
Creating Networks by Public Research Subsidies in Saxony?

It is generally acknowledged that research organizations require public support to perform research and development activities. In this context, projects grants play a continuously increasing role that, particularly, aim at strengthening network relationships among the actors within an innovation system. Given that, the Halle Institute for Economic Research has investigated whether public research subsidies (i.e. research grants) in the Free State of Saxony promote networks and provide the basis for future cooperation activities. Results of this study suggest that research grants in Saxony, given the self-assessment of the supported scientists, are conducive to the establishment of network relationships (including also industry actors) and can further contribute to make a better use of cooperation agreements in the future.

23. February 2011

Authors Michael Schwartz Nicole Nulsch Jutta Günther

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Martin T. W. Rosenfeld

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 2, 2011


In letzter Zeit häufen sich die Stimmen, die einen zunehmenden Verfall der öffentlichen Infrastruktur in Deutschland beklagen, wobei insbesondere der desolate Zustand zahlreicher Einrichtungen der Städte und Gemeinden sowie deren in manchen Fällen bereits erfolgte oder erwartete Schließung kritisiert wird. Fast täglich wird in den Medien über spektakuläre Einzelfälle wie den Ausfall der Berliner S-Bahn oder besonders sichtbare Probleme wie die unzureichende Beseitigung von Schlaglöchern auf den Straßen berichtet. Was sind die Gründe für diese Probleme? Lassen sich diese allein mit mehr öffentlichen Finanzmitteln – sei es auf dem Wege höherer Abgaben, sei es mit Hilfe einer Umschichtung von Mitteln – lösen?

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Construction Industry Survey 2011: Modernization Boosts Construction Upswing

Brigitte Loose

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 2, 2011


In 2010 the East German construction sector has raised mainly thanks to a very strong demand for renovation and modernization activities of private households. This segment is likely to continue its overall trend towards growth in 2011 due to an increase in average net incomes and low mortgage interest rates. The private non-residential sector will be boosted by a strong development of the whole German economy. However, the civil contractors look to the future more skeptically. Their activities depend to a large extent on public investment, which as a result of diminishing stimulation after the crisis will likely shrink in 2011.

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IWH-Industrieumfrage im Januar 2011: Optimistischer Start ins neue Jahr

Cornelia Lang

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 2, 2011


Im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe Ostdeutschlands herrscht weiterhin gute Stimmung. Das zeigen die Ergebnisse der IWH-Industrieumfrage vom Januar unter rund 300 Unternehmen. Die aktuelle Geschäftslage wird zwar geringfügig schlechter beurteilt als im vergangenen November (drei Saldenpunkte weniger). Doch der Saldo der Geschäftserwartungen ist gegenüber der Novemberumfrage deutlich um 15 Punkte angestiegen. So viel Zukunftsoptimismus herrschte in der ostdeutschen Industrie zuletzt im Sommer 2008.

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Conference Report : Analyses and Policies for East Germany – Research Results from the IWH

B. Damm Jutta Günther

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 2, 2011


On November 18th, 2010, the conference “Analyses and Policies for East Germany“ took place for the 4th time. IWH’s objective as the host of the conference was to present and discuss current research and, based on that, to provide some political consulting. The meeting dealt with possible paths of economic development of East Germany after the global financial crisis and how political objectives will influence the region. After presenting a general overview of the current situation, speakers also covered specific topics. Among these issues were: the co-operation between private companies and academic science in the field of photovoltaics, the demographic situation as well as potentials due to immigration to the region, the long-term results of the new administrative order of East German cities, and the necessity to overcome the current high-debt situation of the East German Länder.

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Metropolitan Area „Central Germany“: How Strong are the Commuting Flows between the Cities?

Albrecht Kauffmann

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 2, 2011


The metropolitan area „Central Germany“ is an institutional agreement on co-operation between the bigger cities of the German Länder Saxonia, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. It is one of now eleven “European Metropolitan Areas” acknowledged by the Conference of German Ministers for Spatial Planning. In the face of the multitude of cities and the large distances between the cities at the fringe and the geographical centre of the metropolitan area “Central Germany” should be regarded as a very special case. Another peculiarity is that the hinterland of the metropolitan area has not yet been delineated. The paper analyses the networking interrelations between the eleven cities on the basis of commuting flows. Additionally, proposals for the delimitation of this metropolitan area as a polycentric functional urban area are suggested for the first time. The investigation yields that network connectivity between the cities that have shaped the former metropolitan area “Halle/Leipzig-Saxonian Triangle”, as well as the Thuringian cities is much more intensive than the commuting flows between these subareas that are well connected from history. As a functional area, the metropolitan area “Central Germany” would have a very large hinterland, but its population density would be rather small, and it would interact only with the nearest regional centres. One can conclude that the preconditions for successful cooperation are better for adjacent cities which collaboration has already a long tradition.

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Wechsel in der Geldpolitik – aber bitte nur den Kurs, nicht das Paradigma – ein Kommentar

Diemo Dietrich

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 2, 2011


Die EZB hat im Februar die Beibehaltung ihres extrem expansiven geldpolitischen Kurses beschlossen und zudem noch immer keine Zeichen gesetzt, die auf eine baldige Abkehr hiervon schließen lassen könnten. Dabei sollten sowohl die beispiellose Liquiditätsausweitung als auch die vielfältigen Rettungsschirme für Staaten und Banken der unmittelbaren Krisenbewältigung vorbehalten sein. Beide Instrumente scheinen aber in Westeuropa mittlerweile zum Bestandteil des Ordnungsrahmens der Wirtschaft geworden zu sein – und die für manchen Beobachter absehbaren Nebenwirkungen stellen sich nach und nach ein.

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