The Effect of the Single Currency on Exports: Comparative Firm-level Evidence
Tibor Lalinsky, Jaanika Meriküll
IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers,
No. 1,
We investigate how adopting the euro affects exports using firm-level data from Slovakia and Estonia. In contrast to previous studies, we focus on countries that adopted the euro individually and had different exchange rate regimes prior to doing so. Following the New Trade Theory we consider three types of adjustment: firm selection, changes in product varieties and changes in the average value of the exports that compose the exports of individual firms. The euro effect is identified by a difference in differences analysis comparing exports by firms to the euro area countries with exports to the EU countries that are not members of the euro area. The results highlight the importance of the transaction costs channel related to exchange rate volatility. We find the euro has a strong pro-trade effect in Slovakia, which switched to the euro from a floating exchange rate, while it has almost no effect in Estonia, which had a fixed exchange rate to the euro prior to the euro changeover. Our findings indicate that the euro effect manifested itself mainly through the intensive margin and that the gains from trade were heterogeneous across firm characteristics.
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A Market-based Measure for Currency Risk in Managed Exchange Rate Regimes
Stefan Eichler, Ingmar Roevekamp
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money,
We introduce a novel currency risk measure based on American Depositary Receipts (ADRs). Using an augmented ADR pricing model, we exploit investors’ exposure to potential devaluation losses to derive an indicator of currency risk. Using weekly data for a sample of 807 ADRs located in 21 emerging markets over the 1994–2014 period, we find that a deterioration in the fiscal balance and higher inflation increase currency risk. Interaction models reveal that the fiscal balance and inflation drive the determination of currency risk for countries with poor sovereign rating, low foreign reserves, low capital account openness and managed float regimes.
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Avoiding the Fall into the Loop: Isolating the Transmission of Bank-to-Sovereign Distress in the Euro Area and its Drivers
Hannes Böhm, Stefan Eichler
We isolate the direct bank-to-sovereign distress channel within the eurozone’s sovereign-bank-loop by exploiting the global, non-eurozone related variation in stock prices. We instrument banking sector stock returns in the eurozone with exposure-weighted stock market returns from non-eurozone countries and take further precautions to remove any eurozone crisis-related variation. We find that the transmission of instrumented bank distress, while economically relevant, is significantly smaller than the corresponding coefficient in the unadjusted OLS framework, confirming concerns on reverse causality and omitted variables in previous studies. Furthermore, we show that the spillover of bank distress is significantly stronger for countries with poorer macroeconomic performances, weaker financial sectors and financial regulation and during times of elevated political uncertainty.
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Welche Faktoren verzögern die Umsetzung der Bankenunion?
Michael Koetter, Thomas Krause, Lena Tonzer
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Die Europäische Kommission hat weitreichende Reformen zur Regulierung und Überwachung des europäischen Bankensektors beschlossen, um die Stabilität europäischer Banken zu gewährleisten. In den meisten Mitgliedsländern verzögert sich allerdings die Umsetzung der zugrunde liegenden Richtlinien der Europäischen Kommission. Dieser Beitrag geht den Gründen für diese Verzögerung nach. Es zeigt sich, dass insbesondere bereits existierende Regulierungen und institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen das Tempo der Umsetzung entscheidend bestimmen. Entgegen populären Meinungsäußerungen sind die Struktur der Bankensektoren in den Mitgliedstaaten und politische Faktoren hingegen von nachrangiger Bedeutung.
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Delay Determinants of European Banking Union Implementation
Michael Koetter, Thomas Krause, Lena Tonzer
To safeguard financial stability and harmonise regulation, the European Commission substantially reformed banking supervision, resolution, and deposit insurance via EU directives. But most countries delay the transposition of these directives. We ask if transposition delays result from strategic considerations of governments conditional on the state of their financial, regulatory, and political systems? Supervisors might try to protect national banking systems and local politicians maybe reluctant to surrender national sovereignty to deal with failed banks. Alternatively, intricate financial regulation might require more implementation time in large and complex financial and political systems. We therefore collect data on the transposition delays of the three Banking Union directives and investigate observed delay variation across member states. Our correlation analyses suggest that existing regulatory and institutional frameworks, rather than banking market structure or political factors, matter for transposition delays.
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Central Bank Transparency and Cross-border Banking
Stefan Eichler, Helge Littke, Lena Tonzer
Journal of International Money and Finance,
We analyze the effect of central bank transparency on cross-border bank activities. Based on a panel gravity model for cross-border bank claims for 21 home and 47 destination countries from 1998 to 2010, we find strong empirical evidence that a rise in central bank transparency in the destination country, on average, increases cross-border claims. Using interaction models, we find that the positive effect of central bank transparency on cross-border claims is only significant if the central bank is politically independent and operates in a stable economic environment. Central bank transparency and credibility are thus considered complements by banks investing abroad.
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Direct and Indirect Effects of Economic Sanctions between the EU and Russia on Output and Employment in the German Economy
Jutta Günther, Maria Kristalova, Udo Ludwig
No. 325,
In der Mitte des Jahres 2014 verhängten die EU und Russland infolge des Ukrainekonfliktes gegenseitige Sanktionen. Die bereits seit 2013 abnehmenden Warenexporte Deutschlands nach Russland brachen danach noch tiefer ein. Dieser Beitrag schätzt unter Verwendung der kürzlich vom Statistischen Bundesamt veröffentlichten Input-Output Tabellen für das Jahr 2012 die ökonomischen Folgen der Sanktionen für die Produktion und Beschäftigung in Deutschland. Dabei gehen sowohl die direkten als auch die indirekten Effekte entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette in die Analyse ein. Die Produktionsverluste infolge der Sanktionen liegen kumuliert über die Jahre 2014 bis 2016 bei mehreren Milliarden. Bezogen auf die Bruttowertschöpfung entsprechen die Verluste aber »nur« 0,15 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Starke Verluste erleiden jedoch die Hersteller unmittelbar sanktionierter Warengruppen und deren Zulieferer, insbesondere der Fahrzeugbau, der Maschinenbau und die Erzeuger von Eisen und Stahl.
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08.09.2016 • 36/2016
IWH-Konjunkturbarometer Ostdeutschland: Konjunktur zieht nach schwachem Start in das Jahr 2016 an
Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt der ostdeutschen Flächenländer ist von April bis Juni 2016 – saisonbereinigt nach dem Berliner Verfahren – um 0,5% gegenüber dem schwachen ersten Quartal gestiegen. Damit expandierte die Produktion in den Neuen Bundesländern fast so stark wie in den Alten (0,6%). Der Zuwachs stand auf breiter Basis. Sowohl das Produzierende Gewerbe als auch der Dienst-leistungssektor trugen dazu bei. Trotz der zuletzt eingetretenen konjunkturellen Beschleunigung blieb der Produktionsanstieg in den ostdeutschen Flächenländern allerdings mit 1,5% im ersten Halbjahr gegenüber dem Westen um reichlich einen halben Prozentpunkt zurück.
Udo Ludwig
Macroeconomic Trade Effects of Vehicle Currencies: Evidence from 19th Century China
Makram El-Shagi, Lin Zhang
We use the Chinese experience between 1867 and 1910 to illustrate how the volatility of vehicle currencies affects trade. Today’s widespread vehicle currency is the dollar. However, the macroeconomic effects of this use of the dollar have rarely been addressed. This is partly due to identification problems caused by its international importance. China had adopted a system, where silver was used almost exclusively for trade, similar to a vehicle currency. While being important for China, the global role of silver was marginal, alleviating said identification problems. We develop a bias corrected structural VAR showing that silver price fluctuations significantly affected trade.
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