IWH Medium-term projection According to the IWH medium-term projection of the German economy, growth in the next six years is likely to increase by an annual average of just 0.3%…
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IWH Macrometer
IWH Macrometer Macroeconomic Database for the German Länder, East and West Germany The data offered by the IWH Macrometer consists of two parts: (1) interactive macro data and (2)…
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Info Graphs Sometimes pictures say more than a thousand words. Therefore, we selected a few graphs to present our main topics visually. If you should have any questions or would…
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Joint Economic Forecast
Joint Economic Forecast The joint economic forecast is an instrument for evaluating the overall economic situation and development in Germany, the euro area and the rest of the…
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Ludwig (Interview)
About the CIA and a glass of red wine ... Professor Dr Udo Ludwig on the beginnings of our institute The core of the IWH founding team came from the Institute for Applied Economic…
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Macroeconomic Reports
Macroeconomic Reports Local and global: IWH regularly provides current economic data - be it about the state of the East German economy, the macroeconomic development in Germany…
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Loose (Interview)
When there were almost no flats in Halle yet ... Brigitte Loose about IWH's foundation and development Ms Loose, how did you experience the early days of IWH? Looking back, it was…
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Our Projects 07.2022 ‐ 12.2026 Evaluation of the InvKG and the federal STARK programme On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, the IWH and the RWI…
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IWH-Flash-Indikator I. Quartal und II. Quartal 2021
Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
No. 1,
Seit November 2020 befindet sich Deutschland im Lockdown. Dadurch konnte sich der Erholungskurs der deutschen Wirtschaft im vierten Quartal nicht weiter fortsetzen, und das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) stagnierte mit 0,1% nahezu. Durch die Mitte Dezember weiter verschärften Eindämmungsmaßnahmen wird die wirtschaftliche Aktivität in vielen Branchen im laufenden Quartal erschwert oder gänzlich verhindert. Auch ein weiteres Sinken der Anzahl der Covid-19-Infizierten dürfte daran so schnell nichts ändern, da die Furcht vor hochinfektiösen Corona-Mutationen groß ist. Ebenfalls versprechen die mittlerweile zugelassenen Impfstoffe gegen Covid-19-Erkrankungen keine kurzfristige Verbesserung der Situation, da sie wohl frühestens in einigen Monaten für die breite Masse der Bevölkerung verfügbar sein werden. Aufgrund der robusten Nachfrage aus dem Ausland dürfte die Wirtschaftsleistung laut IWH-Flash-Indikator jedoch im ersten Quartal 2021 nur um 0,7% zurückgehen und im zweiten Quartal, wenn die Corona-Eindämmungsmaßnahmen langsam zurückgeführt werden sollten, um 1,5% steigen. (vgl. Abbildung 1).
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The Appropriateness of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure for Central and Eastern European Countries
Martina Kämpfe, Tobias Knedlik
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 16,
The experience of Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) during the global financial crisis and in the resulting European debt crises has been largely different from that of other European countries. This paper looks at the specifics of the CEEC in recent history and focuses in particular on the appropriateness of the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure for this group of countries. In doing so, the macroeconomic situation in the CEEC is highlighted and macroeconomic problems faced by these countries are extracted. The findings are compared to the results of the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure of the European Commission. It is shown that while the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure correctly identifies some of the problems, it understates or overstates other problems. This is due to the specific construction of the broadened surveillance procedure, which largely disregarded the specifics of catching-up economies.
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