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IWH in Halle gründet europäisches Zentrum für MikrodatenforschungReint GroppDeutschlandfunk, 9. Januar 2025
We examine how state ownership of banks may have contributed to the ascent to power of Vladimir Putin during the Russian presidential elections of March 2000.
Using unique firm-level data across 48 developing countries and 36 manufacturing industries, we gauge the importance of international banks’ presence for promoting entrepreneurship, as measured by business formation.
This paper studies the long-run effects of credit market disruptions on real firm outcomes and how these effects depend on nominal wage rigidities at the firm level.
We analyze optimal capital regulation of imperfectly competitive banks that are confronted with competition from non-regulated banks. We characterize banks as having access to deposit insurance and underly banking regulation in exchange.
Using matched bank-firm-level data and the 2014 depreciation of the euro, we show that exchange rate depreciations can lead to higher loan supply.
We study how firm-level carbon emissions affect bank lending and, through this channel, real, financial, and environmental outcomes in a sample of global firms with syndicated loans.
This paper studies how banks compete amid digital disruption and the resulting distributional effect across consumers. Digital disruption increases the geographic coverage of banking services, bringing new entrants to local markets.
Workshop topics include competition and risk-taking of individual banks, the (e)valuation of climate risks by financial institutions and in financial markets, the stability of the financial sector and its regulation and the role of real estate markets for financial system resilience. The workshop aims at linking young economists interested in related topics and provides a platform to exchange ideas and discuss recent contributions.
Präsenzveranstaltung, organisiert vom Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle zusammen mit dem Institut für Kreditwesen der Universität Münster.