07.05.2024 • 14/2024
IWH-Insolvenztrend: Im April erneut Höchststand bei der Zahl der Unternehmensinsolvenzen, sehr viele Jobs betroffen
Die Zahl der Insolvenzen von Personen- und Kapital-
gesellschaften ist im April den dritten Monat in Folge auf einen weiteren Höchstwert gestiegen. Auch die Zahl der betroffenen Arbeitsplätze ist außergewöhnlich hoch. Das Ende der Insolvenzwelle ist jedoch bereits in Sicht.
Steffen Müller
Research Clusters
Three Research Clusters Research Cluster "Economic Dynamics and Stability" Research Questions This cluster focuses on empirical analyses of macroeconomic dynamics and stability.…
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Transformation tables for administrative borders in Germany
Transformation tables for administrative borders in Germany The state has the ability to change the original spatial structure of its administrative regions. The stated goal of…
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Transformation tables for administrative borders in Germany – data In order to demonstrate what kind of information the available tables contain and how they are structured, the…
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The Political Economy of the European Banking Union
The Political Economy of the European Banking Union Junior Professorship Lena Tonzer, PhD: The Political Economy of the European Banking Union: Causes for National Differences in…
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Data Protection Policy We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and treat your personal data with confidentiality and in compliance with the provisions of law…
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Our Projects 07.2022 ‐ 12.2026 Evaluation of the InvKG and the federal STARK programme On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, the IWH and the RWI…
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IWH Retreat, 28-29 October
IWH Retreat October 28 and 29, 2024 from Reint Gropp, March 4, 2024 Dear colleagues, I would like to ask you to reserve the 28 th and 29 th of October , 202 4 in your calendars –…
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Economic Sentiment: Disentangling Private Information from Public Knowledge
Katja Heinisch, Axel Lindner
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 15,
This paper addresses a general problem with the use of surveys as source of information about the state of an economy: Answers to surveys are highly dependent on information that is publicly available, while only additional information that is not already publicly known has the potential to improve a professional forecast. We propose a simple procedure to disentangle the private information of agents from knowledge that is already publicly known for surveys that ask for general as well as for private prospects. Our results reveal the potential of our proposed technique for the usage of European Commissions‘ consumer surveys for economic forecasting for Germany.
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Consumer Defaults and Social Capital
Brian Clark, Iftekhar Hasan, Helen Lai, Feng Li, Akhtar Siddique
Journal of Financial Stability,
Using account level data from a credit bureau, we study the role that social capital plays in consumer default decisions. We find that borrowers in communities with greater social capital are significantly less likely to default on loans, even after adjusting for different levels of income and other characteristics such as credit scores. The results are strongest for potentially strategic defaults on mortgages; a one standard deviation increase in social capital reduces such defaults by 12.4 %. These results can be generalized to any mortgage default. Our results also indicate that the effect of social capital is most prominent among more creditworthy borrowers, suggesting that when given a choice, the social cost of defaulting is an important factor affecting default decisions. We find a similar impact of social capital on consumer defaults in other datasets with more detailed information on borrowers as well. Our results are robust to modeling and methodology choices, as well as controlling for other drivers of default such as wealth, income and amenities from homeownership. Our results suggest that increasing social capital via measures to build community cohesion such as promotion of owner-occupied home ownership may be one avenue to deter consumer default.
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