Sticky Prices or Sticky Wages? An Equivalence Result
Florin Bilbiie, Mathias Trabandt
Review of Economics and Statistics,
We show an equivalence result in the standard representative agent New Keynesian model after demand, wage markup and correlated price markup and TFP shocks: assuming sticky prices and flexible wages yields identical allocations for GDP, consumption, labor, inflation and interest rates to the opposite case- flexible prices and sticky wages. This equivalence result arises if the price and wage Phillips curves' slopes are identical and generalizes to any pair of price and wage Phillips curve slopes such that their sum and product are identical. Nevertheless, the cyclical implications for profits and wages are substantially different. We discuss how the equivalence breaks when these factor-distributional implications matter for aggregate allocations, e.g. in New Keynesian models with heterogeneous agents, endogenous firm entry, and non-constant returns to scale in production. Lastly, we point to an econometric identification problem raised by our equivalence result and discuss possible solutions thereof.
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Aggregate Dynamics with Sectoral Price Stickiness Heterogeneity and Aggregate Real Shocks
Alessandro Flamini, Iftekhar Hasan
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
This paper investigates the relationship between heterogeneity in sectoral price stickiness and the response of the economy to aggregate real shocks. We show that sectoral heterogeneity reduces inflation persistence for a constant average duration of price spells, and that inflation persistence can fall despite duration increases associated with increases in heterogeneity. We also find that sectoral heterogeneity reduces the persistence and volatility of interest rate and output gap for a constant price spells duration, while the qualitative impact on inflation volatility tends to be positive. A relevant policy implication is that neglecting price stickiness heterogeneity can impair the economic dynamics assessment.
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Illusive Compliance and Elusive Risk-shifting after Macroprudential Tightening: Evidence from EU Banking
Michael Koetter, Felix Noth, Fabian Wöbbeking
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
We study whether and how EU banks comply with tighter macroprudential policy (MPP). Observing contractual details for more than one million securitized loans, we document an elusive risk-shifting response by EU banks in reaction to tighter loan-to-value (LTV) restrictions between 2009 and 2022. Our staggered difference-in-differences reveals that banks respond to these MPP measures at the portfolio level by issuing new loans after LTV shocks that are smaller, have shorter maturities, and show a higher collateral valuation while holding constant interest rates. Instead of contracting aggregate lending as intended by tighter MPP, banks increase the number and total volume of newly issued loans. Importantly, new loans finance especially properties in less liquid markets identified by a new European Real Estate Index (EREI), which we interpret as a novel, elusive form of risk-shifting.
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Nothing Special about an Allowance for Corporate Equity: Evidence from Italian Banks
Dennis Dreusch, Felix Noth, Peter Reichling
Journal of International Money and Finance,
This paper analyzes the impact of reduced tax incentives for equity financing on banks' regulatory capital ratios under the Basel III regime. We are particularly interested in a recent interest rate cut in the Italian corporate equity allowance, which reduces the relative tax advantage of equity financing. The results show that banks respond to this increased tax disparity by significantly reducing their regulatory capital while at the same time reducing their risk-taking. The decline in capital is more pronounced for small banks and outweighs the initial capital gains from the introduction of this tax instrument. Our results challenge the use of equity allowances, in that financial stability gains persist only as long as costly tax subsidies remain intact and diminish as the size of the subsidy is reduced.
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16.01.2025 • 3/2025
Medium-term projection for the German economy and scenarios for achieving the targets of the Climate Protection Law
The potential growth rate of the German economy is declining. According to the medium-term projection of the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), potential output is likely to increase by an annual average of just 0.3% in the medium term (2023-2029). The target of climate neutrality by 2045 is likely to be missed by a wide margin without further emission-reducing measures. It could be achieved by means of higher CO₂ prices at significantly lower macroeconomic costs than by means of non-market-based regulatory measures.
Oliver Holtemöller
Mittelfristige Projektion der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und Szenarien für die Erreichung der gesetzlichen Emissionsziele
Andrej Drygalla, Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner, Alessandro Sardone, Christoph Schult, Götz Zeddies
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 4,
Das Produktionspotenzial der deutschen Wirtschaft wächst mittelfristig (2023 bis 2029) mit einer jahresdurchschnittlichen Rate von 0,3% und damit deutlich schwächer als in den Jahren zuvor. Dies ist auf eine ungünstigere Entwicklung aller drei Faktoren (Arbeitsvolumen, Kapitalstock, totale Faktorproduktivität) zurückzuführen. Das potenzielle Wachstum wird insbesondere durch den Rückgang der durchschnittlichen Arbeitszeit gedämpft.
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Church Membership and Economic Recovery: Evidence from the 2005 Hurricane Season
Iftekhar Hasan, Stefano Manfredonia, Felix Noth
Economic Journal,
No. 664,
This paper investigates the critical role of church membership in the process of economic recovery after high-impact natural disasters. We document a significant adverse treatment effect of the 2005 hurricane season in the Southeastern United States on establishment-level productivity. However, we find that establishments in counties with higher rates of church membership saw a significantly stronger recovery in terms of productivity for 2005–10. We also show that church membership is correlated with post-disaster entrepreneurship activities and population growth.
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Forecast Combination and Interpretability Using Random Subspace
Boris Kozyrev
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 21,
This paper investigates forecast aggregation via the random subspace regressions method (RSM) and explores the potential link between RSM and the Shapley value decomposition (SVD) using the US GDP growth rates. This technique combination enables handling high-dimensional data and reveals the relative importance of each individual forecast. First, it is possible to enhance forecasting performance in certain practical instances by randomly selecting smaller subsets of individual forecasts and obtaining a new set of predictions based on a regression-based weighting scheme. The optimal value of selected individual forecasts is also empirically studied. Then, a connection between RSM and SVD is proposed, enabling the examination of each individual forecast’s contribution to the final prediction, even when there is a large number of forecasts. This approach is model-agnostic (can be applied to any set of predictions) and facilitates understanding of how the aggregated prediction is obtained based on individual forecasts, which is crucial for decision-makers.
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26.09.2024 • 27/2024
Services stabilise the East German economy – Implications of the Joint Economic Forecast Autumn 2024 and of Länder data from recent publications of the Statistical Offices
In 2024, the East German economy is expected to grow by 0.2%, while it will decline by 0.1% in Germany as a whole. The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) is forecasting an East German growth rate of 0.7% in 2025, and a rate of 1.2% in 2026. According to the IWH forecast, the unemployment rate in eastern Germany is likely to be 7.5% in 2024 as well as 2025 and 7.2% in 2026.
Oliver Holtemöller
Optimal Monetary Policy in a Two-sector Environmental DSGE Model
Oliver Holtemöller, Alessandro Sardone
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 18,
In this paper, we discuss how environmental damage and emission reduction policies affect the conduct of monetary policy in a two-sector (clean and dirty) dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. In particular, we examine the optimal response of the interest rate to changes in sectoral inflation due to standard supply shocks, conditional on a given environmental policy. We then compare the performance of a nonstandard monetary rule with sectoral inflation targets to that of a standard Taylor rule. Our main results are as follows: first, the optimal monetary policy is affected by the existence of environmental policy (carbon taxation), as this introduces a distortion in the relative price level between the clean and dirty sectors. Second, compared with a standard Taylor rule targeting aggregate inflation, a monetary policy rule with asymmetric responses to sector-specific inflation allows for reduced volatility in the inflation gap, output gap, and emissions. Third, a nonstandard monetary policy rule allows for a higher level of welfare, so the two goals of welfare maximization and emission minimization can be aligned.
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