Macroeconomic Factors and Micro-Level Bank Risk
Claudia M. Buch
Bundesbank Discussion Paper 20/2010,
The interplay between banks and the macroeconomy is of key importance for financial and economic stability. We analyze this link using a factor-augmented vector autoregressive model (FAVAR) which extends a standard VAR for the U.S. macroeconomy. The model includes GDP growth, inflation, the Federal Funds rate, house price inflation, and a set of factors summarizing conditions in the banking sector. We use data of more than 1,500 commercial banks from the U.S. call reports to address the following questions. How are macroeconomic shocks transmitted to bank risk and other banking variables? What are the sources of bank heterogeneity, and what explains differences in individual banks’ responses to macroeconomic shocks? Our paper has two main findings: (i) Average bank risk declines, and average bank lending increases following expansionary shocks. (ii) The heterogeneity of banks is characterized by idiosyncratic shocks and the asymmetric transmission of common shocks. Risk of about 1/3 of all banks rises in response to a monetary loosening. The lending response of small, illiquid, and domestic banks is relatively large, and risk of banks with a low degree of capitalization and a high exposure to real estate loans decreases relatively strongly after expansionary monetary policy shocks. Also, lending of larger banks increases less while risk of riskier and domestic banks reacts more in response to house price shocks.
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Islamic Finance in Europe
Pierluigi Caristi, Stéphane Couderc, Angela di Maria, Filippo di Mauro, Beljeet Kaur Grewal, Lauren Ho, Sergio Masciantonio, Steven Ongena, Sajjad Zaher
ECB Occasional Paper,
No. 146,
Islamic finance is based on ethical principles in line with Islamic religious law. Despite its low share of the global financial market, Islamic finance has been one of this sector's fastest growing components over the last decades and has gained further momentum in the wake of the financial crisis. The paper examines the development of and possible prospects for Islamic finance, with a special focus on Europe. It compares Islamic and conventional finance, particularly as concerns risks associated with the operations of respective institutions, as well as corporate governance. The paper also analyses empirical evidence comparing Islamic and conventional financial institutions with regard to their: (i) efficiency and profitability; and (ii) stability and resilience. Finally, the paper considers the conduct of monetary policy in an Islamic banking context. This is not uncomplicated given the fact that interest rates - normally a cornerstone of monetary policy - are prohibited under Islamic finance. Liquidity management issues are thus discussed here, with particular reference to the euro area.
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The GVAR Handbook: Structure and Applications of a Macro Model of the Global Economy for Policy Analysis
Filippo di Mauro, M. Hashem Pesaran
Oxford University Press,
The recent crisis has shown yet again how the world economies are globally interlinked, via a complex net of transmission channels. When it comes, however, to build econometric frameworks aimed at analysing such linkages, modellers are faced with what is called the "curse of dimensionality": there far too many parameters to be estimated with respect to the available observations. The GVAR, a VAR based model of the global economy, offers a solution to this problem. The basic model is composed of a large number of country specific models, comprising domestic, foreign and purely global variables. The foreign variables, however, are treated as weakly exogenous. This assumption, which is typically held when empirically tested for virtually all economies - with the notable exception of the US which is treated differently - allows to estimate first the individual country models separately. Only in a second stage country-specific models are simultaneously solved, thus allowing global interactions.This volume presents - for a first time in a compact and rather easy to read format - principles and structure of the basic GVAR model and a number of its many applications and extensions developed in the last few years by a growing literature. Its main objective is to show how powerful the model can be as a tool for forecasting and scenario analysis. The clear modelling structure of the GVAR appeals to policy makers and practitioners as shown by its growing use among major institutions, as well as by econometricians, as shown by the main extensions and applications.
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Grant Dependence, Regulation and the Effects of Formula-based Grant Systems on German Local Governments: A Data Report for Saxony-Anhalt
Peter Haug
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
Recent empirical studies have found – seemingly − efficiency-enhancing effects of vertical grants on local public service provision. The main purpose of this paper is to prepare an elaborate theoretical and empirical analysis of these contradictory results. Therefore, it investigates if certain fiscal and institutional conditions (fiscal stress, fiscal rank-preserving vertical grant systems, input- and output regulation), that might help to explain these empirical findings, are characteristic of at least some parts of the local government sector or certain regions. The German state of Saxony-Anhalt is chosen for case study purposes. The main results are: First, the local governments suffer from severe fiscal problems such as high grant dependency, low tax revenues and the prevalent inability to finance investments by own resources. Second, the output- and input-regulation density of certain mandatory municipal services (schools, childcare facilities, fire protection) is high. Finally, the most important vertical grant category for local governments, the formula-based grants (“Schlüsselzuweisungen”), can be described as mainly exogenous, unconditional block grants that in most cases preserve the relative fiscal position of the grant recipients.
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Größenvorteile im Bereich kommunaler Leistungen – Bericht zum 4. Halleschen Kolloquium zur kommunalen Wirtschaft
Peter Haug, Albrecht Kauffmann, M. Kloss
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Das Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) veranstaltet unter Federführung der Forschungsabteilung Stadtökonomik alle zwei Jahre das „Hallesche Kolloquium zur kommunalen Wirtschaft“. Vor dem Hintergrund der kommunalen Gebietsreformen in Ostdeutschland befasste sich die Veranstaltung am 24. und 25. November 2011 mit der Frage, ob insbesondere mit Bezug auf den Kommunalbereich „bigger“ notwendigerweise auch „better“ (z. B. im Sinne einer möglichst kostengünstigen Versorgung mit öffentlichen Leistungen) bedeuten muss.
Die Konferenz richtete sich dabei sowohl an Wissenschaftler als auch an Praktiker aus Politik und Verwaltung. Im Mittelpunkt standen dabei wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zur Effizienz des öffentlichen Sektors auf verschiedenen Ebenen. Beleuchtet wurde dieses Thema nicht nur aus der volkswirtschaftlichen, sondern auch aus der rechts- und verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Perspektive. Nach den Fachvorträgen aus den genannten Bereichen bildete eine Podiumsdiskussion mit Vertretern aus Kommunalpolitik, Kommunalverbänden und Landesverwaltung
den Abschluss der Konferenz. Insgesamt zeigte die Veranstaltung auf, dass Größe nicht alles ist bei der Gestaltung künftiger Kommunalstrukturen und Gebietsreformen alles andere als ein Allheilmittel bei mangelnder Leistungsfähigkeit (z. B. Finanzschwäche) der Kommunen sind.
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Size is not everything – The efficiency of municipal service provision in Saxony-Anhalt
Peter Haug, Annette Illy
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 10,
Befürworter von Gemeindegebietsreformen – wie z.B. der erst kürzlich beendeten Reform in Sachsen-Anhalt – erwarten von Gemeindezusammenlegungen und zentralisierten Verwaltungsformen (Einheitsgemeinde statt Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) Kosteneinsparungen bzw. Effizienzsteigerungen bei der kommunalen Leistungserstellung. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die möglichen Effizienznachteile kleinteiliger Gemeindestrukturen am Beispiel
Sachsen-Anhalts zum Zeitpunkt vor der entscheidenden Phase der Gemeindegebietsreform. Die empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass dezentrale Verwaltungsformen keinen signifikanten Effizienznachteil gegenüber Einheitsgemeinden aufweisen müssen. Ferner deuten die Analysen zur Skaleneffizienz darauf hin, dass die Mehrheit der sachsen-anhaltischen Gemeinden – wenn die aggregierte Ebene der Verwaltungsgemeinschaften
betrachtet wird – eine weitgehend effiziente „Betriebsgröße“ hatte, wobei der Zusammenhang zwischen Einwohnerzahl und Skaleneffizienz u-förmig verläuft. Einerseits stützt die Untersuchung daher nicht den Erhalt von Kleinstgemeinden oder die Bildung von Verwaltungsgemeinschaften mit zweistelligen Mitgliedsgemeindezahlen. Andererseits liefern die Ergebnisse – selbst unter Berücksichtigung des sich abzeichnenden Bevölkerungsrückgangs – aber auch keinen Beleg für die Notwendigkeit der Reduzierung der Anzahl der Städte und Gemeinden in Sachsen-Anhalt von 1 118 im Jahr 2004 auf aktuell 219.
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The Role of Investment Banking for the German Economy: Final Report for Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main
Michael Schröder, M. Borell, Reint E. Gropp, Z. Iliewa, L. Jaroszek, G. Lang, S. Schmidt, K. Trela
ZEW-Dokumentationen, Nr. 12-01,
No. 1,
The aim of this study is to assess the contributions of investment banking to the economy with a particular focus on the German economy. To this end we analyse both the economic benefits and the costs stemming from investment banking.
The study focuses on investment banks as this part of banking is particularly relevant for financing companies as well as the development and use of specific products to support the needs of private and professional clients. The assessment of benefits and costs of investment banking has been conducted from a European perspective. Nevertheless there is a focus on the German economy to allow a more detailed analysis of certain aspects as for example the use of derivatives by German companies, the success of M&As in Germany or the effect of securitization on loan supply and GDP in Germany. For comparison purposes other European countries and also the U.S. have been taken into account.
The last financial crisis has shown the negative impacts of banks on the financial system and the whole economy. In a study on the contribution of investment banks to systemic risk we quantify the negative side of the investment banking business.
In the last part of the study we assess how the effects of regulatory changes on investment banking. All important changes in banking and capital market regulation are taken into account such as Basel III, additional capital requirements for systemically important financial institutions, regulation of OTC derivatives and specific taxes.
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What Drives FDI in Central-eastern Europe? Evidence from the IWH-FDI-Micro Database
Andrea Gauselmann, Mark Knell, Johannes Stephan
Post-Communist Economies,
No. 3,
The focus of this paper is on the match between strategic motives of foreign investments into Central-Eastern Europe and locational advantages offered by these countries. Our analysis makes use of the IWH-FDI-Micro Database, a unique dataset that contains information from 2009 about the determinants of locational factors, technological activity of the subsidiaries, and the potentials for knowledge spillovers in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. The analysis suggests that investors in these countries are mainly interested in low (unit) labour costs coupled with a well-trained and educated workforce and an expanding market with the high growth rates in the purchasing power of potential buyers. It also suggests that the financial crisis reduced the attractiveness of the region as a source for localised knowledge and technology. There appears to be a match between investors’ expectations and the quantitative supply of unqualified labour, not however for the supply of medium qualified workers. But the analysis suggests that it is not technology-seeking investments that are particularly content with the capabilities of their host economies in terms of technological cooperation. Finally, technological cooperation within the local host economy is assessed more favourably with domestic firms than with local scientific institutions – an important message for domestic economic policy.
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Macroeconomic Challenges in the Euro Area and the Acceding Countries
Katja Drechsel
Dissertation, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Osnabrück,
deutscher Titel: Makroökonomische Herausforderungen für die Eurozone und die Beitrittskandidaten
Abstract: The conduct of effective economic policy faces a multiplicity of macroeconomic challenges, which requires a wide scope of theoretical and empirical analyses. With a focus on the European Union, this doctoral dissertation consists of two parts which make empirical and methodological contributions to the literature on forecasting real economic activity and on the analysis of business cycles in a boom-bust framework in the light of the EMU enlargement. In the first part, we tackle the problem of publication lags and analyse the role of the information flow in computing short-term forecasts up to one quarter ahead for the euro area GDP and its main components. A huge dataset of monthly indicators is used to estimate simple bridge equations. The individual forecasts are then pooled, using different weighting schemes. To take into consideration the release calendar of each indicator, six forecasts are compiled successively during the quarter. We find that the sequencing of information determines the weight allocated to each block of indicators, especially when the first month of hard data becomes available. This conclusion extends the findings of the recent literature. Moreover, when combining forecasts, two weighting schemes are found to outperform the equal weighting scheme in almost all cases. In the second part, we focus on the potential accession of the new EU Member States in Central and Eastern Europe to the euro area. In contrast to the discussion of Optimum Currency Areas, we follow a non-standard approach for the discussion on abandonment of national currencies the boom-bust theory. We analyse whether evidence for boom-bust cycles is given and draw conclusions whether these countries should join the EMU in the near future. Using a broad range of data sets and empirical methods we document credit market imperfections, comprising asymmetric financing opportunities across sectors, excess foreign currency liabilities and contract enforceability problems both at macro and micro level. Furthermore, we depart from the standard analysis of comovements of business cycles among countries and rather consider long-run and short-run comovements across sectors. While the results differ across countries, we find evidence for credit market imperfections in Central and Eastern Europe and different sectoral reactions to shocks. This gives favour for the assessment of the potential euro accession using this supplementary, non-standard approach.
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Corporate Governance in the Multinational Enterprise: A Financial Contracting Perspective
Diemo Dietrich, Björn Jindra
International Business Review,
The aim of this paper is to bring economics-based finance research more into the focus of international business theory. On the basis of an analytical model that introduces financial constraints into incomplete contracting in an international vertical trade relationship, we propose an integrated framework that facilitates the study of the interdependencies between internalisation decisions, firm-internal allocations of control rights, and the debt capacity of firms. We argue that the financial constraint of an MNE and/or its supplier should be considered as an important determinant of internal governance structures, complementary to, and interacting with, institutional factors and proprietary knowledge.
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