Firm Wage Premia, Industrial Relations, and Rent Sharing in Germany
Boris Hirsch, Steffen Müller
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
published in: ILR Review
This paper investigates the influence of industrial relations on firm wage premia in Germany. OLS regressions for the firm effects from a two-way fixed effects decomposition of workers’ wages by Card, Heining, and Kline (2013) document that average premia are larger in firms bound by collective agreements and in firms with a works council, holding constant firm performance. RIF regressions show that premia are less dispersed among covered firms but more dispersed among firms with a works council. Hence, deunionisation is the only among the suspects investigated that contributes to explaining the marked rise in the premia dispersion over time.
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Multidimensional Well-being and Regional Disparities in Europe
Jörg Döpke, Andreas Knabe, Cornelia Lang, Philip Maschke
Journal of Common Market Studies,
No. 5,
Using data from the OECD Regional Well-Being Index – a set of quality-of-life indicators measured at the sub-national level – we construct a set of composite well-being indices. We analyze the extent to which the choice of five alternative aggregation methods affects the well-being ranking of regions. We find that regional inequality in these composite measures is lower than regional inequality in real GDP per capita. For most aggregation methods, the rank correlation across regions appears to be quite high. It is also shown that using alternative indices instead of GDP per capita would only have a small effect on the set of regions eligible for aid from EU Structural Funds. The exception appears to be an aggregation based on how individual dimensions relate to average life satisfaction across regions, which would substantially change both the ranking of regions and which regions would be eligible for EU funds.
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17th IWH-CIREQ-GW Macroeconometric Workshop: „Inequality, Micro Data and Macroeconomics”
Christoph Schult
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Am 5. und 6. Dezember 2016 fand am Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) zum 17. Mal der IWH-CIREQ Macroeconometric Workshop statt. Die erfolgreiche Kooperation mit dem Centre inter- universitaire de recherche en economie quantitative (CIREQ) wurde in diesem Jahr um die George Washington University (GW) verstärkt. Als neuer Kooperationspartner wurde die seit Februar 2016 am IWH tätige Forschungsprofessorin Tara Sinclair, Ph.D., in diesem Jahr mit in die Auswahlkommission berufen. Der diesjährige Workshop befasste sich mit dem Thema „Inequality, Micro Data and Macroeconomics“.
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Multidimensional Well-being and Regional Disparities in Europe
Jörg Döpke, A. Knabe, Cornelia Lang, Philip Maschke
Using data from the OECD Regional Well-Being Index – a set of quality-of-life indicators measured at the sub-national level, we construct a set of composite well-being indices. We analyse the extent to which the choice of five alternative aggregation methods affects the well-being ranking of regions. We find that regional inequality in these composite measures is lower than regional inequality in gross-domestic product (GDP) per capita. For most aggregation methods, the rank correlation across regions appears to be quite high. It is also shown that using alternative indicators instead of GDP per capita would only have a small effect on the set of regions eligible for aid from EU Structural Funds. The exception appears to be an aggregation based on how individual dimensions of welfare relate to average life satisfaction across regions, which would substantially change both the ranking of regions and which regions would receive EU funds.
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Endogenous Selection of Comparison Groups, Human Capital Formation, and Tax Policy
Oded Stark, Walter Hyll, Y. Wang
No. 313,
We consider a setting in which the acquisition of human capital entails a change of location in social space that causes individuals to revise their comparison groups. Skill levels are viewed as occupational groups. Moving up the skill ladder by acquiring additional human capital, in itself rewarding, leads to a shift in the individual’s inclination to compare himself with a different, and on average better-paid, comparison group, in itself penalizing. We shed new light on the dynamics of human capital formation, and suggest novel policy interventions to encourage human capital formation in the aggregate and reduce inter-group income inequality.
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Gunnar Myrdal an the Persistence of Germany’s Regional Inequality
John B. Hall, Udo Ludwig
Journal of Economic Issues,
Der Beitrag lotet die Bedeutung des von G. Myrdal entwickelten „Konzepts der zirkulären und kumulativen Verursachung“ für die Erklärung von Konvergenz und Divergenz im wirtschaftlichen Angleichungsprozess zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland aus. Das Konzept wird dem auf R. Barro und X. Sala-i-Martin zurückgehenden „ehernen Gesetz der Konvergenz“ gegenübergestellt. Die Autoren kommen zu dem Schluss, dass mit dem von Myrdal unterschiedenen Konter- und Ausbreitungseffekten in der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung ein leistungsfähigerer Ansatz vorliegt, Ungleichheiten zwischen Ost und West zu verstehen.
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