Analysing UDROP: An instrument for stabilizing the international financial architecture
Axel Lindner
International Finance,
No. 1,
This paper analyses implications of a proposal, called UDROP, to reform the standards of international debt contracts. The idea is to give borrowers a roll-over option at maturity for a specified length of time. Using recently developed models of financial crises, the paper shows for which type of crisis UDROP is beneficial. Moral hazard of the borrower is one of the problems UDROP faces which can be addressed by appropriately designing the debt contract.
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Implications of the monetary union for macroeconomic models
Rüdiger Pohl, Heinz P. Hrsg. Galler
Schriften des IWH,
No. 8,
Mit der Einführung der Europäischen Währungsunion haben sich strukturelle und institutionelle Veränderungen ergeben, die bei der Evaluation wirtschaftspolitischer Maßnahmen auf der Basis makroökonometrischer Modelle in Rechnung gestellt werden müssen. So wird die Geldpolitik nur noch einheitlich für den Raum der Währungsunion durchgeführt und ist daher nicht länger Instrument der nationalen Wirtschaftspolitik. Dagegen dürfte die Lohnpolitik eine stärkere Rolle für die Entwicklung der Beschäftigung einnehmen. Bei einer gegebenen Inflationsrate in der Währungsunion schlagen sich regionale Erhöhungen der Nominallöhne in gleichgerichteten Reallohnsteigerungen nieder. Sofern diese nicht durch die im Zeitpunkt der Lohnverhandlungen erwartete nationale Produktivitätsentwicklung gedeckt ist, ergeben sich unmittelbar Wettbewerbsnachteile für die inländischen Unternehmen, die nicht mehr über eine Änderung der Währungsparitäten kompensiert werden können.
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Does East Germany need a new technology policy? – Implications from the functioning of the R&D market after the transformation
Ralf Müller
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 145,
Einen wesentlichen Teil der Wirtschaftsförderung in Ostdeutschland bildet die Förde-rung unternehmerischer Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE). Trotzdem bestehen noch zehn Jahre nach der Vereinigung erhebliche Defizite Ostdeutschlands für die Herstellung von Technologiegütern. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob überhaupt eine spezielle För-derung von FuE-Aktivitäten sinnvoll ist oder aber, soweit dies der Fall ist, die derzeit ergriffenen Maßnahmen nicht wirksam und daher durch andere zu ersetzen sind. Hierzu zeigt sich, dass generell eine Technologiepolitik für Ostdeutschland durch das dortige Fehlen von Netzwerken begründbar ist; ohne eine dies kompensierende Förderung droht ein Fortbestand der schwachen Aktivität Ostdeutschlands in der Erstellung von Technologiegütern und damit entsprechende Einkommensnachteile. Ein Gutteil der für Ost-deutschland angewandten technologiepolitischen Instrumente ist jedoch nicht problemadäquat, da keine Beiträge zur Netzwerkbildung entstehen. Eine künftige ostdeutsche Technologiepolitik sollte dem Rechenschaft tragen, so insbesondere durch eine ver-stärkte Förderung von FuE-Infrastruktur, die die Bildung solcher Netzwerke erleichtert.
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FDI and Corporate Tax Revenue: Tax Harmonization or Competition?
Reint E. Gropp, Kristina Kostial
Finance & Development,
No. 2,
OECD countries with high corporate tax rates have experienced both high net outflows of foreign direct investment and a decline in corporate tax revenue. Identification of a causal link between these two trends has implications for the debate on tax harmonization versus tax competition.
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Bank Relationships and Firm Profitability
Hans Degryse, Steven Ongena
Financial Management,
No. 1,
This paper examines how bank relationships affect firm performance. An empirical implication of recent theoretical models is that firms maintaining multiple bank relationships are less profitable than their single-bank peers. We investigate this empirical implication using a data set containing virtually all Norwegian publicly listed firms for the period 1979-1995. We find that profitability is substantially higher if firms maintain only a single bank relationship. We also find that firms replacing a single bank relationship are on average smaller and younger than firms not replacing a single bank relationship.
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Environmental policy under product differentiation and asymmetric costs - Does leapfrogging occur and is it worth it?
Jacqueline Rothfels
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 124,
This paper studies the influence of environmental policies on environmental quality, domestic firms, and welfare. Point of departure is Porter’s hypothesis that unilateral environmental regulation may enhance the competitiveness of domestic firms. This hypothesis has recently received considerable support in theoretical analyses, especially if imperfectly competitive markets with strategic behavior on behalf of the agents are taken into account. Our work contributes to this literature by explicitely investigating the implications of asymmetric cost structures between a domestic and a foreign firm sector. We use a partial-equilibrium model of vertical product differentiation, where the consumption of a product causes environmental harm. Allowing for differentiated products, the domestic industry can either assume the market leader position or lag behind in terms of the environmental quality of the produced product. Assuming as a benchmark case that the domestic industry lags behind, we investigate the possibility of the government to induce leapfrogging of the domestic firm, i.e. a higher quality produced by the domestic firm after regulation than that of the competitor prior to regulation. It is shown that in the case of a cost advantage for the domestic firm in the production process the imposition of a binding minimum quality standard can serve as a tool to induce leapfrogging. In case of a cost disadvantage the same result can be achieved through an adequate subsidization of quality dependend production costs. Thus, careful regulation enables the domestic firm in both scenarios to better its competitive position against foreign competitors and to earn larger profits. Additionally, environmental quality and welfare can be enhanced.
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Revenue Implications of Trade Liberalization
L. Ebrill, Reint E. Gropp, J. Stotsky
IMF Occasional Papers, No. 180,
No. 180,
In recent decades many countries have dismantled trade barriers and opened their economies to international competition. Trade liberalization is seen to promote economic efficiency, international competitiveness, and an expansion of trade, perhaps especially in imperfectly competitive markets. Yet despite this progress in trade liberalization, as evidenced by the conclusion of the Uruguay Round in 1994 and the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, trade barriers are still widespread. Some economies and some sectors (e.g., agriculture in many industrial countries) remain relatively insulated from the global economy by a variety of nontariff and tariff barriers, even as import substitution continues to lose ground as a strategy for economic development.
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Understanding CSR Champions: A Machine Learning Approach
Alona Bilokha, Mingying Cheng, Mengchuan Fu, Iftekhar Hasan
Annals of Operations Research,
In this paper, we study champions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance among the U.S. publicly traded firms and their common characteristics by utilizing machine learning algorithms to identify predictors of firms’ CSR activity. We contribute to the CSR and leadership determinants literature by introducing the first comprehensive framework for analyzing the factors associated with corporate engagement with socially responsible behaviors by grouping all relevant predictors into four broad categories: corporate governance, managerial incentives, leadership, and firm characteristics. We find that strong corporate governance characteristics, as manifested in board member heterogeneity and managerial incentives, are the top predictors of CSR performance. Our results suggest policy implications for providing incentives and fostering characteristics conducive to firms “doing good.”
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Uncovered Workers in Plants Covered by Collective Bargaining: Who Are They and How Do They Fare?
Boris Hirsch, Philipp Lentge, Claus Schnabel
In Germany, employers used to pay union members and non-members in a plant the same union wage in order to prevent workers from joining unions. Using recent administrative data, we investigate which workers in firms covered by collective bargaining agreements still individually benefit from these union agreements, which workers are not covered anymore, and what this means for their wages. We show that about 9 percent of workers in plants with collective agreements do not enjoy individual coverage (and thus the union wage) anymore. Econometric analyses with unconditional quantile regressions and firm-fixed-effects estimations demonstrate that not being individually covered by a collective agreement has serious wage implications for most workers. Low-wage non-union workers and those at low hierarchy levels particularly suffer since employers abstain from extending union wages to them in order to pay lower wages. This jeopardizes unions' goal of protecting all disadvantaged workers.
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