Margins of international banking: Is there a productivity pecking order in banking, too?
Claudia M. Buch
Bundesbank Discussion Paper 12/2009,
Modern trade theory emphasizes firm-level productivity differentials to explain
the cross-border activities of non-financial firms. This study tests whether a
productivity pecking order also determines international banking activities. Using
a novel dataset that contains all German banks’ international activities, we
estimate the ordered probability of a presence abroad (extensive margin) and the
volume of international assets (intensive margin). Methodologically, we enrich the
conventional Heckman selection model to account for the self-selection of banks
into different modes of foreign activities using an ordered probit. Four main
findings emerge. First, similar to results for non-financial firms, a productivity
pecking order drives bank internationalization. Second, only a few non-financial
firms engage in international trade, but many banks hold international assets, and
only a few large banks engage in foreign direct investment. Third, in addition to
productivity, risk factors matter for international banking. Fourth, gravity-type
variables have an important impact on international banking activities.
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Badr-El-Din A. Ibrahim:"Poverty Alleviation via Islamic Banking Finance to Micro-Enterprises in Sudan: Some lessons for poor countries
Tobias Knedlik, K. (eds.) Wohlmuth
Sudan Economic Research Group Discussion Papers, No. 35,
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Book Review on: Mahmound A.T. Elkhafif, Exchange Rate Policy and Currency Substitution: The Case of Africa’s Emerging Economies, 2002, Economic Research Papers No. 71, Abidjan: African Development Bank
Tobias Knedlik
African Development Perspectives Yearbook: Private and Public Sectors: Towards a Balance,
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Book Review on: Ahmed Bahagat, Fostering the use of Financial Risk Management Products in Developing Countries, 2002, Economic Research Papers No. 69, Abidjan: African Development Bank
Tobias Knedlik
African Development Perspectives Yearbook: Private and Public Sectors: Towards a Balance,
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Book Review on: African Development Bank Group, Enhancing Development in Africa – Public Private Partnerships, 2002, Valencia: Pressgroup Holdings Europe
Tobias Knedlik
African Development Perspectives Yearbook: Private and Public Sectors: Towards a Balance,
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Behold the 'Behemoth'. The privatization of Japan Post Bank
Uwe Vollmer, Diemo Dietrich, Ralf Bebenroth
Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration (RIEB), Kobe University, Discussion Paper Series No. 236,
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The Identification of Technology Regimes in Banking: Implications for the Market Power-Fragility Nexus
Michael Koetter, Tigran Poghosyan
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 8,
Neglecting the existence of different technologies in banking can contaminate efficiency, market power, and other performance measures. By simultaneously estimating (i) technology regimes conditional on exogenous factors, (ii) efficiency conditional on risk management, and (iii) Lerner indices of German banks, we identify three distinct technology regimes: Public & Retail, Small & Specialized, and Universal & Relationship. System estimation at the regional level reveals that greater bank market power increases bank profitability but also fosters corporate defaults. Corporate defaults, in turn, lead to higher probabilities of bank distress, which supports the market power-fragility hypothesis.
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Regional Growth and Finance in Europe: Is there a Quality Effect of Bank Efficiency?
Iftekhar Hasan, Michael Koetter, Michael Wedow
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 8,
In this study, we test whether regional growth in 11 European countries depends on financial development and suggest the use of cost- and profit-efficiency estimates as quality measures of financial institutions. Contrary to the usual quantitative proxies of financial development, the quality of financial institutions is measured in this study as the relative ability of banks to intermediate funds. An improvement in bank efficiency spurs five times more regional growth then an identical increase in credit does. More credit provided by efficient banks exerts an independent growth effect in addition to direct quantity and quality channel effects.
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Axel Lindner
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Laien ist die Ratio wirtschaftspolitischer Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Finanzkrise oft nur schwer zu vermitteln. Ein Beispiel dafür sind die Mitte Mai von der Bundesregierung beschlossenen Eckpunkte für das geplante Konsolidierungs- oder „Bad“-Bank-Modell. Kaum geringere Verständnisschwierigkeiten haben damit freilich auch geschulte Ökonomen. Welches Problem angegangen werden soll, ist immerhin klar: Die Finanzmarktkrise droht nach wie vor, die Kreditversorgung der Wirtschaft zu drosseln. Denn die Banken müssen damit rechnen, weiterhin in erheblichem Umfang Abschreibungen auf ihr Portfolio aus strukturierten Wertpapieren vornehmen zu müssen. Das zur Absicherung dieser Risiken zu hinterlegende Eigenkapital steht den Banken dann nicht mehr für die Kreditvergabe zur Verfügung. Die Eckpunkte des Bad-Bank-Modells sehen nun vor, dass den Finanzinstituten die Möglichkeit gegeben wird, die Problem-Papiere aus ihren Bankbilanzen in institutsspezifische Zweckgesellschaften (bad banks) auszulagern. Im Gegenzug erhalten sie von den Zweckgesellschaften herausgegebene Schuldverschreibungen. Durch die staatliche Garantie dieser Titel erledigt sich der Abschreibungsbedarf.
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Lending Technology, Bank Organization and Competition
Hans Degryse, Steven Ongena, Günseli Tümer-Alkan
Journal of Financial Transformation,
This paper reviews recent theoretical and empirical studies investigating how both bank technology and organization shape bank-borrower interactions. We refer to two related concepts for bank technology. First, the technologies banks employ in loan granting decisions and second, the advances in information technology linked to the bank's lending technology. We also summarize and interpret the theoretical and empirical work on bank organization and its influence on lending technologies. We show that the choice of lending technology and bank organization depend heavily on the availability of information, the technological progress in the collection of information, as well as the banking market structure and the legal environment. We draw important policy conclusions from the literature. Competition authorities and supervisors have to remain alert to the consequences of the introduction of any new technology because: (1) advances in technology do not necessarily lead to more intense banking competition, and (2) the impact of technological and financial innovation on financial efficiency and stability depends on the incentives of the entire „loan production chain.‟
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