Payroll and VBL
Payroll and VBL Payroll The monthly earnings statement for IWH employees is made available online via the LuGIS portal . You will receive two letters with the access data for the…
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Media contacts before Joint Economic Forecast Autumn 2023
Media contacts before the publication of the Joint Economic Forecast Autumn 2023 from Oliver Holtemöller, September 7, 2023 Dear all, During the three weeks before the publication…
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Media contacts before Joint Economic Forecast Spring 2022
Media contacts before the publication of the Joint Economic Forecast Spring 2022 from Oliver Holtemöller, March 19, 2022 Dear all, During the four weeks before the publication of…
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Media contacts before Joint Economic Forecast Autumn 2022
Media contacts before the publication of the Joint Economic Forecast Autumn 2022 from Oliver Holtemöller, September 12, 2022 Dear all, During the three weeks before the…
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Do Role Models Matter in Large Classes? New Evidence on Gender Match Effects in Higher Education
Stephan Maurer, Guido Schwerdt, Simon Wiederhold
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 14,
It is well established that female students perform better when taught by female professors. However, little is known about the mechanisms explaining these gender match effects. Using administrative records from a German public university, which cover all programs and courses between 2006 and 2018, we show that gender match effects are sizable in smaller classes, but are absent in larger classes. These results suggest that direct and frequent interactions between students and professors are crucial for gender match effects to emerge. In contrast, the mere fact that one’s professor is female is not sufficient to increase performance of female students.
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Natural Disasters and Bank Stability: Evidence from the U.S. Financial System
Felix Noth, Ulrich Schüwer
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
We show that weather-related natural disasters in the United States significantly weaken the financial stability of banks with business activities in affected regions. This is reflected in higher probabilities of default, lower z-scores, higher non-performing assets ratios, higher foreclosure ratios, lower returns on assets and lower equity ratios of affected banks in the years following a natural disaster. The effects are economically relevant and highlight the financial vulnerability of banks and their borrowers despite insurances and public aid programs.
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IWH-Tarif-Check: Aktuelle Tarifabschlüsse bedeuten Reallohnverluste 2024
Oliver Holtemöller, Birgit Schultz
No. 2,
*** Vergleich der Tariflohnabschlüsse von Chemischer Industrie, Deutscher Post, Metall- und Elektroindustrie und öffentlichem Dienst von Bund und Kommunen *** Die hohe Verbraucherpreisinflation hat den Lohndruck bei den Tarifverhandlungen stark erhöht. Das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) hat die Lohnabschlüsse für vier ausgewählte Branchen, die sich im vergangenen Halbjahr auf Neuabschlüsse geeinigt haben, verglichen. Dabei zeigen sich hohe nominale Lohnsteigerungen. Insbesondere die Inflationsausgleichsprämie, die in allen vier Branchen bis zur maximalen Höhe von 3000 Euro vereinbart wurde, lässt die Bruttolöhne kräftig steigen. In der Chemischen Industrie, in der es bereits in der vergangenen Lohnrunde eine hohe Einmalzahlung gab, füllt die vereinbarte Inflationsausgleichszahlung diese Lücke.
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IWH-Tarif-Check: Kräftige reale Netto-Tariflohnzuwächse für Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Dienst von Bund und Kommunen im Jahr 2023
Oliver Holtemöller, Birgit Schultz
No. 1,
*** Steuerfreie „Inflationsausgleichsprämie“ bringt Beschäftigten bei Bund und Kommunen kräftiges Gehalts-Plus *** Die Tarifvertragsparteien des öffentlichen Dienstes von Bund und Kommunen haben sich am vergangenen Wochenende auf einen neuen Tariflohnabschluss mit einer Laufzeit von 24 Monaten geeinigt: Im Juni 2023 erfolgt die Zahlung einer steuer- und sozialversicherungsfreien Inflationsausgleichsprämie in Höhe von 1240 Euro. Von Juli 2023 bis Februar 2024 gibt es dann nochmals für alle Entgeltgruppen weitere monatliche Zahlungen über 220 Euro im Rahmen der Inflationsausgleichsprämie. Im März 2024 fällt die temporäre Sonderzahlung wieder weg, und ein Sockelbetrag über 200 Euro erhöht die Tarifentgelte. Zusätzlich gibt es dann eine reguläre Gehaltserhöhung über 5,5%. Die Gesamtlohnsteigerung soll mindestens 340 Euro monatlich betragen.
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Institutions and Corporate Reputation: Evidence from Public Debt Markets
Xian Gu, Iftekhar Hasan, Haitian Lu
Journal of Business Ethics,
No. 1,
Using data from China’s public debt markets, we study the value of corporate reputation and how it interacts with legal and cultural forces to assure accountability. Exploring lawsuits that change corporate reputation, we find that firms involved in lawsuits experience a decrease in bond values and a tightening of borrowing terms. Using the heterogeneities in legal and social capital environments across Chinese provinces, we find the effects are more pronounced for private firms, firms headquartered in provinces with low legal protections, and firms headquartered in provinces with high social capital. The results show that lawsuits that allege misconduct are associated with reputational penalties and that such penalties serve as substitutes for legal protections and as complements to cultural forces to provide ex post accountability and motivate ex ante trust.
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02.02.2023 • 2/2023
Economic growth, public finances and greenhouse gas emissions in the medium term
According to the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) and its medium-term projection of the German economy, growth in the next six years will be about the same as in the past six years, at 1% per year. The national budget will remain in deficit, but the debt level will decline again relative to the gross domestic product (GDP) from 2024 onwards. At this rate of economic expansion, greenhouse gas emissions will continue to decline in the medium term, but at a much slower rate than necessary to meet the national emission reduction targets.
Oliver Holtemöller