IWH EXplore
IWH EXplore Competitive Funding for Research Projects with External Involvement at IWH IWH EXplore gives scientists the opportunity to acquire supplemental funding, in addition to…
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OVERHANG: Debt overhang and green investments - the role of banks in climate-friendly management of emission-intensive fixed assets
OVERHANG: Debt overhang and green investments - the role of banks in climate-friendly management of emission-intensive fixed assets Subproject 1: Policy Changes, Lending and…
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Internationalisation The Leibniz Institute for Economic Research Halle (IWH) is responsible for economic research and economic policy advice on a scientific basis. The institute…
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Financial Stability
Financial Systems: The Anatomy of the Market Economy How the financial system is constructed, how it works, how to keep it fit and what good a bit of chocolate can do. Dossier In…
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Data Protection Policy We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and treat your personal data with confidentiality and in compliance with the provisions of law…
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Our Projects 07.2022 ‐ 12.2026 Evaluation of the InvKG and the federal STARK programme On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, the IWH and the RWI…
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IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics
Why Doctoral Studies at IWH? The IWH Doctoral Programme in Economics – one of the Top 20 places to do a PhD ( INOMICS Career Guide 2023 ) The Halle Institute for Economic Research…
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Internationalisation Our international network enhances research and competitiveness. That is why our researchers cooperate with institutions and peers on a global scale and…
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IWH Retreat Kick-off
IWH Retreat: Kick-off Meeting from Oliver Holtemöller, April 19, 2022 Dear all, On 08 and 09 June 2022, our retreat at Schwielowsee near Potsdam will take place. The motto is…
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Corporate Culture and Firm Value: Evidence from Crisis
Yiwei Fang, Franco Fiordelisi, Iftekhar Hasan, Woon Sau Leung, Gabriel Wong
Journal of Banking and Finance,
Based on the Competing Values Framework (CVF), we score 10-K text to measure company culture in four types (collaborative, controlling, competitive, and creative) and examine its role in firm stability. We find that firms with higher controlling culture fared significantly better during the 2008–09 crisis. Firms with stronger controlling culture experienced fewer layoffs, less negative asset growth, greater debt issuance, and increased access to credit-line facilities during the crisis. The positive effect of the controlling culture is stronger among the financially-constrained firms. Overall, the controlling culture improves firm stability through greater support from capital providers.
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