The Political Economy of Financial Systems: Evidence from Suffrage Reforms in the Last Two Centuries
Hans Degryse, Thomas Lambert, Armin Schwienbacher
Economic Journal,
No. 611,
Voting rights were initially limited to wealthy elites providing political support for stock markets. The franchise expansion induces the median voter to provide political support for banking development, as this new electorate has lower financial holdings and benefits less from the riskiness and financial returns from stock markets. Our panel data evidence covering the years 1830–1999 shows that tighter restrictions on the voting franchise induce greater stock market development, whereas a broader voting franchise is more conducive to the banking sector, consistent with Perotti and von Thadden (2006). The results are robust to controlling for other institutional arrangements and endogeneity.
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What Type of Finance Matters for Growth? Bayesian Model Averaging Evidence
Iftekhar Hasan, Roman Horvath, Jan Mares
World Bank Economic Review,
No. 2,
We examine the effect of finance on long-term economic growth using Bayesian model averaging to address model uncertainty in cross-country growth regressions. The literature largely focuses on financial indicators that assess the financial depth of banks and stock markets. We examine these indicators jointly with newly developed indicators that assess the stability and efficiency of financial markets. Once we subject the finance-growth regressions to model uncertainty, our results suggest that commonly used indicators of financial development are not robustly related to long-term growth. However, the findings from our global sample indicate that one newly developed indicator—the efficiency of financial intermediaries—is robustly related to long-term growth.
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Did the Swiss Exchange Rate Shock Shock the Market?
Manuel Buchholz, Gregor von Schweinitz, Lena Tonzer
The Swiss National Bank abolished the exchange rate floor versus the Euro in January 2015. Based on a synthetic matching framework, we analyse the impact of this unexpected (and therefore exogenous) shock on the stock market. The results reveal a significant level shift (decline) in asset prices in Switzerland following the discontinuation of the minimum exchange rate. While adjustments in stock market returns were most pronounced directly after the news announcement, the variance was elevated for some weeks, indicating signs of increased uncertainty and potentially negative consequences for the real economy.
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IWH-Tarif-Check: Im Baugewerbe wird künftig auch real deutlich mehr gezahlt: Starker Anstieg der Tariflöhne, ostdeutsche Beschäftigte holen aber nicht weiter auf
Oliver Holtemöller, Birgit Schultz
No. 2,
Nach monatelangen Tarifverhandlungen gibt es für die rund 800 000 Beschäftigten im Bauhauptgewerbe einen Schlichterspruch – und die bislang höchste Tariflohnvereinbarung Deutschlands in diesem Jahr: Die Beschäftigten im Tarifgebiet West bekommen zum 1. Mai 2018 5,7% mehr Lohn und insgesamt drei Einmalzahlungen: im November diesen Jahres 250 Euro, im Juni 2019 600 Euro und im November 2019 noch einmal 250 Euro. Im Tarifgebiet Ost steigen die Tariflöhne ab Mai 2018 sogar um 6,6% und im Juni 2019 dann um 0,8%. Dazu kommt eine Einmalzahlung im November 2019 in Höhe von 250 Euro je Beschäftigten. Doch wie viel vom Plus bleibt den Bauarbeitenden wirklich? Das IWH hat die realen Einkommenszuwächse berechnet.
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Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Financial Performance: The Mediating Role of Productivity
Iftekhar Hasan, Nada Kobeissi, Liuling Liu, Haizhi Wang
Journal of Business Ethics,
No. 3,
This study treats firm productivity as an accumulation of productive intangibles and posits that stakeholder engagement associated with better corporate social performance helps develop such intangibles. We hypothesize that because shareholders factor improved productive efficiency into stock price, productivity mediates the relationship between corporate social and financial performance. Furthermore, we argue that key stakeholders’ social considerations are more valuable for firms with higher levels of discretionary cash and income stream uncertainty. Therefore, we hypothesize that those two contingencies moderate the mediated process of corporate social performance with financial performance. Our analysis, based on a comprehensive longitudinal dataset of the U.S. manufacturing firms from 1992 to 2009, lends strong support for these hypotheses. In short, this paper uncovers a productivity-based, context-dependent mechanism underlying the relationship between corporate social performance and financial performance.
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IWH-Tarif-Check: Reale Netto-Lohnzuwächse bei den Beschäftigten von Bund und Kommunen in den nächsten Jahren
Oliver Holtemöller, Birgit Schultz
No. 1,
Der neue Tariflohnabschluss verheißt Positives für die 2,3 Millionen Beschäftigten des öffentlichen Dienstes von Bund und Kommunen: Rückwirkend zum 01.03.2018 erhalten sie 3,2%, ab dem 01.04.2019 weitere 3,1% und zum 01.03.2020 nochmals 1,1% mehr Lohn. Die Beschäftigten bis zur Entgeltgruppe 6 erhalten zudem eine Einmalzahlung von 250 Euro.
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Macro-Financial Modelling of the Singapore Economy: a GVAR Approach
Alessandro Galesi, Filippo di Mauro
Monetary Authority of Singapore Macroeconomic Review,
Globalisation has greatly increased the degree of interdependence across countries. Macroeconomic policy must therefore take a global perspective, particularly in the case of small open economies such as Singapore. From a modeller’s point of view, this requires considering many countries, regions and markets, as well as multiple channels of transmission, including trade and financial linkages. Cross-country interdependencies are increasingly reflected in the effects of global shocks, to oil or food prices for example, as well as technology and policy uncertainty spillovers.
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Pricing Sin Stocks: Ethical Preference vs. Risk Aversion
Stefano Colonnello, Giuliano Curatola, Alessandro Gioffré
We develop a model that reproduces the return and volatility spread between sin and non-sin stocks, where investors trade off dividends with the ethical assessment of companies. We relax the assumption of boycott behaviour and investigate the role played by the dividend share of sin stocks on their return and volatility spread relative to non-sin stocks. We empirically show that the dividend share predicts a positive return and volatility spread. This pattern is reproduced by our model when dividends and ethicalness are complementary goods and investors are sufficiently risk averse.
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