Bank Concentration and Retail Interest Rates
S. Corvoisier, Reint E. Gropp
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 11,
The recent wave of mergers in the euro area raises the question whether the increase in concentration has offset the increase in competition in European banking through deregulation. We test this question by estimating a simple Cournot model of bank pricing. We construct country and product specific measures of bank concentration and find that for loans and demand deposits increasing concentration may have resulted in less competitive pricing by banks, whereas for savings and time deposits, the model is rejected, suggesting increases in contestability and/or efficiency in these markets. Finally, the paper discusses some implications for tests of the effect of concentration on monetary policy transmission.
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Considerable demand for research on evaluation of labor market policy measures: The example of pick up effects with respect to structural adjustment measures for East German enterprises
Hilmar Schneider, Birgit Schultz
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Obwohl beträchtliche Mittel in die aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik fließen, fehlt es bislang an einer systematischen Evaluierung der arbeitsmarktpolitischen Instrumente. Dies liegt primär an der Unzugänglichkeit geeigneter Daten. Am Beispiel der Mitnahmeeffekte bei Strukturanpassungsmaßnahmen für ostdeutsche Wirtschaftsunternehmen werden exemplarisch die Probleme aufgezeigt, die aus der prekären Datenlage entstehen.
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Environmental policy under product differentiation and asymmetric costs - Does leapfrogging occur and is it worth it?
Jacqueline Rothfels
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 124,
This paper studies the influence of environmental policies on environmental quality, domestic firms, and welfare. Point of departure is Porter’s hypothesis that unilateral environmental regulation may enhance the competitiveness of domestic firms. This hypothesis has recently received considerable support in theoretical analyses, especially if imperfectly competitive markets with strategic behavior on behalf of the agents are taken into account. Our work contributes to this literature by explicitely investigating the implications of asymmetric cost structures between a domestic and a foreign firm sector. We use a partial-equilibrium model of vertical product differentiation, where the consumption of a product causes environmental harm. Allowing for differentiated products, the domestic industry can either assume the market leader position or lag behind in terms of the environmental quality of the produced product. Assuming as a benchmark case that the domestic industry lags behind, we investigate the possibility of the government to induce leapfrogging of the domestic firm, i.e. a higher quality produced by the domestic firm after regulation than that of the competitor prior to regulation. It is shown that in the case of a cost advantage for the domestic firm in the production process the imposition of a binding minimum quality standard can serve as a tool to induce leapfrogging. In case of a cost disadvantage the same result can be achieved through an adequate subsidization of quality dependend production costs. Thus, careful regulation enables the domestic firm in both scenarios to better its competitive position against foreign competitors and to earn larger profits. Additionally, environmental quality and welfare can be enhanced.
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Spillover effects and R&D co-operations - The influence of market structure
Anita Wölfl
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 122,
This paper examines empirically the role of market structure for the influence of spill-over effects on R&D-cooperations. The results of a microeconometric analysis, based on firm data on innovation, let in general presume that with intensified competition also the influence of spillovers on R&D-cooperation increases. However, competition seems to induce firms to search for effective firm-specific appropriation facilities first. Spillovers that are sufficiently high such that the internalisation effect from R&D-cooperation more than outweighs the competitive effect from research, only arise whenever firms are not able to protect their research results through any appropriation facility. Additionally, there is some evidence that spillover effects may even hinder firms from cooperating in R&D when there is intensive competition on the research stage.
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Labor Market Analysis and Public Policy: The Case of Morocco
Guillermo Hakim, Julia Lane, Javier Miranda
World Bank Economic Review,
No. 3,
This article uses detailed industry and household data to understand why Morocco's labor market performed poorly in 1985–95. The data indicate that marked structural changes and weak demand in the product market were responsible. This article makes two contributions to the literature. The first is specific: it underscores that the demand for labor is a derived demand and that the performance of the product market is an important determinant of the performance of the labor market. The second is more general: it demonstrates that this kind of microeconomic analysis, using data sets that are often available in developing countries, can inform policy design.
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Macroeconomic and corporate adjustment progress in East Germany
No. 5,
Der 19. Bericht beschreibt die Fortschritte und Defizite bei der strukturellen Erneuerung der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft im Zeitraum von 1990 bis 1999. Die Ergebnisse werden im Vergleich zur westdeutschen Wirtschaft bewertet. Hauptgegenstand der Untersuchungen ist das Verarbeitende Gewerbe. Ein gesonderter Schwerpunkt befasst sich mit der Veränderung der Lebensbedingungen der Bevölkerung.
Mit dem 19. Bericht werden die Untersuchungen zur Transformation der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft abgeschlossen, die das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Berlin, das Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW), Kiel und das Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts „Gesamtwirtschaftliche und unternehmerische Anpassungsprozesse in Ostdeutschland“ des damaligen Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft von 1990 bis 1999 wissenschaftlich begleitet haben.
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Obsolete qualification structures restrict growth of business services in the New Länder
Gerald Müller
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 68,
n dem Papier wird untersucht, inwieweit Qualifikationsstrukturen das Wachstum bei den produktionsnahen Dienstleistungen in den neuen Ländern behindern. Die Analyse zeigt, dass in manchen Bereichen (z.B. EDV, Steuer- und Rechtsberatung) in absehbarer Zeit die Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften trotz der hohen Arbeitslosenquote nicht mehr zu decken sein wird. Für einige Bereiche bieten sich berufliche Weiterqualifizierungsmaßnahmen an, für andere eine verstärkte Berufsausbildung.
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Electricity producers and consumers in the area of conflict generated by high prices and starting market liberalization
Martin Weisheimer
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 8,
Hohe Strompreise stimulieren Eigenerzeugungen, davon profitieren auch die Stromverbraucher. Anhand von Beispielen wird gezeigt, dass sich diese Tendenz in Ostdeutschland besonders äußert. Die Marktliberalisierung übt bereits jetzt einen Druck auf die Strompreise und ihre Bereitstellungskosten aus.
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On long-term energy export potentials of Central and Eastern Europe
Martin Weisheimer
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 11,
Es wird nachgewiesen, dass mittel- und osteuropäische Länder ein bemerkenswertes Potenzial für Energieexporte besitzen. Das bezieht sich bei Elektrizität vor allem auf Russland, Ukraine und Tschechien, bei Steinkohle auf Polen, bei Erdgas und Erdöl auf Russland. Die Chancen und Risiken des erhöhten Energieexportes sowie ihre Determinanten werden analysiert.
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Ökologische Aufbaupolitik in den neuen Ländern
Walter Komar, Heike Belitz, Dietmar Edler
Externe Publikationen,
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