Deposit Competition and Mortgage Securitization
Danny McGowan, Huyen Nguyen, Klaus Schaeck
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
We study how deposit competition affects a bank's decision to securitize mortgages. Exploiting the state-specific removal of deposit market caps across the U.S. as a source of competition, we find a 7.1 percentage point increase in the probability that banks securitize mortgage loans. This result is driven by an 11 basis point increase in deposit costs and corresponding reductions in banks' deposit holdings. Our results are strongest among banks that rely more on deposit funding. These findings highlight a hitherto undocumented and unintended regulatory cause that motivates banks to adopt the originate-to-distribute model.
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Reassessing EU Comparative Advantage: The Role of Technology
Filippo di Mauro, Marco Matani, Gianmarco Ottaviano
IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
Based on the sufficient statistics approach developed by Huang and Ottaviano (2024), we show how the state of technology of European industries relative to the rest of the world can be empirically assessed in a way that is simple in terms of computation, parsimonious in terms of data requirements, but still comprehensive in terms of information. The lack of systematic cross-industry correlation between export specialization and technological advantage suggests that standard measures of revealed comparative advantage only imperfectly capture a country’s technological prowess due to the concurrent influences of factor prices, market size, markups, firm selection and market share reallocation.
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Reassessing EU Comparative Advantage: The Role of Technology
Filippo di Mauro, Marco Matani, Gianmarco Ottaviano
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 26,
Based on the sufficient statistics approach developed by Huang and Ottaviano (2024), we show how the state of technology of European industries relative to the rest of the world can be empirically assessed in a way that is simple in terms of computation, parsimonious in terms of data requirements, but still comprehensive in terms of information. The lack of systematic cross-industry correlation between export specialization and technological advantage suggests that standard measures of revealed comparative advantage only imperfectly capture a country’s technological prowess due to the concurrent influences of factor prices, market size, markups, firm selection and market share reallocation.
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12.12.2024 • 31/2024
Frosty prospects for the German economy
The German economy will continue to stagnate in winter 2024/2025. Industry is suffering from a loss of international competitiveness. For this reason and due to the unclear economic policy outlook, firms and consumers are holding back on spending, although incomes have increased recently. Consumer spending will only increase more strongly once the uncertainty subsides. According to the winter forecast of the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), gross domestic product in Germany is expected to fall by 0.2% in 2024 and to expand by 0.4% in 2025. In September, the IWH forecast had still assumed a zero growth in 2024 and a growth of 1.0% in 2025. In East Germany, gross domestic product will increase by 0.5% both this year and in 2025.
Oliver Holtemöller
The Effects of Antitrust Laws on Horizontal Mergers: International Evidence
Chune Young Chung, Iftekhar Hasan, JiHoon Hwang, Incheol Kim
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
No. 7,
This study examines how antitrust law adoptions affect horizontal merger and acquisition (M&A) outcomes. Using the staggered introduction of competition laws in 20 countries, we find antitrust regulation decreases acquirers’ five-day cumulative abnormal returns surrounding horizontal merger announcements. A decrease in deal value, target book assets, and industry peers' announcement returns are consistent with the market power hypothesis. Exploiting antitrust law adoptions addresses a downward bias to an estimated effect of antitrust enforcement (Baker (2003)). The potential bias from heterogeneous treatment effects does not nullify our results. Overall, antitrust policies seem to deter post-merger monopolistic gains, potentially improving customer welfare.
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The Chief Human Resource Officer in the C-suite: Peer Prevalence and Environmental Uncertainty
David Bendig, Kathrin Haubner, Jonathan Hoke, Sabrina Jeworrek
International Journal of Human Resource Management,
No. 11,
The chief human resource officer (CHRO) role elevates people-related matters to the apex of the firm. Why do some companies’ leading management teams place so much emphasis on human resources while others do not? The present study argues that CHROs’ presence in the C-suite is driven by firms’ imitation of industry peers’ leadership structures as a response to uncertainty. The investigation also sheds light on the moderating role of environmental factors that can influence mimetic isomorphism in HR leadership. Through a longitudinal analysis of large listed firms between 2006 and 2020, the study shows a positive relationship between the prevalence of the CHRO position among firms’ peers and a focal firm having a CHRO in its top management. The results demonstrate that certain types of uncertainty serve as boundary conditions for such copying actions: Industry growth strengthens mimicking behavior while industry dynamism weakens it. There is no clear evidence for the moderating role of industry competition. The findings contribute a neo-institutional view of human resource structures in the top management and strengthen the bond between the strategy and human resource literature.
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Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2024: Deutsche Wirtschaft im Umbruch
Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, Oliver Holtemöller, Stefan Kooths, Torsten Schmidt, Timo Wollmershäuser
No. 10,
The German economy has stagnated for over two years, with a slow recovery anticipated in the coming quarters. However, growth is unlikely to reach pre-COVID-19 levels anytime soon. Decarbonisation, digitisation, demographic changes, and heightened competition from China are dampening growth prospects. GDP is projected to decline by 0.1 % in 2024, with increases of 0.8 % and 1.3 % in the subsequent years. Rising private consumption and improving foreign trade are expected to contribute positively to the economic upturn in Germany. Economic policy should prioritise reducing productivity barriers, facilitating structural changes, and lowering political uncertainty to support recovery.
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26.09.2024 • 26/2024
Joint Economic Forecast 2/2024: German economy in transition ‒ weak momentum, low potential growth
The Joint Economic Forecast Project Group forecasts a 0.1% decline in Germany's gross domestic product in 2024. Looking further ahead, the institutes expect a weak recovery with growth of 0.8% (2025) and 1.3% (2026). Compared to the spring forecast, this represents a down-ward revision of 0.2 (2024) and 0.6 (2025) percentage points. “In addition to the economic downturn, the German economy is also being weighed down by structural change,” says Dr Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, head of Forecasting and Economic Policy at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). “Decarbonisation, digitalisation, and demographic change – alongside stronger competition with companies from China – have triggered structural adjustment processes that are dampening the long-term growth prospects of the German economy.”
Oliver Holtemöller
07.03.2024 • 6/2024
Germany stuck in stagnation ‒ private consumption remains below pre-pandemic levels
Weak consumption and investment in Germany are partly due to inflation-induced losses in real income and declines in energy-intensive production. However, concerns about the competitive strength of the German economy are also weighing on the willingness of private households and companies to spend. In its spring forecast, the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) expects gross domestic product to expand by just 0.2% in 2024, while the forecast for 2025 includes growth of 1.5% (eastern Germany: 0.5% and 1.4%). Last December, the IWH forecast had assumed an increase of 0.5% for Germany in 2024 and of 1.2% for 2025.
Oliver Holtemöller
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IWH Research Data Centre (IWH-FDZ) The IWH Research Data Centre offers external researchers access to microdata and micro-aggregated data sets that enable in-depth analyses on a…
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