Taxation and the International Mobility of Inventors
Ufuk Akcigit, Salomé Baslandze, Stefanie Stantcheva
American Economic Review,
Nr. 10,
We study the effect of top tax rates on “superstar” inventors’ international mobility since 1977, using panel data on inventors from the US and European Patent Offices. We exploit the differential impact of changes in top tax rates on inventors of different qualities. Superstar inventors' location choices are significantly affected by top tax rates. In our preferred specification, the elasticity to the net-of-tax rate of the number of domestic superstar inventors is around 0.03, while that of foreign superstar inventors is around 1. These elasticities are larger for inventors in multinational companies. An inventor is less sensitive to taxes in a country if his company performs a higher share of its research there.
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Finanzmarktwissen bei Selbstständigen besonders ausgeprägt
Aida Ćumurović, Walter Hyll
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 3,
Unternehmerische Aktivität ist ein dynamischer Treiber wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung. Finanzmarktwissen befähigt Individuen zu einer besseren Abwägung von Chancen und Risiken. In diesem Beitrag wird geprüft, ob ein höheres Maß an Finanzmarktwissen auch einen Einfluss auf die Entscheidung hat, sich selbstständig zu machen. Dieser Zusammenhang wird auf der Basis von Umfragedaten für Deutschland empirisch bestätigt.
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Financial Literacy and Self-employment
Aida Ćumurović, Walter Hyll
In this paper, we study the relationship between financial literacy and self-employment. We use established financial knowledge-based questions to measure financial literacy levels. The analysis shows a highly significant correlation between selfemployment and financial literacy scores. To investigate the impact of financial literacy on being self-employed, we apply instrumental variable techniques based on information on economic education before entering the labour market and education of parents. Our results reveal that financial literacy positively affects the probability of being self-employed. As financial literacy is acquirable, findings suggest that entrepreneurial activities may be raised via enhancing financial knowledge.
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Burdett–Mortensen Model of on-the-Job Search with Two Sectors
Florian Hoffmann, Shouyong Shi
Review of Economic Dynamics,
Special Issue in Honor of Dale Mortensen
The focus of this paper is on the steady state of a two-sector economy with undirected search where employed and unemployed workers can search for jobs, both within a sector and between the sectors. As in the one-sector model, on-the-job search generates wage dispersion among homogeneous workers. The analysis of the two-sector model uncovers a property called constant tension that is responsible for analytical tractability. We characterize the steady state in all cases with constant tension. When time discounting vanishes, constant tension yields the endogenous separation rate in each sector as a linear function of the present value for a worker. The one-sector economy automatically satisfies constant tension, in which case the linear separation rate implies that equilibrium offers of the worker value are uniformly distributed. Constant tension also has strong predictions for worker transitions and value/wage dispersion, both within a sector and between the two sectors. When constant tension does not hold, we compute the steady state numerically and illustrate its properties.
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Zu den Auswirkungen der Migration auf den ostdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 6,
Die starken Migrationsprozesse beeinflussen zunehmend auch den ostdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Die Zuwachsraten bei der Zahl der Beschäftigten, den Arbeitslosen sowie den Leistungsbeziehern nach SGB II vor allem aus den mittel- und osteuropäischen Staaten mit Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit, den von der europäischen Schulden- und Vertrauenskrise besonders schwer betroffenen Ländern Griechenland, Italien, Portugal und Spanien sowie den Asylherkunftsländern sind gegenwärtig sehr hoch und liegen in der gleichen Größenordnung wie in Westdeutschland. Die Anteile von Migranten an der Bevölkerung und an relevanten Arbeitsmarktgrößen sind allerdings in Ostdeutschland erheblich niedriger als in Westdeutschland.
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Arbeitsmarktbilanz Ostdeutschland: Beschäftigung im Osten rückläufig
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 6,
Der seit dem vierten Quartal 2014 zu beobachtende Beschäftigungsrückgang hat sich fortgesetzt. Im zweiten Quartal 2015 nahm die Zahl der Erwerbstätigen saisonbereinigt mit 0,2% sogar noch etwas stärker ab als in den beiden Quartalen zuvor. Dabei lag im ersten Halbjahr 2015 das Bruttoinlandsprodukt um 1,1% über dem Vorjahresstand. In Westdeutschland, wo das Bruttoinlandsprodukt um 1,5% zunahm, legte die Beschäftigung weiter zu.
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Does the Plant Size–wage Differential Increase with Tenure? Affirming Evidence from German Panel Data
Daniel Fackler, Thorsten Schank, Claus Schnabel
Economics Letters,
We show that the major part of the plant size–wage premium in Germany is reflected in different wage growth patterns in plants of different size. This is consistent with the hypothesis that large firms ‘produce’ more skilled workers over time.
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Do Manufacturing Firms Benefit from Services FDI? – Evidence from Six New EU Member States
J. Damijan, Crt Kostevc, Philipp Marek, Matija Rojec
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 5,
This paper focuses on the effect of foreign presence in the services sector on the productivity growth of downstream customers in the manufacturing sector in six EU new member countries in the course of their accession to the European Union. For this purpose, the analysis combines firm-level information, data on economic structures and annual national input-output tables. The findings suggest that services FDI may enhance productivity of manufacturing firms in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries through vertical forward spillovers, and thereby contribute to their competitiveness. The consideration of firm characteristics shows that the magnitude of spillover effects depends on size, ownership structure, and initial productivity level of downstream firms as well as on the diverging technological intensity across sector on the supply and demand side. The results suggest that services FDI foster productivity of domestic rather than foreign controlled firms in the host economy. For the period between 2003 and 2008, the findings suggest that the increasing share of services provided by foreign affiliates enhanced the productivity growth of domestic firms in manufacturing by 0.16%. Furthermore, the firms’ absorptive capability and the size reduce the spillover effect of services FDI on the productivity of manufacturing firms. A sectoral distinction shows that firms at the end of the value chain experience a larger productivity growth through services FDI, whereas the aggregate positive effect seems to be driven by FDI in energy supply. This does not hold for science-based industries, which are spurred by foreign presence in knowledge-intensive business services.
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A Weighty Issue Revisited: The Dynamic Effect of Body Weight on Earnings and Satisfaction in Germany
Frieder Kropfhäußer, Marco Sunder
Applied Economics,
Nr. 41,
We estimate the relationship between changes in the body mass index (bmi) and wages or satisfaction, respectively, in a panel of German employees. In contrast to previous findings, our dynamic models indicate an inverse u-shaped association between bmi and wages. As the implied maximum occurs in the ‘overweight’ category, the positive trend in weight may not yet constitute a major limitation to productivity. Further investigation points out a stronger association among young workers and workers with jobs that are less protected. Work satisfaction of young workers is associated with bmi beyond the effect of earnings.
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