Aggregate Dynamics with Sectoral Price Stickiness Heterogeneity and Aggregate Real Shocks
Alessandro Flamini, Iftekhar Hasan
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
This paper investigates the relationship between heterogeneity in sectoral price stickiness and the response of the economy to aggregate real shocks. We show that sectoral heterogeneity reduces inflation persistence for a constant average duration of price spells, and that inflation persistence can fall despite duration increases associated with increases in heterogeneity. We also find that sectoral heterogeneity reduces the persistence and volatility of interest rate and output gap for a constant price spells duration, while the qualitative impact on inflation volatility tends to be positive. A relevant policy implication is that neglecting price stickiness heterogeneity can impair the economic dynamics assessment.
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European Real Estate Index (EREI) 2025
Michael Koetter, Felix Noth, Fabian Wöbbeking
IWH Technical Reports,
No. 1,
This Technical Report documents the construction and coverage of the IWH European Real Estate Index (EREI). Since 2018, we have used machine-learning methods to collect monthly listings of residential real estate available for sale or rent in up to 20 European countries. The Technical Report documents the cleaning and selection process and describes the data regarding coverage, moments, and frequencies to construct the EREI.
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Aktuelle Trends: Die Liquidität europäischer Immobilienmärkte in der Polykrise
Michael Koetter, Felix Noth, Fabian Wöbbeking
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Der Ausbruch der Covid-Pandemie in Europa zu Beginn des Jahres 2020 markierte den Beginn einer Polykrise in Europa. Umgangsbeschränkungen lähmten die Wirtschaft, die Invasion der Ukraine durch Russland trieb die Energiepreise, internationale Lieferketten strauchelten und die hohe Inflation belastete die Haushalte nachhaltig.
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Research Clusters
Three Research Clusters Research Cluster "Economic Dynamics and Stability" Research Questions This cluster focuses on empirical analyses of macroeconomic dynamics and stability.…
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IWH Alumni The IWH maintains contact with its former employees worldwide. We involve our alumni in our work and keep them informed, for example, with a newsletter. We also plan…
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People Doctoral Students PhD Representatives Alumni Supervisors Lecturers Coordinators Doctoral Students Afroza Alam (Supervisor: Reint Gropp ) Julian Andres Diaz Acosta…
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IWH founds a European centre for microdata research The Halle Institute is once again growing significantly. Its new "Centre for Business and Productivity Dynamics" aims to…
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IWH European Real Estate Index
IWH European Real Estate Index (EREI) The IWH European Real Estate Index is a new dataset that illustrates developments in the European real estate market. Besides quoted…
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Economic Outlook
IWH Economic Outlook 2025 Frosty prospects for the German economy December 12, 2024 The German economy will continue to stagnate in winter 2024/2025. Industry is suffering from a…
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Financial Technologies and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Transmission
Iftekhar Hasan, Boreum Kwak, Xiang Li
European Economic Review,
This study investigates whether and how financial technologies (FinTech) influence the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission. We use an interacted panel vector autoregression model to explore how the effects of monetary policy shocks change with regional-level FinTech adoption. Results indicate that FinTech adoption generally mitigates the transmission of monetary policy to real GDP, consumer prices, bank loans, and housing prices, with the most significant impact observed in the weakened transmission to bank loan growth. The relaxed financial constraints, regulatory arbitrage, and intensified competition are the possible mechanisms underlying the mitigated transmission.
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