Aufgaben des IWH Geleitet von seinem Mission Statement stellt das IWH die Analyse der Determinanten langfristiger Wachstumsprozesse ins Zentrum seiner Forschung. Langfristige…
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Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Als eingetragener Verein ist das IWH satzungsgemäß in verschiedene Organisationseinheiten (Gremien) gegliedert, die das Institut leiten, überprüfen,…
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Infografiken Bilder sagen manchmal mehr als viele Worte – daher haben wir für Sie ein paar ausgewählte Abbildungen zusammengestellt, die unsere Themen beleuchten. Sollten Sie…
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Unsere Projekte 07.2022 ‐ 12.2026 Evaluierung des InvKG und des Bundesprogrammes STARK Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums…
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Unsere Forschungsgruppen Anpassungsfähigkeit und Resilienz des Finanzsystems Banken, Regulierung und Anreizstrukturen Betriebliche Dynamiken und Beschäftigungsergebnisse Bildung,…
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Dr. Wolfgang Sender –
Dr. Wolfgang Sender Aktuelle Position seit 5/24 Leiter der Abteilung Interne und externe Kommunikation Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) Aktivitäten…
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Personalentwicklungskonzept Personalentwicklungskonzept des IWH Personalentwicklungskonzept (pdf, 128 kB) Personalentwicklung ist die Zusammenfassung aller systematisch…
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AIECE General Report, Part 2, Spring 2023
Andrej Drygalla, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
IWH Studies,
Nr. 4,
The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) is a member of AIECE (Association d'Instituts Europeens de Conjoncture Economique/Association of European Conjuncture Institutes), an association of independent European institutes involved in surveying economic conditions and developments, and in short-term macroeconomic forecasting. The main objective of the Association is to stimulate the exchanges between its members with a view to improve their insight into international economic developments. This ranges from the exchange of statistical or institutional information to discussions on economic policy Guidelines to common research activities. The AIECE organises between its members an exchange of view, of information and of literature on international economic developments, in particular in Europe. The Association provides the framework for joint activities of its members in areas of common interest. Its structure allows its members to develop common views on the future cyclical development. In order to meet these objectives the Association has half-yearly plenary meetings, centred around a general report on the European conjuncture prepared in turn by one of the members in cooperation with the other member institutes, but also with discussions of the working group reports and of special surveys prepared by member institutes. In Spring 2023, the report was written by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
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AIECE General Report, Part 1, Spring 2023
Andrej Drygalla, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
IWH Studies,
Nr. 3,
The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) is a member of AIECE (Association d'Instituts Europeens de Conjoncture Economique/Association of European Conjuncture Institutes), an association of independent European institutes involved in surveying economic conditions and developments, and in short-term macroeconomic forecasting. The main objective of the Association is to stimulate the exchanges between its members with a view to improve their insight into international economic developments. This ranges from the exchange of statistical or institutional information to discussions on economic policy Guidelines to common research activities. The AIECE organises between its members an exchange of view, of information and of literature on international economic developments, in particular in Europe. The Association provides the framework for joint activities of its members in areas of common interest. Its structure allows its members to develop common views on the future cyclical development. In order to meet these objectives the Association has half-yearly plenary meetings, centred around a general report on the European conjuncture prepared in turn by one of the members in cooperation with the other member institutes, but also with discussions of the working group reports and of special surveys prepared by member institutes. In Spring 2023, the report was written by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
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IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics
Warum ein Doktorandenstudium am IWH? Das IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics – one of the Top 20 places to do a PhD ( INOMICS Career Guide 2023 ) Am Leibniz-Institut für…
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