Sticky Prices or Sticky Wages? An Equivalence Result
Florin Bilbiie, Mathias Trabandt
Review of Economics and Statistics,
We show an equivalence result in the standard representative agent New Keynesian model after demand, wage markup and correlated price markup and TFP shocks: assuming sticky prices and flexible wages yields identical allocations for GDP, consumption, labor, inflation and interest rates to the opposite case- flexible prices and sticky wages. This equivalence result arises if the price and wage Phillips curves' slopes are identical and generalizes to any pair of price and wage Phillips curve slopes such that their sum and product are identical. Nevertheless, the cyclical implications for profits and wages are substantially different. We discuss how the equivalence breaks when these factor-distributional implications matter for aggregate allocations, e.g. in New Keynesian models with heterogeneous agents, endogenous firm entry, and non-constant returns to scale in production. Lastly, we point to an econometric identification problem raised by our equivalence result and discuss possible solutions thereof.
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Aggregate Dynamics with Sectoral Price Stickiness Heterogeneity and Aggregate Real Shocks
Alessandro Flamini, Iftekhar Hasan
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
This paper investigates the relationship between heterogeneity in sectoral price stickiness and the response of the economy to aggregate real shocks. We show that sectoral heterogeneity reduces inflation persistence for a constant average duration of price spells, and that inflation persistence can fall despite duration increases associated with increases in heterogeneity. We also find that sectoral heterogeneity reduces the persistence and volatility of interest rate and output gap for a constant price spells duration, while the qualitative impact on inflation volatility tends to be positive. A relevant policy implication is that neglecting price stickiness heterogeneity can impair the economic dynamics assessment.
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The German Energy Crisis: A TENK-based Fiscal Policy Analysis
Alexandra Gutsch, Christoph Schult
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 1,
We study the aggregate, distributional, and welfare effects of fiscal policy responses to Germany’s energy crisis using a novel Ten-Agents New-Keynesian (TENK) model. The energy crisis, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, led to sharp increases in energy prices, inflation, and significant consumption disparities across households. Our model, calibrated to Germany’s income and consumption distribution, evaluates key policy interventions, including untargeted and targeted transfers, a value-added tax cut, energy tax reductions, and an energy cost brake. We find that untargeted transfers had the largest short-term aggregate impact, while targeted transfers were most cost-effective in supporting lower-income households. Other instruments, as the prominent energy cost brake, yielded comparably limited welfare gains. These results highlight the importance of targeted fiscal measures in addressing distributional effects and stabilizing consumption during economic crises.
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Moderate economic growth in the world – German economy continues to stagnate
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 3,
The recent moderate pace of the global economy will continue for the time being. In Europe, the economy is likely to pick up slightly from the winter half-year 2024/2025. In Germany, the sluggish export business in particular is providing a lack of economic impetus. However, private consumption will contribute to a slight economic recovery in the winter half-year. Gross domestic product is likely to stagnate in 2024 and grow by 1.0% in 2025.
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Optimal Monetary Policy in a Two-sector Environmental DSGE Model
Oliver Holtemöller, Alessandro Sardone
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 18,
In this paper, we discuss how environmental damage and emission reduction policies affect the conduct of monetary policy in a two-sector (clean and dirty) dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. In particular, we examine the optimal response of the interest rate to changes in sectoral inflation due to standard supply shocks, conditional on a given environmental policy. We then compare the performance of a nonstandard monetary rule with sectoral inflation targets to that of a standard Taylor rule. Our main results are as follows: first, the optimal monetary policy is affected by the existence of environmental policy (carbon taxation), as this introduces a distortion in the relative price level between the clean and dirty sectors. Second, compared with a standard Taylor rule targeting aggregate inflation, a monetary policy rule with asymmetric responses to sector-specific inflation allows for reduced volatility in the inflation gap, output gap, and emissions. Third, a nonstandard monetary policy rule allows for a higher level of welfare, so the two goals of welfare maximization and emission minimization can be aligned.
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19.06.2024 • 19/2024
Sachsen-Anhalts Mittelstand weiter in konjunktureller Schwächephase
Die Wirtschaft in Sachsen-Anhalt befindet sich weiterhin im Abschwung. Die Stimmungslage der mittelständischen Unternehmen hat sich im Frühjahr 2024 weiter verschlechtert. Das geht aus der gemeinsamen Umfrage von Creditreform und Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) hervor, an der sich rund 430 Unternehmen aus Sachsen-Anhalt beteiligten.
Axel Lindner
Konjunktur aktuell: Deutsche Wirtschaft noch in der Defensive – aber erste Anzeichen für ein Ende des Abschwungs
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 2,
Die Aussichten für die internationale Konjunktur bleiben leicht eingetrübt. In Europa setzt sich die zaghafte Erholung fort. In Deutschland vermehren sich die Anzeichen für eine konjunkturelle Besserung. Alles in allem wird die Produktion im Sommerhalbjahr wohl nur verhalten ausgeweitet, doch ab Herbst dürfte die Belebung Fahrt aufnehmen. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt dürfte im Jahr 2024 um 0,3% expandieren, für 2025 prognostiziert das IWH einen Zuwachs um 1,5%.
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German Economy Ailing – Reform of the Debt Brake Is No Panacea
Timm Bönke, Oliver Holtemöller, Stefan Kooths, Torsten Schmidt, Timo Wollmershäuser
No. 4,
Eine zähe Konjunkturschwäche, schwindende Wachstumskräfte und ein stark erhöhter Krankenstand führen zur Unterauslastung der Produktionskapazitäten. Außen- wie binnenwirtschaftlich gibt es mehr Gegen- als Rückenwind. Hoffnung geben die Wirksamkeit der höheren Lohnabschlüsse 2024 und 2025, die für einen Anstieg des privaten Konsums sorgen können und gesamtdeutsche Rekordwerte für die Einnahmenquote der öffentlichen Hand. Eine Reform der Schuldenbremse durch stufenweises regelgebundenes Aktivieren nach einer Notlage und ein Hebesatz auf die Einkommensteuer könnten die Konjunkturabhängigkeit der Bundes- und Länderfinanzen verringern. Die Inflation dürfte 2024 auf 2,6 % zurückgehen.
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26.03.2024 • 9/2024
Inflationssorgen wirken sich negativ auf nachhaltiges Konsumverhalten aus
Studie untersuchte Einflussfaktoren für den Kauf umweltfreundlicher Produkte
Sabrina Jeworrek
Inflation Concerns and Green Product Consumption: Evidence from a Nationwide Survey and a Framed Field Experiment
Sabrina Jeworrek, Lena Tonzer
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 10,
Promoting green product consumption is one important element in building a sustainable society. Yet green products are usually more costly. In times of high inflation, not only budget constraints but also the fear that prices will continue to rise might dampen green product consumption and, hence, limit the effectiveness of exerted efforts to promote sustainable behaviors. To test this suggestion, we conducted a Germany-wide survey with almost 1,200 respondents, followed by a framed field experiment (N=500) to confirm causality. In the survey, respondents’ stated “green” purchasing behavior is, as to be expected, positively correlated with concerns about climate change. It is also negatively correlated with concerns about future inflation and energy costs, but after controlling for observable characteristics such as income and educational level only the correlation with concerns about future prices remains significant. This result is driven by individuals with below-median environmental attitude. In the framed field experiment, we use the priming method to manipulate the saliency of inflation concerns. Whereas sizably relaxing the budget constraint (i.e., by 50 percent) has no impact on the share of organic products in participants’ baskets, the priming significantly decreases the share of organic products for individuals with below-median environmental attitude, similar to the survey data.
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