Housing Consumption and Macroprudential Policies in Europe: An Ex Ante Evaluation
Antonios Mavropoulos, Qizhou Xiong
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 17,
In this paper, we use the panel of the first two waves of the Household Finance and Consumption Survey by the European Central Bank to study housing demand of European households and evaluate potential housing market regulations in the post-crisis era. We provide a comprehensive account of the housing decisions of European households between 2010 and 2014, and structurally estimate the housing preference of a simple life-cycle housing choice model. We then evaluate the effect of a tighter LTV/LTI regulation via counter-factual simulations. We find that those regulations limit homeownership and wealth accumulation, reduces housing consumption but may be welfare improving for the young households.
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Does it Payoff to Research Economics? A Tale of Citation, Knowledge and Economic Growth in Transition Countries
Dejan Kovač, Boris Podobnik, Nikol Scrbec
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
There are many economic theories that promote human capital as a key driver of a country’s economic growth, but it is challenging to test this theory empirically on a country level and causally interpret the coefficients due to several identification problems. We tried to answer this particular question by using a quasi-natural experiment that happened quarter century ago – the fall of communist block in Eastern Europe. We use a shock to a particular scientific field – economics, to test whether the future investment into that particular field resulted in increased welfare and economic growth. The economics paradigm that was governing all of the communist block ceased to exist. Human capital depreciated over night and all communist countries had to transit from planned economy to a market economy. In the following years countries had to adapt to market economy through additional investment in human capital and research. We find that countries which lack both of the two fourth mentioned components had 25 years later a relatively lower economic growth and wealth. Unlike economics, other fields such as physics and medicine did not go through the same process so we use them as a placebo effect for our study. We find that the relative ratio of citations between economics and physics in post-communist countries is increasing only 15 years after the “paradigm” shock which gives a suggestive evidence that timing of investment into particular scientific field matters the most.
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Konjunktur aktuell: Konjunktur weiter stark, aber Risiken nehmen zu
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 1,
Die internationale Konjunktur ist seit Herbst 2016 kräftig, und auch im Jahr 2018 dürfte die Weltwirtschaft deutlich expandieren, nach vorliegender Prognose um 3,3%. Die deutsche Wirtschaft ist derzeit in einer Hochkonjunktur. Allerdings ist zweifelhaft, ob die deutsche Wirtschaft über die Kapazitäten verfügt, um das Tempo des Aufschwungs noch lange durchzuhalten. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt in Deutschland dürfte im Jahr 2018 mit 2,2% noch einmal recht kräftig und im Jahr 2019 mit 1,6% deutlich moderater expandieren. Der Zuwachs der Produktion in Ostdeutschland dürfte im Jahr 2018 mit 2,0% etwas unter dem in Westdeutschland liegen.
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The European Refugee Crisis and the Natural Rate of Output
Katja Heinisch, Klaus Wohlrabe
Applied Economics Letters,
No. 16,
The European Commission follows a harmonized approach for calculating structural (potential) output for EU member states that takes into account labour as an important ingredient. This article shows how the recent huge migrants’ inflow to Europe affects trend output. Due to the fact that the immigrants immediately increase the working population but effectively do not enter the labour market, we illustrate that the potential output is potentially upward biased without any corrections. Taking Germany as an example, we find that the average medium-term potential growth rate is lower if the migration flow is modelled adequately compared to results based on the unadjusted European Commission procedure.
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Konjunktur aktuell: Aufschwung in Deutschland und in der Welt
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 5,
Zur Jahreswende ist die deutsche Konjunktur nach wie vor kräftig. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte im Jahr 2017 um 2,2% zunehmen, und weil in diesem Jahr deutlich weniger Arbeitstage anfallen als zuvor, beträgt die Zuwachsrate kalenderbereinigt sogar 2,5%. Der Aufschwung ist breit aufgestellt. Schon länger treibt die deutliche Zunahme der Beschäftigung die privaten Einkommen, den Konsum und den Wohnungsbau, der außerdem von den sehr nied-rigen Zinsen Rückenwind erhält. Zudem profitieren die deutschen Exporte zurzeit von der schwungvollen internationalen Konjunktur. Auch weil die Geldpolitik im Euroraum vorerst expansiv bleibt, ist damit zu rechnen, dass sich der Aufschwung im Jahr 2018 fortsetzt; die Produktion dürfte dann erneut um 2,2% zunehmen (auch kalenderbereinigt). Die Verbraucherpreisinflation ist in den Jahren 2017 und 2018 mit 1,7% moderat. Zwar nimmt der binnenwirtschaftliche Preisdruck zu, aber die die Effekte des Energiepreisanstiegs vom Jahr 2017 laufen im Jahr 2018 aus, und die Aufwertung des Euro im Sommer 2017 wirkt preissenkend. Die schon gegenwärtig niedrige Arbeitslosenquote geht im kommenden Jahr weiter zurück. Der Finanzierungssaldo des Staates fällt im Jahr 2018 mit 1,3% in Relation zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt fast so hoch wie im Vorjahr aus, wenn man keine neuen finanzpolitischen Maßnahmen unterstellt. Die ostdeutsche Wirtschaft dürfte in den Jahren 2017 und 2018 mit 2,1% bzw. 2,0% etwas langsamer expandieren als die gesamtdeutsche. Weil das Verarbeitende Gewerbe in Ostdeutschland nicht so exportorientiert ist wie das im Westen, profitiert es auch nicht ganz so stark von der gegenwärtig sehr kräftigen internationalen Konjunktur.
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Do We Want These Two to Tango? On Zombie Firms and Stressed Banks in Europe
Manuela Storz, Michael Koetter, Ralph Setzer, Andreas Westphal
ECB Working Paper,
We show that the speed and type of corporate deleveraging depends on the interaction between corporate and financial sector health. Based on granular bank-firm data pertaining to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) from five stressed and two non-stressed euro area economies, we show that “zombie” firms generally continued to lever up during the 2010–2014 period. Whereas relationships with stressed banks reduce SME leverage on average, we also show that zombie firms that are tied to weak banks in euro area periphery countries increase their indebtedness even further. Sustainable economic recovery therefore requires both: deleveraging of banks and firms.
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Multidimensional Well-being and Regional Disparities in Europe
Jörg Döpke, Andreas Knabe, Cornelia Lang, Philip Maschke
Journal of Common Market Studies,
No. 5,
Using data from the OECD Regional Well-Being Index – a set of quality-of-life indicators measured at the sub-national level – we construct a set of composite well-being indices. We analyze the extent to which the choice of five alternative aggregation methods affects the well-being ranking of regions. We find that regional inequality in these composite measures is lower than regional inequality in real GDP per capita. For most aggregation methods, the rank correlation across regions appears to be quite high. It is also shown that using alternative indices instead of GDP per capita would only have a small effect on the set of regions eligible for aid from EU Structural Funds. The exception appears to be an aggregation based on how individual dimensions relate to average life satisfaction across regions, which would substantially change both the ranking of regions and which regions would be eligible for EU funds.
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Predicting the Rise of EU Right-Wing Populism in Response to Unbalanced Immigration
Marko Jusup, Dejan Kovač, Boris Podobnik, H. Eugene Stanley
Among the central tenets of globalization is the free migration of labor. Although much has been written about the benefits of globalization, little is known about its limitations and how antiglobalist sentiment can be strongly affected by high levels of immigration. Analyzing poll data from a group of EU countries affected by the recent migrant crisis, we find that over the last three years the percentage of right-wing (RW) populist voters in a given country depends on the prevalence of immigrants in this country’s population and the total immigration inflow into the entire EU. The latter is likely due to the perception that the EU functions as a supranational state in which a lack of inner borders means that “someone else’s problem” can easily become “my problem.” We find that the increase in the percentage of RW voters substantially surpasses the percentage of immigration inflow, implying that if this process continues, ongoing democratic processes will cause RW populism to prevail and globalization to rapidly decrease. We locate tipping points between the fraction of immigrants and the rise of RW populism, and we model our empirical findings using a complex network framework in which the success of globalization rests on a balance between immigration and immigrant integration.
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15.06.2017 • 26/2017
Ailing banks increase leverage of ailing firms
Euro area countries such as Greece and Spain continue to struggle not only with their banks, but also with highly indebted domestic firms. Michael Koetter from the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) and co-authors show the failure to resolve banks’ financial difficulties also prevents debt reduction of over-leveraged firms – and sometimes even contributes to increasing leverage of the weakest firms.
Michael Koetter