Eastern Germany in the process of catching-up: the role of foreign and Western German investors in technological renewal
Jutta Günther, Oliver Gebhardt
Eastern European Economics,
No. 3,
Foreign direct investment as a means to support system transformation and the ongoing process of catching-up development has caught researcher’s attention for a number of Central and Eastern European countries. Not much research, however, has been carried out for East Germany in this respect although FDI plays an important role in East Germany too. Descriptive analysis by the use of unique survey data shows that foreign and West German affiliates perform much better with respect to technological capability and labor productivity than domestic companies in East Germany. The results of the regression analysis, however, show that it is not the status of ownership as such that forms a significant determinant of innovativeness in East Germany but rather general firms specific characteristics attached to it such as firm size, export-intensity, technical state of the equipment, and R&D activities. Due to the fact that foreign and West German affiliates perform better with respect to exactly all of these characteristics, they can be considered as a means to support the process of technological renewal and economic development.
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Demand for services reflected in microeconomic data
Gerald Müller
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 16,
In dem Beitrag wird untersucht, ob die „Nachfragehypothese zur Erklärung des Strukturwandels“ Gültigkeit besitzt. Die Überprüfung mit Hilfe einer Regressionsrechnung auf Basis des mikroökonomischen „Almost Ideal Demand Systems“ und unter Verwendung der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe zeigt, dass entsprechend der Nachfragehypothese Haushalte mit höheren pro Kopf Konsumausgaben auch mehr für Dienstleistungen ausgeben. Besonders einkommensabhängig sind Dienstleistungen im Bereich Gesundheitspflege, Häusliche Dienste sowie Urlaubsreisen. Auch die zunehmenden Einpersonen- und Rentnerhaushalte sowie die steigende Erwerbsneigung der Frauen trägt zur Tertiarisierung bei.
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Labor Market Analysis and Public Policy: The Case of Morocco
Guillermo Hakim, Julia Lane, Javier Miranda
World Bank Economic Review,
No. 3,
This article uses detailed industry and household data to understand why Morocco's labor market performed poorly in 1985–95. The data indicate that marked structural changes and weak demand in the product market were responsible. This article makes two contributions to the literature. The first is specific: it underscores that the demand for labor is a derived demand and that the performance of the product market is an important determinant of the performance of the labor market. The second is more general: it demonstrates that this kind of microeconomic analysis, using data sets that are often available in developing countries, can inform policy design.
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Personal Bankruptcy and Credit Supply and Demand
Reint E. Gropp, J. K. Scholz, M. J. White
Quarterly Journal of Economics,
No. 1,
This paper examines how personal bankruptcy and bankruptcy exemptions affect the supply and demand for credit. While generous state-level bankruptcy exemptions are probably viewed by most policy-makers as benefiting less-well-off borrowers, our results using data from the 1983 Survey of Consumer Finances suggest that they increase the amount of credit held by high-asset households and reduce the availability and amount of credit to low-asset households, conditioning on observable characteristics. Thus, bankruptcy exemptions redistribute credit toward borrowers with high assets. Interest rates on automobile loans for low-asset households also appear to be higher in high exemption states.
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