Fiscal Spending Multiplier Calculations based on Input-Output Tables – with an Application to EU Members
Toralf Pusch, A. Rannberg
Fiscal spending multiplier calculations have been revived in the aftermath of the
global financial crisis. Much of the current literature is based on VAR estimation
methods and DSGE models. The aim of this paper is not a further deepening of
this literature but rather to implement a calculation method of multipliers which is
suitable for open economies like EU member states. To this end, Input-Output tables are used as by this means the import intake of domestic demand components can be isolated in order to get an appropriate base for the calculation of the relevant import quotas. The difference of this method is substantial – on average the calculated multipliers are 15% higher than the conventional GDP fiscal spending multiplier for EU members. Multipliers for specific spending categories are comparably high, ranging between 1.4 and 1.8 for many members of the EU. GDP drops due to budget consolidation might therefore be substantial if monetary policy is not able to react in an expansionary manner.
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What Happened to the East German Housing Market? A Historical Perspective on the Role of Public Funding
Claus Michelsen, Dominik Weiß
Post-Communist Economies,
The paper analyses the development of the East German housing market after the reunification of the former German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990. We analyse the dynamics of the East German housing market within the framework of the well-known stock-flow model, proposed by DiPasquale and Wheaton. We show that the today observable disequilibrium to a large extend is caused by post-unification housing policy and its strong fiscal incentives to invest into the housing stock. Moreover, in line with the stylized empirical facts, we show that ‘hidden reserves’ of the housing market were reactivated since the economy of East Germany became market organized. Since initial undersupply was overcome faster than politicians expected, the implemented fiscal stimuli were too strong. In contrast to the widespread opinion that outward migration caused the observable vacancies, this paper shows that not weakness of demand but supply side policies caused the observable disequilibrium.
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What Happened to the East German Housing Market? – A Historical Perspective on the Role of Public Funding –
Claus Michelsen, Dominik Weiß
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 20,
The paper analyses the development of the East German housing market after the reunification of the former German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990. We analyse the dynamics of the East German housing market within the framework of the well-known stock-flow model, proposed by DiPasquale and Wheaton. We show that the today observable disequilibrium to a large extend is caused by post-unification housing policy and its strong fiscal incentives to invest into the housing stock. Moreover, in line with the stylized empirical facts, we show that ‘hidden reserves’ of the housing market were reactivated since the economy of East Germany became market organized. Since initial undersupply was overcome faster than politicians expected, the implemented fiscal stimuli were too strong. In contrast to the widespread opinion that outward migration caused the observable vacancies, this paper shows that not weakness of demand but supply side policies caused the observable disequilibrium.
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Can Fixed Exchange Rates Discipline Fiscal Policy?
Makram El-Shagi
CEGE Diskussionspapier Nr. 84,
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Book Review: Sanjeev Gupta et al. (eds.): Helping Countries Develop – The Role of Fiscal Policy, 2004
Tobias Knedlik
Africa – Commodity Dependence, Resource Curse and Export Diversification, African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2007, No. 12,
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Book Review: Philippe Burger: Sustainable Fiscal Policy and Economic Stability, 2003
Tobias Knedlik
Africa – Commodity Dependence, Resource Curse and Export Diversification, African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2007, No. 12,
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The coalition treaty from a fiscal point of view
Kristina vanDeuverden
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 12,
Der Koalitionsvertrag liegt vor: komplex und unübersichtlich, mit vielen einzelnen Maßnahmen, die noch der Präzisierung bedürfen. Das Programm zu quantifizieren und die Finanzströme abzuschätzen, die sich daraus ergeben, ist zur Zeit schwierig; offizielle Berechnungen liegen allenfalls für Teilbereiche vor. Gleichwohl wird der Vertrag die Grundlage der Wirtschaftspolitik in den kommenden vier Jahre sein; seine Beurteilung ist mithin schon heute unumgänglich. Wie ein roter Faden zieht sich die Konsolidierung durch den Koalitionsvertrag, was im Hinblick auf die Lage der öffentlichen Finanzen auch gut zu verstehen ist. Gut 80% des Volumens wird dabei über die Einnahmeseite des Staates aufgebracht. Hiervon ist zwar ein Drittel dem Abbau von Steuervergünstigungen zuzuschreiben, der Löwenanteil wird jedoch über die Anhebung der Steuertarife – vor allem der Mehrwertsteuer – erbracht. Alles in allem wird zu wenig auf die Kürzung von Ausgaben zurückgegriffen, und die Vereinbarung bleibt deutlich hinter der Koch/Steinbrück-Liste zurück; es werden sogar neue Ausnahmetatbestände geschaffen...
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Towards an Objective Function for Slovenian Fiscal Policy-making: A Heuristic Approach
Klaus Weyerstraß
Externe Publikationen,
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