Tobias Henning

Tobias Henning
Current Position

seit 12/09

Pressereferent in der Abteilung Interne und externe Kommunikation

Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH)


  • IWH-Website
  • Redaktion "Wirtschaft im Wandel"
  • Berichtswesen

Tobias Henning is the editor of Wirtschaft im Wandel, the policy journal of the IWH, and is responsible for the institute's website. Moreover, he collects and reports the research outputs of the IWH.

He studied economics at Technische Universität Dresden and then joined the chair of economic policy at TU Bergakademie Freiberg as a research and teaching assistant. Afterwards, he was a member of the Brockhaus editorial team in Leipzig.

Your contact

Tobias Henning
Tobias Henning
- Department Interne und Externe Kommunikation
Send Message +49 345 7753-738
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