Aktuelle Trends: Forschungsintensität Ostdeutschlands hält dem europäischen Vergleich stand
Jutta Günther, Katja Wilde, Marco Sunder
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
20 Jahre Deutsche Einheit - Teil 2 -
Die Europäische Union (EU) hat mit dem Barcelona-Ziel für Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) eine ebenso umstrittene wie konkrete Messlatte gesetzt: Bis 2010 sollten die FuE-Aufwendungen der EU auf 3% des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) steigen. In Deutschland betrugen die FuE-Ausgaben im Jahr 2007 rund 2,5% des BIP. Im innerdeutschen Vergleich ist die FuE-Leistung Ostdeutschlands unterlegen, dem europäischen Vergleich hält sie durchaus stand. Gegenüber Tschechien, Ungarn und Polen weist Ostdeutschland insgesamt eine höhere FuE-Intensität auf, obschon Tschechien im Bereich der privaten FuE etwas besser abschneidet.
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04.03.2010 • 8/2010
Forschungsintensität Ostdeutschlands hält dem europäischen Vergleich stand
Die Europäische Union (EU) hat mit dem Barcelona-Ziel für Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) eine ebenso umstrittene wie konkrete Messlatte gesetzt: Bis 2010 sollten die FuE-Aufwendungen der EU auf 3% des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) steigen. Damit soll das Ziel verfolgt werden, zum wettbewerbsfähigsten und dynamischsten Wirtschaftsraum der Welt aufzusteigen.
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Are European Equity Style Indices Efficient? – An Empirical Quest in Three Essays
Marian Berneburg
Schriften des IWH,
No. 28,
Many situations in the history of the stock markets indicate that assets are not always efficiently priced. But why does it matter whether the stock market is efficiently priced? Because “well-functioning financial markets are a key factor to high economic growth”. (Mishkin and Eakins, 2006, pp. 3-4) In three essays, it is the aim of the author to shed some more light on the topic of market efficiency, which is far from being resolved. Since European equity markets have increased in importance globally, the author, instead of focusing on US markets, looks at a unified European equity market. By testing for a random walk in equity prices, revisiting Shiller’s claim of excess volatility through the means of a vector error correction model, and modifying the Gordon-Growth-Model, the book concludes that a small degree of inefficiency cannot be ruled out. While usually European equity markets are pricing assets correctly, some periods (e.g. the late 1990s and early 2000s) show clear signs of mispricing; the hypothesis of a world with two states (regime one, a normal efficient state, and regime two, a state in which markets are more momentum driven) presents a possible explanation.
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The Changing Role of the Exchange Rate in a Globalised Economy
Irina Bunda, Filippo di Mauro, Rasmus Rüffer
ECB Occasional Paper Series,
No. 94,
In addition to its direct effects on the global trading and production structure, the ongoing process of globalisation may have important implications for the interaction of exchange rates and the overall economy. This paper presents evidence regarding possible changes in the role of exchange rates in a more globalised economy. First, it analyses the link between exchange rates and prices, showing that there is at most a moderate decline in exchange rate pass-through for the euro area. Next, it turns to the effect of exchange rate changes on trade flows. The findings indicate that the responsiveness of euro area exports to exchange rate changes may have declined somewhat as a result of globalisation, reflecting mainly shifts in the geographical and sectoral composition of trade flows. The paper also provides a firm-level analysis of the impact of exchange rate changes on corporate profits, which suggests that overall this relationship appears to be relatively stable over time, although there are important cross-country differences. In addition, it studies the overall impact of exchange rates on GDP and the potential role of valuation effects as a transmission channel in the case of the euro area. JEL Classification: E3, F15, F31
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Das makroökonometrische Modell des IWH: Eine angebotsseitige Betrachtung
Rolf Scheufele
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 9,
Diese Arbeit beschreibt das makroökonometrische Modell des IWH: ein auf Quartalsdaten gestütztes, strukturelles Modell für die deutsche Volkswirtschaft. Der Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die Spezifikation und Schätzungen der angebotsseitigen Aspekte des Modells. Dieser Ansatz gewährleistet ein theoretisch fundiertes langfristiges Modellgleichgewicht. Somit verbindet das Modell kurzfristig gewünschte Prognoseeigenschaften mit langfristigen theoretischen Anforderungen. Für einige makroökonomische Aggregate werden kurz- bis langfristige Auswirkungen von Angebots- und Nachfrageschocks dargestellt. Zudem werden durch Modellsimulationen die Auswirkungen außenwirtschaftlicher Schocks auf das Gesamtmodell illustriert.
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Determinants of Female Migration – The Case of German NUTS 3 Regions
Alexander Kubis, Lutz Schneider
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 12,
Our study examines the regional patterns and determinants of migration flows of young women. At the NUTS-3 regional level, i.e. the district level (Kreise), the German internal migration flows of the year 2005 are explored. From descriptive statistics it can be seen that peripheral regions in East Germany face the strongest migration deficit with respect to young women, whereas agglomerations in West Germany but also in the East benefit from an intense migration surplus within this group. An econometric analysis of determinants of regional migration flows gives evidence of the importance of labour market, family-related and educational migration motives. Generally speaking, young women tend to choose regions with good income and job opportunities, in addition they seem to be attracted by regions enabling an appropriate balance between family and career. Furthermore the existence of excellent educational facilities is a significant influence for young women’s migration. This educationally motivated type of migration generates a long lasting effect on the regional migration balance, especially when the educational opportunities in the destination region are associated with adequate career perspectives for high qualified female graduates. In view of considerable losses due to migration, the study shows various options for action. An important course of action is to incorporate policy measures improving regional employment and income opportunities. Secondly, extending vocational and academic offers addressed to women seems to be a suitable way to stimulate women’s immigration. Moreover, enhancing the social infrastructure, which contributes to a satisfactory work life balance, might attract young women or at least reduce the number of them leaving a region.
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Signaling Currency Crises in South Africa
Tobias Knedlik
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 19,
Currency crises episodes of 1996, 1998, and 2001 are used to identify common country specific causes of currency crises in South Africa. The paper identifies crises by the use of an Exchange Market Pressure (EMP) index as introduced by Eichengreen, Rose and Wyplosz (1996). It extends the Signals Approach introduced by Kaminsky and Reinhart (1996, 1998) by developing a composite indicator in order to measure the evolution of currency crisis risk in South Africa. The analysis considers the standard suspects from international currency crises and country specifics as identified by the Myburgh Commission (2002) and current literature as potentially relevant indicators.
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Business Cycles and FDI: Evidence from German Sectoral Data
Claudia M. Buch, A. Lipponer
Review of World Economics,
No. 4,
Globalization has affected business cycle developments in OECD countries and has increased activities of firms across national borders. This paper analyzes whether these two developments are linked. We use a new firm-level data set on the foreign activities of German firms to test whether foreign activities are affected by business cycle developments. We aggregate the data by the sector of the reporting firm, the sector of the foreign affiliate, and the host country. Data are annual and cover the period 1989–2002. We find that German outward FDI increases in response to positive cyclical developments abroad and in response to a real depreciation of the domestic currency.
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Market Indicators, Bank Fragility, and Indirect Market Discipline
Reint E. Gropp, Jukka M. Vesala, Giuseppe Vulpes
Economic Policy Review,
No. 2,
A paper presented at the October 2003 conference “Beyond Pillar 3 in International Banking Regulation: Disclosure and Market Discipline of Financial Firms“ cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business at Columbia Business School.
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