Im Fokus: Nach dem EU-Beitritt stoppt die institutionelle Konvergenz in den mittel- und osteuropäischen EU-Staaten
Marina Grusevaja, Toralf Pusch
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Die institutionelle Konvergenz wird seit der Gründung der Europäischen Union als Voraussetzung für die wirtschaftliche Konvergenz angesehen. In den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern wurde eine institutionelle Konvergenz de jure bzw. eine Harmonisierung ex ante durch die Verpflichtung der EU-Beitrittskandidaten zur Übernahme des Acquis Communautaire angestrebt. Die institutionelle Angleichung der neuen Mitgliedstaaten an die EU-Normen sollte die Grundlage für ein schnelleres Wachstum (und damit für die wirtschaftliche Konvergenz in der EU) legen. In diesem Beitrag wird unter Verwendung der „Transition Indicators“ der Europäischen Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBRD) mit Hilfe einer Clusteranalyse das Vorhandensein einer institutionellen Konvergenz de facto in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine tatsächliche institutionelle Annäherung nur bis Mitte der 1990er Jahre stattgefunden hat. Seitdem ist in den neuen Mitgliedstaaten eine Tendenz zur Stagnation bzw. Divergenz der institutionellen Entwicklung zu verzeichnen. Die untersuchten Länder scheinen in ihren regionalen Clubs (Clustern) „festzustecken“, statt sich de facto weiter an die EU-Normen anzugleichen.
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Towards Deeper Financial Integration in Europe: What the Banking Union Can Contribute
Claudia M. Buch, T. Körner, Benjamin Weigert
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 13,
The agreement to establish a Single Supervisory Mechanism in Europe is a major step towards a Banking Union, consisting of centralized powers for the supervision of banks, the restructuring and resolution of distressed banks, and a common deposit insurance system. In this paper, we argue that the Banking Union is a necessary complement to the common currency and the Internal Market for capital. However, due care needs to be taken that steps towards a Banking Union are taken in the right sequence and that liability and control remain at the same level throughout. The following elements are important. First, establishing a Single Supervisory Mechanism under the roof of the ECB and within the framework of the current EU treaties does not ensure a sufficient degree of independence of supervision and monetary policy. Second, a European institution for the restructuring and resolution of banks should be established and equipped with sufficient powers. Third, a fiscal backstop for bank restructuring is needed. The ESM can play a role but additional fiscal burden sharing agreements are needed. Direct recapitalization of banks through the ESM should not be possible until legacy assets on banks’ balance sheets have been cleaned up. Fourth, introducing European-wide deposit insurance in the current situation would entail the mutualisation of legacy assets, thus contributing to moral hazard.
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Determinants of Foreign Technological Activity in German Regions – A Count Model Analysis of Transnational Patents (1996-2009)
Eva Dettmann, Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra
This paper analyses the determinants of spatial distribution of foreign technological activity across 96 German regions (1996-2009). We identify foreign inventive activity by applying the ‘cross-border-ownership concept’ to transnational patent applications. The descriptive analysis shows that foreign technological activity more than doubled during the observation period with persistent spatial heterogeneity in Germany. Using a pooled count data model, we estimate the effect of various sources for externalities on the extent of foreign technological activity across regions. Our results show that foreign technological activity is attracted by technologically specialised sectors of regions. In contrast to existing findings this effect applies both to foreign as well as domestic sources of specialisation. We show that the relation between specialisation and foreign technological activity is non-linear and that it is influenced by sectoral heterogeneity. Externalities related to technological diversification attract foreign R&D only into ‘higher order’ regions.
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Banks and Sovereign Risk: A Granular View
Claudia M. Buch, Michael Koetter, Jana Ohls
In this paper, we use detailed data on the sovereign debt holdings of all German banks to analyse the determinants of sovereign debt exposures and the implications of sovereign exposures for bank risk. Our main findings are as follows. First, sovereign bond holdings are heterogeneous across banks. Larger, weakly capitalised banks and banks with a small depositor base hold more sovereign bonds. Around 31% of all German banks hold no sovereign bonds at all. Second, the sensitivity of banks to macroeconomic factors increased significantly in the post-Lehman period. Banks hold more bonds from euro area countries, from low-inflation countries, and from countries with high sovereign bond yields. Third, there has been no marked impact of sovereign bond holdings on bank risk. This result could indicate the widespread absence of marking-to-market for sovereign bond holdings at the onset of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.
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Towards Deeper Financial Integration in Europe: What the Banking Union Can Contribute
Claudia M. Buch, T. Körner, Benjamin Weigert
German Council of Economic Experts Working Paper,
No. 2,
Der Beitrag wurde anlässlich des gemeinsamen Workshops des Conseil d'Analyse Économique (CAE) und des Sachverständigenrates zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung zum Thema fiskalische und ökonomische Integration des Euroraums verfasst. Er diskutiert die makroökonomischen Wirkungen einer Bankenunion und mögliche Ausgestaltungsvarianten vor dem Hintergrund der aktuell diskutierten Vorschläge.
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Towards a Europeanization of Wage Bargaining? Evidence from the Metal Sector
Vera Glassner, Toralf Pusch
European Journal of Industrial Relations,
No. 2,
European trade unions have attempted to coordinate their bargaining strategies transnationally in order to counter downward pressures on wages. Such coordination is most feasible in broadly integrated and exposed sectors that have to face common competitive constraints on wages. This article investigates collectively negotiated wage increases in the metal sector in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. We assume a specific logic of transnational pattern bargaining, with Germany as the ‘anchor’ country. We investigate the emergence of a transnational wage coordination effect before and after institutions for the coordination of wage bargaining were established. Finally, we draw conclusions on prospects for wage bargaining coordination with further integration of Economic and Monetary Union.
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Independent State Aid Control in the Enlarged European Union
Jens Hölscher, Nicole Nulsch, Johannes Stephan
Unabhängige staatliche Organisationen in der Demokratie. Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik Bd. 337,
Die Kontrolle staatlicher Subventionen in Europa hat eine bewegte Geschichte: Bis in die 1970er haben viele europäische Staaten ausgiebig Subventionspolitik betrieben, die nach heutigen Regeln kaum möglich gewesen wären. Mit der Vertiefung des europäischen Binnenmarktes gegen Ende der 1980er und Anfang der 1990er wurden zunehmend europäische Normen für die staatliche Beihilfe-politik auf nationaler Ebene durchgesetzt. Diese Studie untersucht insbesondere die Auswirkungen der Ost-Erweiterung der Europäischen Union im Jahr 2004 auf die Unabhängigkeit der Europäischen Beihilfekontrolle. Hierfür werden neben quantitativen auch qualitative Analysen in Form von Case Studies genutzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in den vergangenen Jahren ein einheitliches Level Playing Field zwischen den Mitgliedsstaaten entstanden ist. Auch der Status des EU Kommissars für Wettbewerb zeigt sich als stark und unabhängig und – bis auf wenige Ausnahmen - weitgehend frei von nationaler Einflussnahm.
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R&D Offshoring and the Productivity Growth of European Regions
Davide Castellani, F. Pieri
CIRCLE Working Papers, No. 20,
No. 20,
The recent increase in R&D offshoring have raised fears that knowledge and competitiveness in advanced countries may be at risk of 'hollowing out'. At the same time, economic research has stressed that this process is also likely to allow some reverse technology transfer and foster growth at home. This paper addresses this issue by investigating the extent to which R&D offshoring is associated with productivity dynamics of European regions. We find that offshoring regions have higher productivity growth, but this positive effect fades down with the number of investment projects carried out abroad. A large and positive correlation emerge between the extent of R&D offshoring and the home region productivity growth, supporting the idea that carrying out R&D abroad strengthen European competitiveness.
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Skill Content of Intra-european Trade Flows
Götz Zeddies
European Journal of Comparative Economics,
No. 1,
In recent decades, the international division of labor has expanded rapidly in the wake of European integration. In this context, especially Western European high-wage countries should have specialized on (human-)capital intensively manufactured goods and should have increasingly sourced labor-intensively manufactured goods, especially parts and components, from Eastern European low wage countries. Since this should be beneficial for the high-skilled and harmful to the lower-qualified workforce in high-wage countries, the opening up of Eastern Europe is often considered as a vital reason for increasing unemployment of the lower-qualified in Western Europe. This paper addresses this issue by analyzing the skill content of Western European countries’ bilateral trade using input-output techniques in order to evaluate possible effects of international trade on labor demand. Thereby, differences in factor inputs and production technologies have been considered, allowing for vertical product differentiation. In this case, skill content of bilateral exports and imports partially differs substantially, especially in bilateral trade between Western and Eastern European countries. According to the results, East-West trade should be harmful particularly to the medium-skilled in Western European countries.
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4th Halle Forum on Urban Economic Growth: „The Development of Cities in Central and Eastern Europe“
Albrecht Kauffmann
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 2,
Das Halle Forum on Urban Economic Growth findet seit 2006 im zweijährigen Rhythmus am IWH statt. Die Tagung vom 29. und 30. November 2012 befasste sich mit Problemen der Entwicklung mittel- und osteuropäischer Städte. Thematisch umfassten die Vorträge ein breites Spektrum, in dessen Mitte die Frage nach der Wirkung formeller und informeller Institutionen auf die Stadtentwicklung stand. Sie verstand sich damit gleichzeitig als Auftaktveranstaltung des multinational angelegten IWH-Projekts „The Economic Re-positioning of Post-socialist Cities (RePoCit) – Institutional Settings, Local Strategies and Urban Economic Growth“.
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