Relationship Lending within a Bank-Based System: Evidence from European Small Business Data
Hans Degryse, Patrick Van Cayseele
Journal of Financial Intermediation,
No. 1,
We investigate relationship lending using detailed contract information from nearly 18,000 bank loans to small Belgian firms operating within the continental European bank-based system. Specifically, we investigate the impact of different measures of relationship strength on price and nonprice terms of the loan contract. We test for the possibility of rent shifting by banks. The evidence shows two opposing effects. On the one hand, the loan rate increases with the duration of a bank–firm relationship. On the other hand, the scope of a relationship, defined as the purchase of other information-sensitive products from a bank, decreases the loan's interest rate substantially. Relationship duration and scope thus have opposite effects on loan rates, with the latter being more important. We also find that the collateral requirement is decreasing in the duration of the relationship and increasing in its scope.
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Different risk potentials for currency turbulences in Central and Eastern Europe
Axel Brüggemann, Thomas Linne
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 13,
Empirisch gestützte Indikatorensysteme wie der Signalansatz können auf eine einfache und transparente Art Risikopotentiale für Währungsturbulenzen aufzeigen. Eine Anwendung des Signalansatzes auf verschiedene Währungskrisen in Mittel- und Osteuropa zeigt, dass die Krisen von nichtdurchhaltbaren Entwicklungen getrieben wurden und nicht das Resultat von Ansteckungseffekten sind. Zusätzlich wird ein Ausblick auf das momentan bestehende Krisenpotential der Region vorgenommen.
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The Total Cost of Trading Belgian Shares: Brussels versus London
Hans Degryse
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 9,
Since 1990, London’s SEAQ International (SEAQ-I) has attracted considerable trading volume in Belgian equities. This paper investigates competition between the Brussels CATS market and London’s SEAQ-I. Toward this end, we gathered extensive limit order book data as well as transactions and quotation information. With regard to liquidity (indirect costs), measured by the quoted and effective bid–ask spread, the paper concludes that CATS outperforms SEAQ International for both measures. The effective spread is of course substantially smaller than the quoted spread, with the CATS effective spread showing a U-shaped form. This paper, unique in employing an extensive data set that includes all hidden orders and the whole limit order book, produces results in line with the different market microstructure models. Total trading costs on CATS are lower (higher) for small (large) trade sizes.
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Current account limits as cause of economies' different growth dynamics
Michael Seifert
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 105,
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Pathways to Capitalism – Explaining the Difference in the Economic Development of the Visegrád States, the States of the Former Soviet Union and China
Silke Tober, Hansjörg Herr
Externe Publikationen,
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Smaller productivity gap between German regions with different producer prices taken into account
Gerald Müller
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 89,
Der Vergleich von 300 Erzeugerpreisen zeigt, dass vergleichbare Produkte in Ostdeutschland etwa 20 Prozent preiswerter sind als in Westdeutschland. Durch die Verwendung von Regressionsschätzungen lässt sich ein Konfidenzintervall für diesen Wert berechnen. Weitere Rechnungen mit Hilfe von Input-Output-Tabellen zeigen, dass auf gesamtwirtschaftlicher Ebene rechnerisch etwa zehn Prozentpunkte der Produktivitätslücke auf die niedrigeren Erzeugerpreise zurückzuführen sind.
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Current trends – Great differences in overtime pay in East German industry
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 15,
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Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic: Different economic setting due to accession to OECD
Michael Seifert
No. 6,
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East German Construction industry: Growth and differentiation between different lines
Brigitte Loose
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 3,
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