
The Leibniz Institute for Economic Research Halle (IWH) is responsible for economic research and economic policy advice on a scientific basis. The institute is internationally orientated in terms of research topics, research cooperation and employees.


International Research Topics

Current economic research and policy advice can rarely be focussed solely on Germany, European and international references are also necessary. Accordingly, many of the IWH's research findings are published in English in order to make them accessible to the international community of economic researchers. Studies relating to Germany, such as the IWH economic forecasts or the IWH insolvency trend, are published in German.

The IWH is located in the centre of Halle (Saale) in the middle of Germany. From here, the researchers are in a global dialogue. International partners are often connected online to conferences and seminars.

The success of the international focus of our research is reflected in the citations of our scientists - in other words, the number of times they are cited in the scientific field. This shows that our international research group leader and deputy head of department, Professor Javier Miranda, in particular, has many citations. In terms of both A and A+ publications and the number of authors, the IWH is in fourth place in the ranking of German economic research institutes. This puts it ahead of all other economic research institutes in the Leibniz Association (see Research Monitoring 2023). The renowned publications in which IWH researchers publish include the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Political Economy and Research Policy.

Research Cooperations

Research at the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research Halle (IWH) is often not only thematically international, but also takes place with international cooperation partners - universities, research institutions and scientists worldwide.

Internationally active researchers meet at the IWH and maintain an intensive exchange of expertise, often over many years.

The IWH is in dialogue with universities, research institutions and associations worldwide, including

  • Université de Montreal
  • European Bank of Reconstruction and Development – Finance and Productivity Conference (FinPro)
  • Henan University Kaifeng (China)
  • George Washington University Columbian College of Arts and Sciences 
  • Various co-operations with different universities via IWH Research Fellows and the IWH Research Network in Economics ReNEc

Joint research projects, publications, guest lectures and conference participations are realised with researchers in these and other organisations.

International Employees

The IWH is a centre of attraction for the best researchers from all over the world. The Institute's recruitment programme is therefore geared towards attracting first-class researchers from around the world to the IWH.

This is why the proportion of researchers of international origin has risen continuously in recent years. There are currently 25 international researchers from 13 nations working at the IWH. Most of them come from China, Italy, the USA and Russia. In addition, there are international fellows and administrative staff with an international background.

Our researchers at the IWH are in these roles, for example:

  • Doctoral studies (jointly with Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Leipzig University and Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
  • Participation in the doctoral programme IWH-DPE
  • Research assistant
  • Junior professorship and head of a research group
  • Head of department

What international alumni say

“Being at the IWH surrounded me with people who not only fostered research, but also provided a friendly and secure environment that left plenty of room for economic exploration.”

Dr. Antonis Mavropoulos, Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE), Athens, Greece – DPE Graduate 2021 at the IWH

“After completing my PhD, I landed my first position at the IWH. There, I had the pleasure of working alongside a group of talented colleagues, some of whom I continue to collaborate with today. Though my time at the IWH was only two years, it profoundly impacted my professional development and holds a special place in my family's memories.”

Liuchun Deng, Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore – from 2017 to 2019 Junior Professor in the Department of Structural Change and Productivity, Head of the Research Group ‘Globalisation, Technological Progress and Labour Market Adjustments’ at IWH

Working Conditions

International employees receive the best possible support at IWH in order to feel at home at the institute. During their stay, the institute provides support in many areas of daily life, such as dealing with the authorities or finding accommodation.


Bright Offices at IWH

The Leibniz Institute for Economic Research Halle (IWH) offers excellent working conditions, which are also attractive for international researchers. The offices at the institute are bright and each has at least two windows, which makes for a pleasant working atmosphere. The office sizes vary between 11 and 35 square metres, and there are both single and double offices. Each employee has a height-adjustable desk, an ergonomic swivel chair and one or two monitors, which ensures a healthy and flexible working environment.

Spacious group work areas are available for collaboration and exchange, which are particularly suitable for students and interns. The institute has three modern meeting rooms with projectors and whiteboards as well as a large and a small conference room, which offer ideal conditions for meetings and presentations. A well-equipped library is available to scientists to support their research work.

The infrastructure of the IWH is complemented by kitchens on each floor as well as water dispensers and fully automatic coffee machines. Copying and printing rooms are also located on each floor and offer efficient working facilities. 

Family workspace, table football and table tennis

The family workspace is particularly family-friendly and includes a children's play corner, a cot, a nappy-changing unit and a quiet room. A lounge corner with newspapers invites you to relax. Rooms with table football and a table tennis table offer opportunities for mental distraction and promote team spirit. Additionally, there are massages on offer at the institute. 

These excellent working conditions make the IWH an attractive workplace for international academics, who not only find ideal research conditions here, but also a supportive and friendly working environment.

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