The Cyclical upswing in Germany continues, in spite of foreign demand losing momentum
In autumn 2018, the global economy continues to expand quite strongly. Regional differences, however, have increased since the beginning of the year. While the cyclical upswing in the USA, driven by the strong impetus from the tax reform, has gained even more strength, the economy in the Euro area has weakened somewhat, and world trade is roughly stagnant since the beginning of the year. The weakness of trade can partly be explained by the various trade conflicts between the US and major trade partners. The possibility of escalating trade conflicts is just one of several risk factors for the German economy. Others are the possibility of a disorderly exit of Great Britain from the European Union in the spring of 2019, as well as a further loss of confidence on financial markets in the solvency of the Italian state, in case the government of Italy realises its fiscal projects on a large scale.

The German economy has been booming for five years. Important drivers are the exceptionally favourable financing conditions and a strong expansion of employment. However, demand from abroad has recently lost momentum. A slide in competitiveness of German producers due to the appreciation of the euro since spring 2017 plays a role here. The expansionary fiscal policy will give the economy a tail-wind especially in 2019, but high capacity utilisation and labour market bottlenecks are likely to hinder further vigorous expansion. According to this forecast, the growth rate of real gross domestic product will be 1.8% in 2018 and 1.7% in 2019. The East German economy will expand by 1.5% this year and by 1.4% in 2019.
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in: Konjunktur aktuell, 3, 2018
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