Medienecho September 2024 Steffen Müller: Zahl der Firmenpleiten im August leicht gesunken (Beitrag zum IWH - Insolventrend) in: Wirtschaft + Markt, 14.09.2024 IWH: Forscher…
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IWH-Alumni Das IWH pflegt den Kontakt zu seinen ehemaligen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern weltweit. Wir beziehen unsere Alumni in unsere Arbeit ein und unterrichten diese…
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Medienecho-Archiv 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Dezember 2021 IWH: Ausblick auf Wirtschaftsjahr 2022 in Sachsen mit Bezug auf IWH-Prognose zu Ostdeutschland: "Warum Sachsens…
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The Characteristics and Geographic Distribution of Robot Hubs in U.S. Manufacturing Establishments
Erik Brynjolfsson, Catherine Buffington, Nathan Goldschlag, J. Frank Li, Javier Miranda, Robert Seamans
We use data from the Annual Survey of Manufactures to study the characteristics and geography of investments in robots across U.S. manufacturing establishments. We find that robotics adoption and robot intensity (the number of robots per employee) is much more strongly related to establishment size than age. We find that establishments that report having robotics have higher capital expenditures, including higher information technology (IT) capital expenditures. Also, establishments are more likely to have robotics if other establishments in the same Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) and industry also report having robotics. The distribution of robots is highly skewed across establishments’ locations. Some locations, which we call Robot Hubs, have far more robots than one would expect even after accounting for industry and manufacturing employment. We characterize these Robot Hubs along several industry, demographic, and institutional dimensions. The presence of robot integrators and higher levels of union membership are positively correlated with being a Robot Hub.
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30 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung hat das Bruttoinlandsprodukt als Indikator ausgedient
Oliver Holtemöller
Konferenzband "30 Jahre Deutsche Einheit", März
Der Vergleich der Lebensverhältnisse in Ost- und Westdeutschland orientiert sich häufig am Bruttoinlandsprodukt je Einwohner:in. Dieses Maß ist jedoch für sich genommen kein guter Wohlfahrtsindikator. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass gemessen am Bruttoinlandsprodukt je Einwohner:in in absehbarer Zukunft keine wesentliche weitere Angleichung der Wirtschaftskraft in Ost- und Westdeutschland mehr stattfinden wird. Denn die Altersstruktur Ostdeutschlands, d. h. das Verhältnis von Erwerbstätigenzahl zu Einwohnerzahl, ist ungünstiger als im Westen. Betrachtet man hingegen wichtige Wohlfahrtsindikatoren wie Konsummöglichkeiten, Lebenserwartung, Freizeit und Einkommensungleichheit, so sind die Lebensverhältnisse in Ost- und Westdeutschland ähnlicher als das Bruttoinlandsprodukt je Einwohner:in suggeriert. In den Debatten über den Aufholprozess Ostdeutschlands sollte daher stärker auf die Arbeitsproduktivität als Maß für die Wirtschaftskraft und auf andere Wohlfahrtsindikatoren als Maß für die Angleichung der Lebensverhältnisse abgestellt werden.
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Trade, Misallocation, and Capital Market Integration
Laszlo Tetenyi
IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers,
Nr. 8,
I study how cross-country capital market integration affects the gains from trade in a model with financial frictions and heterogeneous, forward-looking firms. The model predicts that misallocation among exporters increases as trade barriers fall, even as misallocation decreases in the aggregate. The reason is that financially constrained productive exporters increase their production only marginally, while unproductive exporters survive for longer and increase their size. Allowing capital inflows magnifies misallocation, because unproductive firms expand even more, leading to a decline in aggregate productivity. Nevertheless, under integrated capital markets, access to cheaper capital dominates the adverse effect on productivity, leading to higher output, consumption and welfare than under closed capital markets. Applied to the period of European integration between 1992 and 2008, I find that underdeveloped sectors experiencing higher export exposure had more misallocation of capital and a higher share of unproductive firms, thus the data is consistent with the model’s predictions. A key implication of the model is that TFP is a poor proxy for consumption growth after trade liberalisation.
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History, Microdata, and Endogenous Growth
Ufuk Akcigit, Tom Nicholas
Annual Review of Economics,
The study of economic growth is concerned with long-run changes, and therefore, historical data should be especially influential in informing the development of new theories. In this review, we draw on the recent literature to highlight areas in which study of history has played a particularly prominent role in improving our understanding of growth dynamics. Research at the intersection of historical data, theory, and empirics has the potential to reframe how we think about economic growth in much the same way that historical perspectives helped to shape the first generation of endogenous growth theories.
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Ostdeutschland 30 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall: Erreichtes und wirtschaftspolitischer Handlungsbedarf
Reint E. Gropp, Gerhard Heimpold
Nr. 7,
Dass Ostdeutschland bei der Verringerung der Ost-West-Produktivitätslücke nur noch wenig vorankommt, hat nicht nur mit fehlenden Konzernzentralen zu tun. Eine Produktivitätslücke existiert in Betrieben aller Größen. Sie ist im städtischen Raum größer als im ländlichen. Der Fachkräftemangel ist der neue Entwicklungsengpass. Um gegenzusteuern, sollte die Wirtschaftspolitik nicht durch zusätzliche Subventionen, die an die Arbeitsplatzschaffung und -erhaltung gebunden sind, den Produktivitätsdruck abschwächen. Die Produktivitätspotenziale der ostdeutschen Städte gilt es zu heben. Fachkräftesicherung verlangt qualifizierte Zuwanderung mit einer entsprechenden Willkommenskultur in Ostdeutschland.
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Innovation and Top Income Inequality
Philippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit, Antonin Bergeaud, Richard Blundell, David Hemous
Review of Economic Studies,
Nr. 1,
In this article, we use cross-state panel and cross-U.S. commuting-zone data to look at the relationship between innovation, top income inequality and social mobility. We find positive correlations between measures of innovation and top income inequality. We also show that the correlations between innovation and broad measures of inequality are not significant. Next, using instrumental variable analysis, we argue that these correlations at least partly reflect a causality from innovation to top income shares. Finally, we show that innovation, particularly by new entrants, is positively associated with social mobility, but less so in local areas with more intense lobbying activities.
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What Type of Finance Matters for Growth? Bayesian Model Averaging Evidence
Iftekhar Hasan, Roman Horvath, Jan Mares
World Bank Economic Review,
Nr. 2,
We examine the effect of finance on long-term economic growth using Bayesian model averaging to address model uncertainty in cross-country growth regressions. The literature largely focuses on financial indicators that assess the financial depth of banks and stock markets. We examine these indicators jointly with newly developed indicators that assess the stability and efficiency of financial markets. Once we subject the finance-growth regressions to model uncertainty, our results suggest that commonly used indicators of financial development are not robustly related to long-term growth. However, the findings from our global sample indicate that one newly developed indicator—the efficiency of financial intermediaries—is robustly related to long-term growth.
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