Application Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment
Henning Hermes, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter, Simon Wiederhold
Journal of the European Economic Association,
Why are children with lower socioeconomic status (SES) substantially less likely to be enrolled in child care? We study whether barriers in the application process work against lower-SES children — the group known to benefit strongest from child care enrollment. In an RCT in Germany with highly subsidized child care (N = 607), we offer treated families information and personal assistance for applications. We find substantial, equity-enhancing effects of the treatment, closing half of the large SES gap in child care enrollment. Increased enrollment for lower-SES families is likely driven by altered application knowledge and behavior. We discuss scalability of our intervention and derive policy implications for the design of universal child care programs.
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12.12.2024 • 31/2024
Frosty prospects for the German economy
The German economy will continue to stagnate in winter 2024/2025. Industry is suffering from a loss of international competitiveness. For this reason and due to the unclear economic policy outlook, firms and consumers are holding back on spending, although incomes have increased recently. Consumer spending will only increase more strongly once the uncertainty subsides. According to the winter forecast of the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), gross domestic product in Germany is expected to fall by 0.2% in 2024 and to expand by 0.4% in 2025. In September, the IWH forecast had still assumed a zero growth in 2024 and a growth of 1.0% in 2025. In East Germany, gross domestic product will increase by 0.5% both this year and in 2025.
Oliver Holtemöller
Konjunktur aktuell: Frostige Aussichten für die deutsche Wirtschaft
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 4,
Zur Jahreswende dürfte die weltweite Produktion weiterhin in etwa so schnell wie in der Dekade vor der Pandemie expandieren. Die Konjunktur im Euroraum ist nur verhalten, und die Stagnation der deutschen Wirtschaft setzt sich fort. Die Industrie verliert an internationaler Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Unternehmen und Verbraucher halten sich aufgrund unklarer wirtschaftspolitischer Aussichten mit ihren Ausgaben zurück. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte im Jahr 2024 um 0,2% sinken und im Jahr 2025 um 0,4% expandieren.
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The Distribution of National Income in Germany, 1992-2019
Stefan Bach, Charlotte Bartels, Theresa Neef
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 25,
This paper analyzes the distribution and composition of pre-tax national income in Germany since 1992, combining personal income tax returns, household survey data, and national accounts. Inequality rose from the 1990s to the late 2000s due to falling labor incomes among the bottom 50% and rising incomes in the top 10%. This trend reversed after 2007 as labor incomes across the bottom 90% increased. The top 1% income share, dominated by business income, remained relatively stable between 1992 and 2019. A large share of Germany’s top 1% earners are non-corporate business owners in labor-intensive professions. At least half of the business owners in P99-99.9 and a quarter in the top 0.1% operate firms in professional services – a pattern mirroring the United States. From 1992 to 2019, Germany’s top 0.1% income concentration exceeded France’s and matched U.S. levels until the late 2000s.
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IWH-Flash-Indikator IV. Quartal 2024 und I. Quartal 2025
Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
No. 4,
Der deutsche Konjunkturmotor stottert weiter vor sich hin. Obwohl das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) im dritten Quartal 2024 um 0,2% zunahm, liegt es immer noch unter dem Niveau vom ersten Quartal 2024, da das zweite Quartal nach neuesten Zahlen weitaus schwächer ausgefallen ist als zuvor gemeldet (vgl. Abbildung 1). Der leichte Zuwachs im dritten Quartal dürfte dabei vor allem auf gestiegene staatliche und private Konsumausgaben zurückzuführen sein. In den Unternehmen ist die Stimmung weiterhin trüb und die wirtschaftspolitische Unsicherheit dürfte weiterhin hoch bleiben. Zudem belasten nach wie vor gestiegene Energie- und Lohnkosten die Investitionsbereitschaft der Unternehmen. Alles in allem dürfte das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) laut IWH-Flash-Indikator im vierten Quartal 2024 stagnieren. Für den Jahresbeginn 2025 deuten allerdings die Frühindikatoren auf eine Belebung der wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten und einen Anstieg des BIP um 0,4% hin. Diese reflektieren jedoch noch nicht die jüngsten politischen Ereignisse in den USA und in Deutschland.
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Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2024: Deutsche Wirtschaft im Umbruch
Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, Oliver Holtemöller, Stefan Kooths, Torsten Schmidt, Timo Wollmershäuser
No. 10,
The German economy has stagnated for over two years, with a slow recovery anticipated in the coming quarters. However, growth is unlikely to reach pre-COVID-19 levels anytime soon. Decarbonisation, digitisation, demographic changes, and heightened competition from China are dampening growth prospects. GDP is projected to decline by 0.1 % in 2024, with increases of 0.8 % and 1.3 % in the subsequent years. Rising private consumption and improving foreign trade are expected to contribute positively to the economic upturn in Germany. Economic policy should prioritise reducing productivity barriers, facilitating structural changes, and lowering political uncertainty to support recovery.
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26.09.2024 • 27/2024
Services stabilise the East German economy – Implications of the Joint Economic Forecast Autumn 2024 and of Länder data from recent publications of the Statistical Offices
In 2024, the East German economy is expected to grow by 0.2%, while it will decline by 0.1% in Germany as a whole. The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) is forecasting an East German growth rate of 0.7% in 2025, and a rate of 1.2% in 2026. According to the IWH forecast, the unemployment rate in eastern Germany is likely to be 7.5% in 2024 as well as 2025 and 7.2% in 2026.
Oliver Holtemöller
26.09.2024 • 26/2024
Joint Economic Forecast 2/2024: German economy in transition ‒ weak momentum, low potential growth
The Joint Economic Forecast Project Group forecasts a 0.1% decline in Germany's gross domestic product in 2024. Looking further ahead, the institutes expect a weak recovery with growth of 0.8% (2025) and 1.3% (2026). Compared to the spring forecast, this represents a down-ward revision of 0.2 (2024) and 0.6 (2025) percentage points. “In addition to the economic downturn, the German economy is also being weighed down by structural change,” says Dr Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, head of Forecasting and Economic Policy at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). “Decarbonisation, digitalisation, and demographic change – alongside stronger competition with companies from China – have triggered structural adjustment processes that are dampening the long-term growth prospects of the German economy.”
Oliver Holtemöller
05.09.2024 • 24/2024
Moderate economic growth in the world – German economy continues to stagnate
Production in Germany has been stagnating for two years and is roughly the same level as shortly before the outbreak of the pandemic. Investment of firms is particularly weak. An important reason for fewer investments is the sluggish export business. Private households are also holding back on consumption, mainly due to concerns about the longer-term economic outlook. According to the autumn forecast of the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), gross domestic product in Germany is likely to stagnate in 2024 and to increase by 1.0% in 2025 as capacity utilisation normalises. In June, the IWH forecast had still assumed a growth of 0.3% in 2024 and of 1.5% in 2025. In East Germany, gross domestic product will increase by 0.3% this year and by 0.9% in 2025.
Oliver Holtemöller
Moderate economic growth in the world – German economy continues to stagnate
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 3,
The recent moderate pace of the global economy will continue for the time being. In Europe, the economy is likely to pick up slightly from the winter half-year 2024/2025. In Germany, the sluggish export business in particular is providing a lack of economic impetus. However, private consumption will contribute to a slight economic recovery in the winter half-year. Gross domestic product is likely to stagnate in 2024 and grow by 1.0% in 2025.
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