The Contribution of Employer Changes to Aggregate Wage Mobility
Nils Torben Hollandt, Steffen Müller
Oxford Economic Papers,
Wage mobility reduces the persistence of wage inequality. We develop a framework to quantify the contribution of employer-to-employer movers to aggregate wage mobility. Using three decades of German social security data, we find that inequality increased while aggregate wage mobility decreased. Employer-to-employer movers exhibit higher wage mobility, mainly due to changes in employer wage premia at job change. The massive structural changes following German unification temporarily led to a high number of movers, which in turn boosted aggregate wage mobility. Wage mobility is much lower at the bottom of the wage distribution, and the decline in aggregate wage mobility since the 1980s is concentrated there. The overall decline can be mostly attributed to a reduction in wage mobility per mover, which is due to a compositional shift toward lower-wage movers.
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The Contribution of Employer Changes to Aggregate Wage Mobility
Nils Torben Hollandt, Steffen Müller
Wage mobility reduces the persistence of wage inequality. We develop a framework to quantify the contribution of employer-to-employer movers to aggregate wage mobility. Using three decades of German social security data, we find that inequality increased while aggregate wage mobility decreased. Employer-to-employer movers exhibit higher wage mobility, mainly due to changes in employer wage premia at job change. The massive structural changes following German unification temporarily led to a high number of movers, which in turn boosted aggregate wage mobility. Wage mobility is much lower at the bottom of the wage distribution, and the decline in aggregate wage mobility since the 1980s is concentrated there. The overall decline can be mostly attributed to a reduction in wage mobility per mover, which is due to a compositional shift toward lower-wage movers.
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Competition, Cost Structure, and Labour Leverage: Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry
Konstantin Wagner
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 21,
I study the effect of increasing competition on financial performance through labour leverage. To capture competition, I exploit variation in product market contestability in the U.S. airline industry. First, I find that increasing competitive pressure leads to increasing labour leverage, proxied by labour share. This explains the decrease in operating profitability through labour rigidities. Second, by exploiting variation in human capital specificity, I show that contestability of product markets induces labour market contestability. Whereas affected firms might experience more stress through higher wages or loss of skilled human capital, more mobile employee groups benefit from competitions through higher labour shares.
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Do Better Pre-migration Skills Accelerate Immigrants' Wage Assimilation?
Boris Hirsch, Elke J. Jahn, Ott Toomet, Daniela Hochfellner
Labour Economics,
This paper analyzes wage assimilation of ethnic German immigrants to Germany using unique administrative data that include an administrative estimate of immigrants' expected wage in Germany at the time of migration. We find that a 10% higher wage potential translates into a 1.6% higher wage in Germany when also controlling for educational attainment, thus pointing at partial transferability of pre-migration skills to the host country's labor market. We also document that wage assimilation is significantly accelerated for immigrants with higher wage potentials. Our results are both in line with complementarities between pre-migration skills and host country-specific human capital and a U-shaped pattern of immigrants' job mobility with initial downgrading and subsequent upgrading.
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Are there Gender-specific Preferences for Location Factors? A Grouped Conditional Logit-model of Interregional Migration Flows in Germany
Lutz Schneider, Alexander Kubis
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 5,
The article analyses the question whether women and men differ in their tastes for location factors. The question is answered by quantifying the impact of location characteristics on interregional migration flows across Germany. The analysis is based on a grouped conditional logit approach. We augment the framework by controlling for violation of the independence of irrelevant alternatives assumption and for overdispersion. As a result, we find no differences in terms of direction of impact. However, the regressions confirm gender differences in terms of intensity, particularly regarding regional wage levels and the availability of educational institutions.
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Too old to change? The link between Age, Wage Differentials and Job Mobility
Lutz Schneider
Sozialer Fortschritt,
No. 56,
Die absehbare Alterung der Erwerbstätigen in Deutschland wird Konsequenzen für die Arbeitsmarktmobilität haben, ist doch bekannt, dass die Wechselbereitschaft mit zunehmendem Alter sinkt. Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert auf Basis der IAB-Beschäftigten-stichprobe (IABS) die Wirkung des Alters auf die betriebliche Mobilität. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage, wie sich die Einkommensdifferentiale eines betrieblichen Wechsels im Laufe des Erwerbslebens verändern. Es zeigt sich, dass Ältere im Falle eines Wechsels weniger stark als junge Beschäftigte von Einkommensgewinnen profitieren. Die Analyse macht jedoch ebenfalls deutlich, dass diese Einkommenskomponente den Mobilitätsvorsprung der Jüngeren nicht vollständig erklären kann.
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Zu alt für einen Wechsel? Zum Zusammenhang von Alter, Lohndifferentialen und betrieblicher Mobilität
Lutz Schneider
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 1,
Die absehbare Alterung der Erwerbstätigen in Deutschland wird Konsequenzen für die Arbeitsmarktmobilität haben, ist doch bekannt, dass die Wechselbereitschaft mit zunehmendem Alter sinkt. Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert auf Basis der IAB-Beschäftigtenstichprobe (IABS) die Wirkung des Alters auf die betriebliche Mobilität. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage, wie sich die Einkommensdifferentiale eines betrieblichen Wechsels im Laufe des Erwerbslebens verändern. Es zeigt sich, dass Ältere im Falle eines Wechsels weniger stark als junge Beschäftigte von Einkommensgewinnen profitieren. Die Analyse macht jedoch ebenfalls deutlich, dass diese Einkommenskomponente den Mobilitätsvorsprung der Jüngeren nicht vollständig erklären kann.
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