Quotations and Interviews

IWH: No shortenings of complex facts - but putting things in a nutshell.

For interview inquiries please contact Wolfgang Sender

Professor Reint E. Gropp

"A premature exit from Quantitative Easing (QE) by the ECB would in the short run exacerbate the problems faced by European banks, not alleviate them."

Read: Comment IWH president: ECB resisted its critics

"In total, German households are better off due to higher returns on their savings in the low policy rate environment relative to 2003-2007 by 345 billion Euro."

Read: “The German Saver” and the Low Policy Rate Environment

"Politics should not take the Brexit decision as an excuse to jeopardize the reasonable fusion between Deutsche Börse and London Stock Exchange."

Read: The merger of London Stock Exchange and Deutsche Börse was reasonable


Professor Oliver Holtemöller

"The British vote to leave the EU has worsened the prospects for the country and, to a lesser extent, also for the rest of the EU."

Read: The German Economy: Still robust Despite Sliding Sentiment

"A one-sided orientation toward physical capital and technology will not help on. The key future drivers are human capital, creativity and cosmopolitanism."

Read: East Germany - Still a Long Way to Convergence?

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