Disentangling Covid-19, Economic Mobility, and Containment Policy Shocks
Annika Camehl, Malte Rieth
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
We study the dynamic impact of Covid-19, economic mobility, and containment policy shocks. We use Bayesian panel structural vector autoregressions with daily data for 44 countries, identified through sign and zero restrictions. Incidence and mobility shocks raise cases and deaths significantly for two months. Restrictive policy shocks lower mobility immediately, cases after one week, and deaths after three weeks. Non-pharmaceutical interventions explain half of the variation in mobility, cases, and deaths worldwide. These flattened the pandemic curve, while deepening the global mobility recession. The policy tradeoff is 1 p.p. less mobility per day for 9% fewer deaths after two months.
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IWH-Flash-Indikator I. Quartal und II. Quartal 2021
Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
No. 1,
Seit November 2020 befindet sich Deutschland im Lockdown. Dadurch konnte sich der Erholungskurs der deutschen Wirtschaft im vierten Quartal nicht weiter fortsetzen, und das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) stagnierte mit 0,1% nahezu. Durch die Mitte Dezember weiter verschärften Eindämmungsmaßnahmen wird die wirtschaftliche Aktivität in vielen Branchen im laufenden Quartal erschwert oder gänzlich verhindert. Auch ein weiteres Sinken der Anzahl der Covid-19-Infizierten dürfte daran so schnell nichts ändern, da die Furcht vor hochinfektiösen Corona-Mutationen groß ist. Ebenfalls versprechen die mittlerweile zugelassenen Impfstoffe gegen Covid-19-Erkrankungen keine kurzfristige Verbesserung der Situation, da sie wohl frühestens in einigen Monaten für die breite Masse der Bevölkerung verfügbar sein werden. Aufgrund der robusten Nachfrage aus dem Ausland dürfte die Wirtschaftsleistung laut IWH-Flash-Indikator jedoch im ersten Quartal 2021 nur um 0,7% zurückgehen und im zweiten Quartal, wenn die Corona-Eindämmungsmaßnahmen langsam zurückgeführt werden sollten, um 1,5% steigen. (vgl. Abbildung 1).
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01.02.2021 • 4/2021
During Corona, households are saving more – not for fear of unemployment but for lack of spending opportunities
During the Corona crisis, European households increased their savings dramatically. According to an analysis carried out by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), the increase in savings is largely due to the inability of households to consume in the face of government lockdown measures, rather than other factors such as economic uncertainty. IWH President Reint Gropp therefore sees potential for a significant catch-up effect in consumption as soon as the lockdown is lifted.
Reint E. Gropp
Why Are Households Saving so much During the Corona Recession?
Reint E. Gropp, William McShane
IWH Policy Notes,
No. 1,
Savings rates among European households have reached record levels during the Corona recession. We investigate three possible explanations for the increase in household savings: precautionary motivations induced by increased economic uncertainty, reduced consumption opportunities due to lockdown measures, and Ricardian Equivalence, i.e. increases in the expected future tax-burden of households driven by increases in government debt. To test these explanations, we compile a monthly panel of euro area countries from January 2019 to August 2020. Our findings indicate that the chief driver of the increase in household savings is supply: As governments restrict households’ opportunities to spend, households spend less. We estimate that going from no lockdown measures to that of Italy’s in March, would have resulted in the growth of Germany’s deposit to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio being 0.6 percentage points higher each month. This would be equivalent to the volume of deposits increasing by roughly 14.3 billion euros or 348 euros per house monthly. Demand effects, driven by either fears of unemployment or fear of infection from COVID-19, appear to only have a weak impact on household savings, whereas changes in government debt are unrelated or even negatively related to savings rates. The analysis suggests that there is some pent-up demand for consumption that may unravel after lockdown measures are abolished and may result in a significant increase in consumption in the late spring/early summer 2021.
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The Viral Effects of Foreign Trade and Supply Networks in the Euro Area
Virginia di Nino, Bruno Veltri
IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
Containment measures of COVID-19 have generated a chain of supply and demand shocks around the globe with heterogeneous fallout across industries and countries. We quantify their transmission via foreign trade with a focus on the euro area where deep firms integration within regional supply chains and strong demand linkages act as a magnification mechanism. We estimate that spillover effects in the euro area from suppression measures in one of the five main euro area countries range between 15-28% the size of the original shock; negative foreign demand shocks depress euro area aggregate activity by about a fifth the size of the external shock and a fourth of the total effect is due to indirect propagation through euro area supply chain. Last, reopening to regional tourism softened the contraction of aggregate activity due to travel and tourism bans by about a third in the euro area. Our findings suggest that enhanced coordination of recovery plans would magnify their beneficial effects.
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IWH-Flash-Indikator IV. Quartal 2020 und I. Quartal 2021
Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
No. 4,
Weil weitreichende Eindämmungsmaßnahmen gelockert wurden, war die deutsche Wirtschaft im Sommer 2020 auf Erholungskurs. Dazu hat auch die Wirtschaftspolitik entscheidend beigetragen. Nach dem pandemiebedingten Einbruch um 9,8% im zweiten Quartal stieg das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) im dritten Quartal um 8,2%. Im Vergleich zum vierten Quartal 2019 – dem letzten Quartal ohne Einfluss der Pandemie – beträgt der Rückgang noch 4%. Allerdings sind die Covid-19-Neuinfektionen im Herbst wieder stark gestiegen, und für den November wurden insbesondere für den privaten Bereich erneut erhebliche Einschränkungen erlassen. Für weite Teile der gewerblichen Wirtschaft gelten diese Einschränkungen aber nicht. Die Wirtschaftsleistung dürfte daher im vierten Quartal 2020 nicht so stark einbrechen wie in der ersten Jahreshälfte. Der IWH-Flash-Indikator für das Bruttoinlandsprodukt deutet auf einen Rückgang um 2,1% hin, gefolgt von einer Expansion um 5,0% im ersten Quartal 2021 (vgl. Abbildung 1)
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The Corona Recession and Bank Stress in Germany
Reint E. Gropp, Michael Koetter, William McShane
IWH Online,
No. 4,
We conduct stress tests for a large sample of German banks across different recoveries from the Corona recession. We find that, depending on how quickly the economy recovers, between 6% to 28% of banks could become distressed from defaulting corporate borrowers alone. Many of these banks are likely to require regulatory intervention or may even fail. Even in our most optimistic scenario, bank capital ratios decline by nearly 24%. The sum of total loans held by distressed banks could plausibly range from 127 to 624 billion Euros and it may take years before the full extent of this stress is observable. Hence, the current recession could result in an acute contraction in lending to the real economy, thereby worsening the current recession , decelerating the recovery, or perhaps even causing a “double dip” recession. Additionally, we show that the corporate portfolio of savings and cooperative banks is more than five times as exposed to small firms as that of commercial banks and Landesbanken. The preliminary evidence indicates small firms are particularly exposed to the current crisis, which implies that cooperative and savings banks are at especially high risk of becoming distressed. Given that the financial difficulties may seriously impair the recovery from the Covid-19 crisis, the pressure to bail out large parts of the banking system will be strong. Recent research suggests that the long run benefits of largely resisting these pressures may be high and could result in a more efficient economy.
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Transmitting Fiscal Covid-19 Counterstrikes Effectively: Mind the Banks!
Reint E. Gropp, Michael Koetter, William McShane
IWH Online,
No. 2,
The German government launched an unprecedented range of support programmes to mitigate the economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic for employees, self-employed, and firms. Fiscal transfers and guarantees amount to approximately €1.2 billion by now and are supplemented by similarly impressive measures taken at the European level. We argue in this note that the pandemic poses, however, also important challenges to financial stability in general and bank resilience in particular. A stable banking system is, in turn, crucial to ensure that support measures are transmitted to the real economy and that credit markets function seamlessly. Our analysis shows that banks are exposed rather differently to deteriorated business outlooks due to marked differences in their lending specialisation to different economic sectors. Moreover, a number of the banks that were hit hardest by bleak growth prospects of their borrowers were already relatively thinly capitalised at the outset of the pandemic. This coincidence can impair the ability and willingness of selected banks to continue lending to their mostly small and medium sized entrepreneurial customers. Therefore, ensuring financial stability is an important pre-requisite to also ensure the effectiveness of fiscal support measures. We estimate that contracting business prospects during the first quarter of 2020 could lead to an additional volume of non-performing loans (NPL) among the 40 most stressed banks ‒ mostly small, regional relationship lenders ‒ on the order of around €200 million. Given an initial stock of NPL of €650 million, this estimate thus suggests a potential level of NPL at year-end of €1.45 billion for this fairly small group of banks already. We further show that 17 regional banking markets are particularly exposed to an undesirable coincidence of starkly deteriorating borrower prospects and weakly capitalised local banks. Since these regions are home to around 6.8% of total employment in Germany, we argue that ensuring financial stability in the form of healthy bank balance sheets should be an important element of the policy strategy to contain the adverse real economic effects of the pandemic.
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Firm Productivity Report
Johannes Amlung, Tommaso Bighelli, Roman Blyzniuk, Marco Christophori, Jonathan Deist, Filippo di Mauro, Annalisa Ferrando, Mirja Hälbig, Peter Haug, Sergio Inferrera, Tibor Lalinsky, Phillip Meinen, Marc Melitz, Matthias Mertens, Ottavia Papagalli, Verena Plümpe, Roberta Serafini
CompNet - The Competitive Research Network,
As we enter a second phase of the COVID-pandemic, in which we attempt to reopen economies and foster growth, investigating the efficiency and productivity of firms becomes essential if we wish to design the appropriate policies. The 2020 Flagship Firm Productivity report provides a comprehensive account of how productivity is changing –and what is driving those changes –in Europe, drawing from granular firm-level information.Although it was written before the crisis erupted, this report can therefore offer critical insights to current policymaking andprovides grounds for future research.
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07.05.2020 • 7/2020
Launch of IWH Bankruptcy Update: Number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany constant despite Corona crisis
Despite the Corona outbreak, the number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany so far remains at 2019 levels. This is according to the new IWH Bankruptcy Update provided by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) on a monthly basis and much earlier than official statistics.
Steffen Müller