokalen Umfelds; Subventionen zum Rückbau von Wohnungen. Der vorliegende Artikel untersucht die (indirekten) Effekte solcher Subventionen auf die Eigentümer von Mietwohnungen, die nicht unmittelbare Empfänger der Subventionen sind. Bislang gibt es hierzu keine gesicherten Erkenntnisse. Auf der Basis der Realoptionstheorie wird davon ausgegangen, dass es durch die Stadtsanierung zu einer Erhöhung der Optionsprämien kommt; in der Folge werden Wohnungseigentümer zu Investitionen veranlasst. Diese Hypothese wird auf der Basis empirischer Daten für das Programm „Stadtumbau Ost“ überprüft.
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An Options-based Approach to Forecast Competing Bids: Evidence for Canadian Takeover Battles
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
Applied Economics,
Nr. 34,
During takeover battles, a tender offer provides a call option right to the target’s shareholders: it guarantees the offered price but maintains the chance of a higher offer. We present an options-based approach to estimate the probability and expected value of higher competing takeover bids using target stock price data. Analysing Canadian takeover battles in the period 1997 to 2007 we find that during the 5 trading days prior to the occurrence of an increased takeover bid, the estimated probability of a higher bid exceeds 80% on average and the expected value of a potential competing bid almost matches the realized value.
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Stadtumbau – Preise – Investitionen. Empirische Untersuchungen zum Wohnungsmarkt auf Grundlage der Realoptionstheorie
Dominik Weiß
Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis, Bd. 56. Zugl. Dissertation Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Dr. Kovac Verlag, Hamburg,
Mit der Studie legt Dominik Weiß die erste umfassende Untersuchung vor, die sich quantitativ mit den Effekten des Stadtumbaus auf Preisbildung und Wertentwicklung am Immobilienmarkt auseinandersetzt. Durch die Anwendung eines realoptionstheoretischen Ansatzes wird eine innovative Analysemethodik angewendet, die zumindest in Deutschland bisher kaum mit umfangreichen empirischen Analysen verknüpft worden ist. Dadurch wird die Problematik der zeitlich verzögerten Wirkung baulicher Maßnahmen am Markt und der indirekte Charakter der Stadtumbauförderung für private Wohnungseigentümer adäquat berücksichtigt. Die Studie beleuchtet Entscheidungskalküle und das Investitionsverhalten von Hauseigentümern und liefert Erkenntnisse über die Potenziale und Grenzen der klassischen Stadtumbaumaßnahmen. Von besonderem Wert für Entscheider in Stadtentwicklung, Förderpolitik und Wohnungswirtschaft sind die umfangreiche Aufarbeitung ökonomischer Begründungen für die Stadtumbauförderung und die vielfältigen Hinweise und Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung des Stadtumbaus.
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Klimarisikomanagement mit dem CO2-Navigator
Edeltraud Günther, C. Manthey, G. Weber, M. Nowack, Wilfried Ehrenfeld, Henry Dannenberg
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik,
Die Software CO2-Navigator wendet den Realoptionsansatz und den Risikomanagementprozess auf den unternehmerischen Umgang mit dem Klimawandel an. Er richtet sich in erster Linie an emissionsintensive, kleine und mittlere Unternehmen ist jedoch auch in größeren Unternehmen, die beispielsweise eine eigene „Sustainability“-Abteilung unterhalten, anwendbar. Der Wertbeitrag des Softwaretools besteht darin, dass es die Aspekte Klimastrategie, quantitative Bewertung von Klimaschutzinvestitionen sowie Emissionsrechtemanagement vereint. Es kann im Unternehmen in Bereichen strategisches Management, regulatorisches Management, Energie- und Umweltmanagement, Technologiemanagement sowie Controlling Anwendung finden. Der spezielle Wertbeitrag dieses Artikels liegt in der Verknüpfung von Klimarisikomanagement und Realoptionsansatz sowie in der Darstellung des CO2-NAVIGATORs vor dem Hintergrund seiner Entwicklung im Sinne konstruktionsorientierter Forschung.
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CO2-Navigator – ein Softwaretool zur Unterstützung von Investitionsoptionen zur Emissionsreduktion und zum Management von Klimarisiken
Edeltraud Günther, G. Weber, M. Nowack, Wilfried Ehrenfeld
Klimaschutz und Anpassung an die Klimafolgen: Strategien, Maßnahmen und Anwendungsbeispiele,
Die globale Erwärmung und zunehmende klimapolitische Maßnahmen sind für viele Unternehmen mit Risiken, aber auch mit Chancen verbunden. Der Lehrstuhl für Betriebliche Umweltökonomie an der TU Dresden und das Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle untersuchten im Rahmen des BMBF-Projekts „Unternehmenssteuerung im klimapolitischen Umfeld (CO2-Navigator)“ die Frage, wie Unternehmen mit diesen Herausforderungen umgehen können. Konkretes Anliegen des Projektverbunds war, den Unternehmen eine Hilfestellung anzubieten, a) mögliche Strategien zur Emissionsminderung und mittelfristige Anpassungen an veränderte Umfeldbedingungen zu erarbeiten, b) deren wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen abzuschätzen und c) darauf aufbauend Entscheidungen für die Praxis ableiten zu können. Die Kernelemente des Forschungsprojekts, das Risikomanagement und die Bewertung von Anpassungsstrategien mit dem Realoptionsansatz sowie die im Rahmen des Projekts entstandene Software CO2-Navigator werden im vorliegenden Beitrag näher beschrieben.
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Keeping the Bubble Alive! The Effects of Urban Renewal and Demolition Subsidies in the East German Housing Market
Dominik Weiß
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 11,
German urban renewal programs are favoring the cities in the Eastern part since the re-unification in 1990. This was accompanied additionally by attractive tax incentives, designed as an accelerated declining balance method of depreciation for housing investments during the late 1990s. The accumulated needs for comfortable housing after 40 years of a disastrous housing policy of the GDR era were generally accepted as justification for the subvention policy. But various subsidies and tax incentives caused a construction boom, false allocations, and a price bubble in Eastern Germany. After recognizing that the expansion of housing supply was not in line with the demographic development and that high vacancy rates were jeopardizing housing companies and their financial backers, policy changed in 2001. Up to now, the government provides demolition grants to reduce the vast oversupply. By means of a real option approach, it is ex-plained how different available forms of subsidies and economic incentives for landlords lift real estate values. The option value representing growth expectations and opportunities is calculated as an observable market value less an estimated fundamental value. Empirical results disclose higher option premiums for cities in Eastern Germany and a strong correlation of the option premium with urban renewal spending.
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