
Current Trends: Thanks to commuters employment figures in the Länder converge

Die Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten differieren zwischen den Bundesländern erheblich. Misst man sie an Hand der in einem Bundesland geleisteten Arbeitsstunden und bezieht diese auf die Erwerbsfähigen der Bevölkerung – das sind alle Personen im Alter von 15 bis 65 –, stehen in Hamburg über 1 280 Arbeitsstunden je Erwerbsfähigen zur Verfügung. Hingegen betragen sie beim „Schlusslicht“ Brandenburg nur 860 Arbeitsstunden. Damit bleiben sie dort um 33% hinter denen in Hamburg zurück.

08. September 2004

Authors Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch

Also in this issue


Almost twice as many unemployed per vacancy in the East than in the West

Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2004


The article describes the current situation in the East German labour market. This labour market has been increasingly in disequilibrium. More than 2 million competitive jobs are missing. The job gap is twice as high as the West German figure.

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Hartz IV: 1-Euro-Jobs setzen falsche Anreize

Herbert Buscher

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2004


The paper analyzes the different incentives due to different possibilities of additional earnings to the receipt of unemployment benefits. Long term unemployed people may earn additional income due to a regular occupation in the first labor market or due to social work. In the latter case people receive a expense allowance which they are allowed to hold for the full amount. Contrary to this income earned in a regular job is partly reduced (by 85 % for the first 400 Euro, e.g.) which might make working in the social or common sector more attractive than working in the first labor market. Secondly, given the unemployment benefits and the additional amount of earnings it might be more attractive with respect to total income than the income earned in the low wage sector of the economy. This might imply a negative incentive for those who are working in a low wage sector.

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IWH Industry Survey July 2004: Bleak outlook lets business climate in East German industry cool off slightly

Sophie Wörsdorfer

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2004


Das Geschäftsklima im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe Ostdeutschlands hat sich laut IWH-Umfrage unter rund 300 Unternehmen im Juli leicht eingetrübt. Während eine der Maiumfrage vergleichbar gute Geschäftslage berichtet wurde, haben bei der Einschätzung der Geschäftsaussichten die pessimistischen Stimmen zugenommen. Dieses Ergebnis entspricht zwar nicht dem Trend der seit Jahresbeginn anhaltenden „Klimaerwärmung“. Dies ist aber nicht überzubewerten, da nach wie vor ein Großteil der befragten Unternehmen bei einer positiven Bewertung bleibt. So bezeichnen jeweils insgesamt rund 69% der teilnehmenden Firmen ihre aktuelle Lage als auch die Geschäftserwartungen als „gut“ bzw. „eher gut“.

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Declining population and rising costs for municipal services

Peter Haug

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2004


Population decrease in many East-German towns and municipalities does not only increase the stock of empty residential buildings. It also makes provision of network-related goods and services more costly. Considering public water and sewerage services as example, the article investigates empirically how costs of provision per inhabitant depend on population number and -density. Diverging from similar studies, spatial differences in distribution costs per inhabitant are calculated within the area of a case study municipality. The calculations are based on cost accounting data of the local provider. A central problem is the choice of an appropriate spatial key figure to allocate costs. The results indicate cost advantages in providing densely populated quarters with network-related services. Consequently, rising per-capita costs should be taken into account to a greater extent for the city conversion programmes in East Germany than they have been up to now.

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Growth in biotechnology industry has come to a halt - is the industry still the great white hope?

Walter Komar

in: Wirtschaft im Wandel, No. 11, 2004


With the modern biotechnology a new industry has appeared worldwide. In Germany, the boom of the foundation of new companies started about 1996/1997. Meanwhile the growth of the biotechnology sector has come to a hold. The biotechnology industry experiences a phase of the consolidation. This paper shows that due to consolidation a core of successful companies will develop, which continue to grow and can support the development of the new industry. Also economically less advanced regions have a chance in the modern biotechnology.

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