Medienecho Februar 2025 IWH: Die deutsche Anämie in: Wirtschaftswoche, 14.02.2025 Oliver Holtemöller: Mitreden vor der Wahl! Was hilft der Wirtschaft aus der Krise? in: NDR,…
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Conditional Macroeconomic Survey Forecasts: Revisions and Errors
Alexander Glas, Katja Heinisch
Journal of International Money and Finance,
Using data from the European Central Bank's Survey of Professional Forecasters and ECB/Eurosystem staff projections, we analyze the role of ex-ante conditioning variables for macroeconomic forecasts. In particular, we test to which extent the updating and ex-post performance of predictions for inflation, real GDP growth and unemployment are related to beliefs about future oil prices, exchange rates, interest rates and wage growth. While oil price and exchange rate predictions are updated more frequently than macroeconomic forecasts, the opposite is true for interest rate and wage growth expectations. Beliefs about future inflation are closely associated with oil price expectations, whereas expected interest rates are related to predictions of output growth and unemployment. Exchange rate predictions also matter for macroeconomic forecasts, albeit less so than the other variables. With regard to forecast errors, wage growth and GDP growth closely comove, but only during the period when interest rates are at the effective zero lower bound.
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Bevölkerung und Arbeitsmarkt
Bevölkerung und Arbeitsmarkt Zu den Einwohnern und Einwohnerinnen gehören alle Personen (Deutsche und Ausländer/innen), die im Bundesgebiet (bzw. in einem Bundesland) ihren…
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Conditional Macroeconomic Forecasts: Disagreement, Revisions and Forecast Errors
Alexander Glas, Katja Heinisch
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 7,
Using data from the European Central Bank‘s Survey of Professional Forecasters, we analyse the role of ex-ante conditioning variables for macroeconomic forecasts. In particular, we test to which extent the heterogeneity, updating and ex-post performance of predictions for inflation, real GDP growth and the unemployment rate are related to assumptions about future oil prices, exchange rates, interest rates and wage growth. Our findings indicate that inflation forecasts are closely associated with oil price expectations, whereas expected interest rates are used primarily to predict output growth and unemployment. Expectations about exchange rates and wage growth also matter for macroeconomic forecasts, albeit less so than oil prices and interest rates. We show that survey participants can considerably improve forecast accuracy for macroeconomic outcomes by reducing prediction errors for external conditions. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the expectation formation process of experts.
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Dynamic Equity Slope
Matthijs Breugem, Stefano Colonnello, Roberto Marfè, Francesca Zucchi
University of Venice Ca' Foscari Department of Economics Working Papers,
Nr. 21,
The term structure of equity and its cyclicality are key to understand the risks drivingequilibrium asset prices. We propose a general equilibrium model that jointly explainsfour important features of the term structure of equity: (i) a negative unconditionalterm premium, (ii) countercyclical term premia, (iii) procyclical equity yields, and (iv)premia to value and growth claims respectively increasing and decreasing with thehorizon. The economic mechanism hinges on the interaction between heteroskedasticlong-run growth — which helps price long-term cash flows and leads to countercyclicalrisk premia — and homoskedastic short-term shocks in the presence of limited marketparticipation — which produce sizeable risk premia to short-term cash flows. The slopedynamics hold irrespective of the sign of its unconditional average. We provide empirical support to our model assumptions and predictions.
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Betriebsräte und betriebliche Produktivität
Steffen Müller
Schmollers Jahrbuch,
Nr. 1,
Betriebliche Mitbestimmung der Arbeitnehmer durch Betriebsräte ist ein zentrales Element der industriellen Beziehungen in Deutschland. Dennoch besteht trotz langjähriger Forschung keine Einigkeit über ihre Wirkung auf die betriebliche Produktivität. In diesem Papier wird zunächst der statistische Zusammenhang zwischen Betriebsrat und Produktivität mit Hilfe des IAB Betriebspanels empirisch untersucht. Betriebe mit Betriebsrat erweisen sich als um 9 Prozent produktiver. Es wird anhand der Ergebnisse dieser und anderer Studien argumentiert, dass die Wirkung von Betriebsräten auf die Produktivität den geschätzten statistischen Zusammenhang übersteigt.
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