COVID-19 Pandemic and Global Corporate CDS Spreads
Iftekhar Hasan, Miriam Marra, Thomas Y. To, Eliza Wu, Gaiyan Zhang
Journal of Banking and Finance,
We examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the credit risk of companies around the world. We find that increased infection rates affect firms more adversely as reflected by the wider increase in their credit default swap (CDS) spreads if they are larger, more leveraged, closer to default, have worse governance and more limited stakeholder engagement, and operate in more highly exposed industries. We observe that country-level determinants such as GDP, political stability, foreign direct investment, and commitment to crisis management (income support, health and lockdown policies) also affect the sensitivity of CDS spreads to COVID-19 infection rates. A negative amplification effect exists for firms with high default probability in countries with fiscal constraints. A direct comparison between global CDS and stock markets reveals that the CDS market prices in a distinct set of corporate traits and government policies in pandemic times.
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Bitcoin Flash Crash on May 19, 2021: What Did Really Happen on Binance?
Tim Baumgartner, Andre Guettler
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 25,
Bitcoin plunged by 30% on May 19, 2021. We examine the outage the largest crypto exchange Binance experienced during the crash, when it halted trading for retail clients and stopped providing transaction data. We find evidence that Binance back-filled these missing transactions with data that does not conform to Benford‘s Law. The Bitcoin futures price difference between Binance and other exchanges was seven times larger during the crash period compared to a prior reference period. Data manipulation is a plausible explanation for our findings. These actions are in line with Binance aiming to limit losses for its futures-related insurance fund.
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Internationale Konjunkturprognose und konjunkturelle Szenarien für die Jahre 2022 bis 2027
Andrej Drygalla, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner
IWH Studies,
No. 1,
In der vorliegenden Studie werden zunächst die weltweiten konjunkturellen Aussichten für das Ende des Jahres 2022 und für die Jahre 2023 bis 2027 dargestellt. Dabei wird folgender Länderkreis betrachtet: Deutschland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Irland, Italien, Niederlande, Polen, Portugal, Slowakei und Spanien.
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Internationale Konjunkturprognose und konjunkturelle Stressszenarien für die Jahre 2021 bis 2026
Andrej Drygalla, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner
IWH Studies,
No. 1,
In der vorliegenden Studie werden zunächst die weltweiten konjunkturellen Aussichten für das Ende des Jahres 2021 und für die Jahre 2022 bis 2026 dargestellt. Dabei wird folgender Länderkreis betrachtet: Deutschland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Irland, Italien, Niederlande, Polen, Portugal, Slowakei und Spanien.
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Family Firms and Management Practices
Margarita Tsoutsoura
Oxford Review of Economic Policy,
No. 2,
This article reviews the existing literature about management practices in family firms, the most prevalent form of corporate ownership around the world. I summarize the existing evidence that shows family firms are less likely to adopt structured management practices, especially ‘dynastic’ family firms that combine family ownership and control. I discuss what might be the unique features of family firms that drive the lower adoption of management practices, despite the evidence that improving management boosts their productivity and performance.
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Do Firms Respond to Gender Pay Gap Transparency?
Morten Bennedsen, Elena Simintzi, Margarita Tsoutsoura, Daniel Wolfenzon
Journal of Finance,
No. 4,
We examine the effect of pay transparency on the gender pay gap and firm outcomes. Using a 2006 legislation change in Denmark that requires firms to provide gender-disaggregated wage statistics, detailed employee-employer administrative data, and difference-in-differences and difference-in-discontinuities designs, we find that the law reduces the gender pay gap, primarily by slowing wage growth for male employees. The gender pay gap declines by 2 percentage points, or 13% relative to the prelegislation mean. Despite the reduction of the overall wage bill, the wage transparency mandate does not affect firm profitability, likely because of the offsetting effect of reduced firm productivity.
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Revealing Corruption: Firm and Worker Level Evidence from Brazil
Emanuele Colonnelli, Spyridon Lagaras, Jacopo Ponticelli, Mounu Prem, Margarita Tsoutsoura
Journal of Financial Economics,
No. 3,
We study how the disclosure of corrupt practices affects the growth of firms involved in illegal interactions with the government using randomized audits of public procurement in Brazil. On average, firms exposed by the anti-corruption program grow larger after the audits, despite experiencing a decrease in procurement contracts. We manually collect new data on the details of thousands of corruption cases, through which we uncover a large heterogeneity in our firm-level effects depending on the degree of involvement in corruption. Using investment-, loan-, and worker- level data, we show that the average exposed firms adapt to the loss of government contracts by changing their investment strategy. They increase capital investment and borrow more to finance such investment, while there is no change in their internal organization. We provide qualitative support to our results by conducting new face-to-face surveys with business owners of government-dependent firms.
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IWH-Tarif-Check: Kräftige reale Netto-Tariflohnzuwächse für Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Dienst von Bund und Kommunen im Jahr 2023
Oliver Holtemöller, Birgit Schultz
No. 1,
*** Steuerfreie „Inflationsausgleichsprämie“ bringt Beschäftigten bei Bund und Kommunen kräftiges Gehalts-Plus *** Die Tarifvertragsparteien des öffentlichen Dienstes von Bund und Kommunen haben sich am vergangenen Wochenende auf einen neuen Tariflohnabschluss mit einer Laufzeit von 24 Monaten geeinigt: Im Juni 2023 erfolgt die Zahlung einer steuer- und sozialversicherungsfreien Inflationsausgleichsprämie in Höhe von 1240 Euro. Von Juli 2023 bis Februar 2024 gibt es dann nochmals für alle Entgeltgruppen weitere monatliche Zahlungen über 220 Euro im Rahmen der Inflationsausgleichsprämie. Im März 2024 fällt die temporäre Sonderzahlung wieder weg, und ein Sockelbetrag über 200 Euro erhöht die Tarifentgelte. Zusätzlich gibt es dann eine reguläre Gehaltserhöhung über 5,5%. Die Gesamtlohnsteigerung soll mindestens 340 Euro monatlich betragen.
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Import Competition and Firm Productivity: Evidence from German Manufacturing
Richard Bräuer, Matthias Mertens, Viktor Slavtchev
This study analyses empirically the effects of import competition on firm productivity (TFPQ) using administrative firm-level panel data from German manufacturing. We find that only import competition from high-income countries is associated with positive incentives for firms to invest in productivity improvement, whereas import competition from middle- and low-income countries is not. To rationalise these findings, we further look at the characteristics of imports from the two types of countries and the effects on R&D, employment and sales. We provide evidence that imports from high-income countries are relatively capital-intensive and technologically more sophisticated goods, at which German firms tend to be relatively good. Costly investment in productivity appears feasible reaction to such type of competition and we find no evidence for downscaling. Imports from middle- and low-wage countries are relatively labour-intensive and technologically less sophisticated goods, at which German firms tend to generally be at disadvantage. In this case, there are no incentives to invest in innovation and productivity and firms tend to decline in sales and employment.
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