Armut von jungen Erwachsenen in der Bundesrepublik

In recent years the youth unemployment rate increased rapidly in Germany and reached the European average. Unemployment is considered as the main poverty risk. But even though the share of social benefit receivers among the youths is above average, youth poverty - unlike child poverty - has been neglected in recent research. Regarding youth, poverty is seen more as a temporary phenomenon. Considering only the standard poverty measure is not enough to figure youth poverty, because one would neglect the personal income situation of the youths. The article´s aim is to combine the equivalised household income and the individual income to find most effected young people. In a further step the socio-demographic factors of those persons are included to draw a more precise picture of the circumstances of poor young people in Germany. The analysis is based on the German Micro Census 2002.

31. May 2006

Authors Eva Reinowski Christine Steiner

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Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft LogoTotal-Equality-LogoSupported by the BMWK