Islamic Finance in Europe
Pierluigi Caristi, Stéphane Couderc, Angela di Maria, Filippo di Mauro, Beljeet Kaur Grewal, Lauren Ho, Sergio Masciantonio, Steven Ongena, Sajjad Zaher
ECB Occasional Paper,
No. 146,
Islamic finance is based on ethical principles in line with Islamic religious law. Despite its low share of the global financial market, Islamic finance has been one of this sector's fastest growing components over the last decades and has gained further momentum in the wake of the financial crisis. The paper examines the development of and possible prospects for Islamic finance, with a special focus on Europe. It compares Islamic and conventional finance, particularly as concerns risks associated with the operations of respective institutions, as well as corporate governance. The paper also analyses empirical evidence comparing Islamic and conventional financial institutions with regard to their: (i) efficiency and profitability; and (ii) stability and resilience. Finally, the paper considers the conduct of monetary policy in an Islamic banking context. This is not uncomplicated given the fact that interest rates - normally a cornerstone of monetary policy - are prohibited under Islamic finance. Liquidity management issues are thus discussed here, with particular reference to the euro area.
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Has the Euro Increased International Price Elasticities?
Oliver Holtemöller, Götz Zeddies
No. 1,
The introduction of the Euro has been accompanied by the hope that international competition between EMU member states would increase due to higher price transparency. This paper contributes to the literature by analyzing price elasticities in international trade flows between Germany and France and between Germany and the United Kingdom before and after the introduction of the Euro. Using disaggregated Eurostat trade statistics, we adopt a heterogeneous dynamic panel framework for the estimation of price elasticities. We suggest a Kalman-filter approach to control for unobservable quality changes which otherwise would bias estimates of price elasticities. We divide the complete sample, which ranges from 1995 to 2008, into two sub-samples and show that price elasticities in trade between EMU members did not change substantially after the introduction of the Euro. Hence, we do not find evidence for an increase in international price competition resulting from EMU.
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Exkurs: FuE und Innovation deutscher Unternehmen in Mittel- und Osteuropa – Eine umfragebasierte Analyse
Jutta Günther, Andrea Gauselmann, Björn Jindra
Internationale FuE-Standorte. Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem Nr. 11-2013,
No. 11,
Trotz fortschreitender Internationalisierung ist das Gros technologischer Aktivitäten multinationaler Unternehmen in den Konzernzentralen angesiedelt, die sich in den führenden Industrienationen befinden. Allerdings führen multinationale Unternehmen zunehmend Innovationen sowie Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) auch an ausländischen Standorten durch. In diesem Kontext steigt auch die Bedeutung nachholender Ökonomien als Standorte für FuE sowie Innovation. Dies gilt nicht nur für die rasch wachsenden Wirtschaften Chinas und Indiens sondern auch für die mittel- und osteuropäischen Transformationsökonomien in der Europäischen Union.
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How does Institutional Setting Affect the Impact of EU Structural Funds on Economic Cohesion? New Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
Marina Grusevaja, Toralf Pusch
Journal of Common Market Studies,
Structural Funds are the main instrument of the EU Cohesion Policy. Their effective use is subject to an ongoing debate in political and scientific circles. European fiscal assistance under this heading should promote economic and social cohesion in the member states of the European Union. Recently the domestic institutional capacity to absorb, to distribute and to invest Structural Funds effectively has become a crucial determinant of the cohesion process and has attracted attention of the scientific community. The aim of this study is to shed light on the effectiveness of Structural Funds in the countries of the first Central and Eastern European enlargement round in 2004. Using regional data for these countries we have a look on the impact of several institutional governance variables on the effectiveness of Structural Funds. In the interpretation of results reference is made to regional economics. Results of the empirical analysis indicate an influence of certain institutional variables on the effectiveness of Structural Funds in the new member states.
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Weltweite Konjunkturabschwächung erfasst auch die Wirtschaft Polens
Martina Kämpfe
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 12,
Im Verlauf des Jahres 2012 hat sich das konjunkturelle Klima in Polen abgekühlt, nachdem sich bereits in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2011 eine Eintrübung abzeichnete. Das außenwirtschaftliche Umfeld, insbesondere im Euroraum, und die damit verbundenen Risiken für Nachfrage und Produktion haben sich in diesem Jahr weiter verschlechtert. Auch von der Binnennachfrage kommen schwächere Impulse für die wirtschaftliche Expansion: Die Investitionsaktivitäten vieler Unternehmen haben deutlich nachgelassen oder werden zeitlich nach hinten verschoben. Der private Konsum nahm zwar weiter zu, allerdings aufgrund geringerer Einkommenszuwächse und eines gesunkenen Konsumentenvertrauens nur noch relativ schwach. Die eingetrübte Konjunktur hat zu größeren Spannungen am Arbeitsmarkt geführt: Der Beschäftigungsaufbau ist im Herbst 2012 zum Stillstand gekommen; die Arbeitslosenquote nimmt – auch aufgrund des noch wachsenden Arbeitsangebots – weiter zu. Die Haushaltslage hat sich hingegen erstmals deutlicher entspannt: Aufgrund eines restriktiven fiskalpolitischen Kurses hat sich das Budgetdefizit von 5,1% in Relation zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt im Vorjahr auf etwa 3,5% im Jahr 2012 verringert. Das ursprüngliche Defizitziel von unter 3% wurde damit allerdings noch verfehlt. Im kommenden Jahr wird sich die wirtschaftliche Expansion vor dem Hintergrund einer weiteren Verschärfung des fiskalischen Kurses und eines nach wie vor ungünstigen weltwirtschaftlichen Umfeldes nochmals verlangsamen.
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Foreign Bank Entry, Credit Allocation and Lending Rates in Emerging Markets: Empirical Evidence from Poland
Hans Degryse, Olena Havrylchyk, Emilia Jurzyk, Sylwester Kozak
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 11,
Earlier studies have documented that foreign banks charge lower lending rates and interest spreads than domestic banks. We hypothesize that this may stem from the superior efficiency of foreign entrants that they decide to pass onto borrowers (“performance hypothesis”), but could also reflect a different loan allocation with respect to borrower transparency, loan maturity and currency (“portfolio composition hypothesis”). We are able to differentiate between the above hypotheses thanks to a novel dataset containing detailed bank-specific information for the Polish banking industry. Our findings demonstrate that banks differ significantly in terms of portfolio composition and we attest to the “portfolio composition hypothesis” by showing that, having controlled for portfolio composition, there are no differences in lending rates between banks.
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Heterogeneous FDI in Transition Economies – A Novel Approach to Assess the Developmental Impact of Backward Linkages
Axèle Giroud, Björn Jindra, Philipp Marek
World Development,
No. 11,
Traditional models of technology transfer via FDI rely upon technology gap and absorptive capacity arguments to explain host economies’ potential to benefit from technological spillovers. This paper emphasizes foreign affiliates’ technological heterogeneity. We apply a novel approach differentiating extent and intensity of backward linkages between foreign affiliates and local suppliers. We use survey data on 809 foreign affiliates in five transition economies. Our evidence shows that foreign affiliates’ technological capability, embeddedness and autonomy are positively related to knowledge transfer via backward linkages. In contrast to what is widely assumed, we find a non-linear relationship between extent of local sourcing and knowledge transfer to domestic suppliers.
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Macroeconomic Imbalances as Indicators for Debt Crises in Europe
Tobias Knedlik, Gregor von Schweinitz
Journal of Common Market Studies,
No. 5,
European authorities and scholars published proposals on which indicators of macroeconomic imbalances might be used to uncover risks for the sustainability of public debt in the European Union. We test the ability of four proposed sets of indicators to send early-warnings of debt crises using a signals approach for the study of indicators and the construction of composite indicators. We find that a broad composite indicator has the highest predictive power. This fact still holds true if equal weights are used for the construction of the composite indicator in order to reflect the uncertainty about the origin of future crises.
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