Medienecho Februar 2025 Reint Gropp: Deutschlands heimliche Chip-Champions in: Chip, 07.02.2025 IWH: Wirtschaft droht 2025 wieder zu schrumpfen in: Handelsblatt, 07.02.2025 IWH:…
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IWH-Alumni Das IWH pflegt den Kontakt zu seinen ehemaligen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern weltweit. Wir beziehen unsere Alumni in unsere Arbeit ein und unterrichten diese…
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On the Returns to Invention within Firms: Evidence from Finland
Philippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit, Ari Hyytinen, Otto Toivanen
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings,
In this paper we merge individual income data, firm-level data, patenting data, and IQ data in Finland over the period 1988–2012 to analyze the returns to invention for inventors and their coworkers or stakeholders within the same firm. We find that: (i) inventors collect only 8 percent of the total private return from invention; (ii) entrepreneurs get over 44 percent of the total gains; (iii) bluecollar workers get about 26 percent of the gains and the rest goes to white-collar workers. Moreover, entrepreneurs start with significant negative returns prior to the patent application, but their returns subsequently become highly positive.
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IWH-Industrieumfrage zum Jahresauftakt 2013: Nach schwachem Jahresabschluss verhaltener Optimismus
Cornelia Lang
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 1,
Im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe Ostdeutschlands liefen die Geschäfte im Jahr 2012 schleppender als im Jahr davor. Die vom IWH regelmäßig befragten Unternehmen signalisierten in den ersten Monaten noch eine Geschäfts-täigkeit auf hohem Niveau, zum Ende des Jahres 2012 befand sich die ostdeutsche Industrie jedoch auf Talfahrt. Die Meldungen der Unternehmen zur Ertragslage lassen erkennen, dass 2012 dennoch ein gutes, wenn auch kein überragendes Jahr war. Knapp drei Viertel der Befragten erwirtschafteten Gewinne, und nur jedes zehnte Industrieunternehmen war in der Verlustzone. Wie schon im Jahr zuvor konnten sich die Unternehmen auch 2012 im Durchschnitt über positive Entwicklungen beim Umsatz freuen. 44% erzielten mehr Umsatz als 2011, 15% genauso viel und 41% weniger.
Für das Jahr 2013 gehen die Unternehmen von einer etwas dynamischeren Umsatzentwicklung aus. Die Be-schäftigungspläne der Unternehmen sind per saldo im Plus. 27% der Befragten wollen im Jahr 2013 Personal einstellen und 60% ihren Personalbestand halten.
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A Novel Approach to Incubator Evaluations: The PROMETHEE Outranking Procedures
Michael Schwartz, Maximilian Göthner
IWH Discussion Papers,
Nr. 1,
Considerable public resources are devoted to the establishment and operation of business incubators (BIs), which are seen as catalysts for the promotion of entrepreneurship, innovation activities and regional development. Despite the vast amount of research that has focused on the outcomes or effectiveness of incubator initiatives and how to measure incubator performance, there is still little understanding of how to determine incubators that are more effective than others. Based on data from 410 graduate firms, this paper applies the multi-criteria outranking technique PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) and compares the long-term effectiveness of five technology-oriented BIs in Germany. This is the first time that outranking procedures are used in incubator evaluations. In particular, we investigate whether PROMETHEE is a well-suited methodological approach for the evaluation and comparisons in the specific context of business incubation.
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An Assessment of Bank Merger Success in Germany
Michael Koetter
German Economic Review,
Nr. 2,
German banks have experienced a merger wave since the early 1990s. However, the success of bank mergers remains a continuous matter of debate.This paper suggests a taxonomy to evaluate post-merger performance on the basis of cost and profit efficiency (CE and PE). I identify successful mergers as those that fulfill simultaneously two criteria. First, merged institutes must exhibit efficiency levels above the average of non-merging banks. Second, banks must exhibit efficiency changes between merger and evaluation year above efficiency changes of non-merging banks. I assess the post-merger performance up to 11 years after the mergers and relate it to the transfer of skills, the adequacy to merge distressed banks and the role of geographical distance. Roughly every second merger is a success in terms of either CE or PE. The margin of success in terms of CE is narrow, as efficiency differentials between merging and non-merging banks are around 1 and 2 percentage points. PE performance is slightly larger. More importantly, mergers boost in particular the change in PE, thus indicating persistent improvements of merging banks to improve the ability to generate profits.
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