Effects of European Competition Policy Reform for Central East Europe - an Institutional Perspective

With the Central and East European countries increasingly included into the international division of labour in the European Economic space, we are prompted to ask whether this integration operates on a level playing field with respect to competition policy. In fact, a comparison between the more advanced West European countries and countries in Central and East Europe reveals that effectiveness of implementation of competition law and policy and intensity of competition are lower in the East and in particular also in the new EU member countries of Central East Europe, where the institutional framework of the West had been taken over some years ago now. In this situation, the EU recently decided to reform competition policy by delegating some of its powers to national competition agencies. We discuss whether this reform will likely spur competition or whether this may turn out to be rather ill-designed for the particularities in post-socialist economies.

01. July 2007

Authors Johannes Stephan Jens Hölscher

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